Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Apr 16, 2015

My Chinese Restaurant 3D puzzle!

Hi guys!!
I think this could be the most random post so far but, I'm so excited about this that I felt like sharing it with you all.

Last Saturday was one of those random shopping days with my friends, those days where you just go to a few small places and buy all kinds of cute things such as pens, erasers, hair ties, etc. I didn't really bought anything but I did got a cute bag filled with cuties from my friend and shopping buddy Keisha.

And one of those cuties was a 3D puzzle! I mean, I know they are not a new thing but, I never knew we would find them so cute!
We literally spent like 20 minutes checking all the puzzles they had, we saw everything! From farms, to military themed ones and..Asian food and coffee places. At first I thought they were so cool as a Teacher, and how I could use them on my classes with the kids (which I deffo will do) but then I just knew I wanted some for myself too.
We all ended up having one. Kei got an Asian coffee place and Eonni got the same as mine. I think those were the highlight of our shopping! We felt like little girls in a toy store.

Ok, enough of my story, let's check the puzzle!

♥ Brand: AISHANGPIN and it's Chinese.
♥ It comes with 4 cardboard sheets with 65 pieces. The pieces include, tables, mini food and costumers!(Can you feel my excitement while reading this? LOL)

♥ The pieces are really detailed! Especially the food, I can't get over how cute they are. took me a while to put the whole thing together but, I had a lot of fun doing it! It was a little relaxing in a way.
I just don't know where to put it now...I have no place for it! (T3T)

Anyway, I think this would be a fun activity to do with kids (if you have kids~) or if you're like us, people who enjoy this type of cute things. Fun and pretty to look at!

I hope you enjoyed this short and random post. Stay tuned for more 3D puzzles in the future!! I'm sure there will be more!

RANDOM FACT: I'm not good with puzzles! Maybe that's why it took me awhile to figure how to build this little restaurant. Gotta do more brain exercise!


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