Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Feb 5, 2014

Heart-to-heart: L.O.V.E. ♥

Valentine's day is around the corner and I've seen a lot of people lately having FB statuses about whether they have a special someone to spend V's day or not and whether have a boyfriend/girlfriend or not. I also know some people are not big fans of Valie's day, and I don't think love should be celebrated only one day a year but hey! why not joining a sweet celebration!

Truth is, we /all/ have a reason to celebrate love. Or at least, that's how I see it.
I know most of the people think of love as having a relationship, that other half to spend your life with. And yeah, that is a big part of love but, it is not all about that, it shouldn't be.We spend so much time searching for love when we already have it. Love comes in so many ways~ We have the love from our families, from our friends, even from our pets. That is love too! We don't need a couple to feel love or to give love. Actually, the more you give love to the people around you, the more you'll feel loved in return.
That's why sometimes I can't understand why people feel so down when they don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, if they can spend those moments with other people who love them and can make them feel happy and have fun times instead of crying in a dark corner~! Once you stop looking for that kind of love, it'll come to you but, true friends and family are forever.
Hey! I'm not saying that finding your perfect match isn't important, but there's no reason to stop enjoying life for not having one. Love will find you eventually~!! (trust me!)

It is hard to describe love, and I'm sure it can have a different meaning for everyone. But I truly believe we have to start loving ourselves in order to love others. And also, that love is not all about having a couple. It makes sense! Just think about it. ;)

♥ xo


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