Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Apr 28, 2024

20 things I love about my home

I feel like I don't share things about my apartment in here as much as I wanted to, guess it's just easier and faster to share some pics on Instagram but, as I was planning to write about some of the things I loved to have in my home, I came across this list of "20 things I love about my home"and just loved the idea.

My apartment is still a work in progress, there are still so many things I want to buy, change and do. I'm constantly moving things around but, it defo feels like a home now. 

When I first moved, I thought I had a very clear idea of how I wanted the style to be, the colors I wanted and the type of furniture I was going to buy. And even tho I kept the pastel colors I originally wanted, the style is a mix of cute and girly with some Japanese touches here and there. I have neutral or modern pieces but, also very vintage hand-me-downs I love and I don't even care if it matches "my style" or not. 

I love my home but I think making this post will make me think of the smallest details that make this place, a special one so, let's get into it. This list has no particular order.

1. Receiving this apartment as a present from my dad. I do realize how lucky I am, it'd have taken me years and years to save enough money to buy my own place. Not paying a rent is also big help. It is something I'll be forever thankful for. 

2. It is my first home as an adult. I don't know if it makes sense. Other than my family home, this is my first own place. A place that also helped me adult for real and become a lot more independent (even tho I'm still learning so many things). I love making my own decisions and doing things my way.

3. The things my dad helped me put and install. Dad and I wanted to do many things around the house together. He was a very handy man and helped me with a lot of things around my place like: hanging curtain rods, shelves, supervising the installation of my floor tiles and much more. I also learned while watching and helping him with these things. ♡

4. Having things made by people I love. I am surrounded by super talented people and I'm super proud of them, that's why I really like having things made by family and friends displayed here in the apartment.

5. How easily I can see fireworks from my living room.🎆 This might be random but, I looooove fireworks. I live near a town dedicated to make them so, I see them often from the comfort of my living room and honestly, it's not as noisy as it is in other places. It makes me happy!

6. My open kitchen - dining - living area. Just because it makes the space look bigger and it's easy to talk to others when you have people over while you work in the kitchen and stuff. 

7. My tiny bathroom. I think this was the first room I "finished decorating". It's super small so, it was an easy task, hehe. I especially love the shower, the water pressure of it is sooo good!

8. Having random spaces for my fur babies. My cats are very important to me so, I'm happy to be able to have their things around the place to help them feel more comfortable and happy. In the end, it is their home too.

9. My personality is everywhere! And I just love that! When I look at old photos, I used to do the same with my bedroom when I lived at my parents', you could really see my personality cramped in one room, it was too much tho. Now I'm able to add small touches here and there all around the place. Plus, I don't have to please anyone with the way I decorate my house, I put what I want, where I want.

10. I became a handy girl. Yeah, I didn't used to do much before moving and now I discovered I love to work with tools, put things together, paint and fix things when I can. Sometimes I try before asking for help, in the past, it would've been the other way around.

11. My small kitchen. Even tho I'm not a big fan of cooking, it has to be one of my favorite places! It has pushed me to cook more often so, I do make an effort sometimes. Plus, there are so many cute kitchen stuff! I find myself buying lots of things for it.

12. My plants. I have never been good with plants and I don't have a garden but, I do have a couple of plants that, surprisingly, have survived living with me. I'm really trying and I'm proud of them, hehe.

13. I finally have a walk-in closet! Which is still in progress but, it is something I wanted since I was a little girl. It's not the most organized space ever but, I'm very happy with it.

14. Cleaning is faster. Cleaning is another thing I don't enjoy doing but having a small place makes it faster and easier. I don't complain.

15. My floor tiles. Mainly because, I got to choose them! When I first moved, I didn't know much about floor tiles, I never even thought about them, all I knew was I wanted something nice and neutral. Many people told me getting white-ish tiles wouldn't be a good idea but, I don't regret my decision. I love my floor tiles!

16. The time I spend working on it. And by working I mean, decorating, painting, DIYing some things, etc. It's been a slow process but I have enjoyed every part of it! There's still a long way to go before I finish everything I want to do but, I'm really looking forward to doing it.

17. I can go all the way out decorating for my favorite holidays. Especially Halloween! We all know how much I love this holiday. Back at my parents' house, I could only decorate my room. I think I decorated the house only once so, being able to do it every year now, is exciting. Of course I aso decorate for Christmas and, as time goes by, I kinda want to start doing it for other holidays / seasons too.

18. I can have random anime stuff around the house and no one can say anything about it. It's not like I have a lot around, my house doesn't scream "otaku house" (I think 😂), but I can display a couple of things here and there if I want to. And not just anime, things like Darth Vader or We Bare Bears plushies in the living room whithout having people say they shouldn't be there cuz it's "too childish" or whatever.

19. Sharing my home with people I love. And by that I mean I only let people I love into my house. Whether it's family or friends, I get to be a little more selective than when I lived with my parents. And I don't say it in a bad way, but it is my personal space and I like deciding who I share it with. 

20. The memories I'm making here. I don't know if this is going to make sense but, you know how sometimes you go to a house or any place and it kinda tells a story with all the things it has? I kinda like to think my house is writing its own story with the memories I make here, people I share it with, things I buy, recieve and even those hand-me-downs that already had a story.

There you go, 20 random things I love about my house. Having my own place has changed my shopping game a little too. Now I buy more things for the apartment than for myself, hehe. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post, I'll try to share more house-related stuff more often. Let me know if there's something in specific you'd like me to write about.

See you nect time~! ♡


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