Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Jun 13, 2020

Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips Custom Bronzer

Here comes another product from the PF Shimmer Strips collection, this one is a bronzer that can be also used as a blush and eye shadow.

This light bronzer is called "Vegas Strip" and it comes with 5 diiferent shades, from a shimmer light, sand-ish gold (I suck at trying to describe colors) to a copper color.
The packaging is super clean and simple, yet pretty. And it doesn't come with a brush or mirror.

The colors are all shimmers and very easy to blend together or separately. I used the darker shades as a blush and the lighter ones as highlighter.
Pigmentation wise, they are pretty good, you don't need to use a lot of product to make it pop on the skin.

not the best swatches... hehe

This product doesn't have ay smell to it like the others I've tried from this brand.
The durability is also pretty good. The color doesn't fade as the day goes by.

I've only used it as a highlighter / blush but, I'm sure it'd look pretty as eye shadows too, especially because it has the shades I usually go for.

I think it gives a really nice golden glow to the skin, making it look
slightly tanned.
xox ♡


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