I have a feeling this post will be a little short cuz, I don't think there's much to say about clear files. Still, we're doing this. Mostly because Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of my favorite anime and, Misato is one of my all time fav characters.
Let's start with, What is a clear file? (in case you didn't know). A clear file is basically that, a plastic file with anime pictures printed on it. They are very, very popular in Japan and also seem to be very cheap.
I've seen clear files from many different shows but never actually got one. Thing is, they are not that cheap over here. They are useful, yeah, but I don't think they're worth the price.
Thing is, last time my friends and I went to an anime convention, we find a stall that had many clear files for a very good price. They also had this deal of getting 5 for an even better price. One of my friends is a hardcore Kaworu fan and it is kinda hard to find Kaworu merch here so, I decided to get the Misato one so we could have enough files to get the "discount". I think they had other shows too but, we only focused on Evangelion.
From what I've seen online, they have clear files in collab with some brands and special events. I'm not sure the exact type of files my friends got but, I'll leave a pic down below so you can see them.
These two belong to the same collection I got. She got a Kaworu and a Ritsuko file. You know, she's the Ritsuko to my Misato. |
I believe these two belong to a different collection. |
The one I got is from the Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time movie and apparently, it was part of the ichiban kuji, which is like a lottery prize series that some stores in Japan have. I'm not exactly sure how it works but some of the prizes include really nice anime figures.
First of all, I think Misato looks super pretty here. Honestly, I loved her look in the movies. The front and the back have different pictures.
Front of the file |
Back of the file. I really like it, hehe. |
This clear file (and the others from this collection) also came with a sticker, I'm not sure if the others did too. I got an AAA Wunder sticker, which is the ship that works as the main base of operations to Misato and the crew. My friend got a WILLE sticker that I really, really liked!
I think I'm gonna stick it to my laptop. |
And well guys, I think this is it for this clear file. I'm defo going to use it for work, hehe. Or just to keep other documents, idk yet. But I'll use it for sure.
Would I buy another one? I'm not sure! maybe if I find one feat. an anime I like that is not really popular or something but, I don't regret buying it.