It's been a while since my last Nana Manga posts. Like a year I think? I just feel lazy to write them sometimes cuz, for some reason, it takes me forever. Don't get me wrong, I still love it. I need to catch up because by now, all the volumes have been published and I only have half of them. Anyway, Last month I bought the 7.8 volume. Which is not an actual manga, it's more like a guide through Nana's world.
It is slightly bigger than other volumes but as thick as them. We have a cute pic of both Nanas fixing their makeup in front of a mirror.
When you remove the sleeve we can see other characters too with a bottle green background. Really nice!
It came with a cute postcard! |
Something I really loved about it is that it includes some color pages, it gives it an extra something. Here's the content you'll find in this volume:
π NANA's Gallery - Memories & Regrets: This is one of the colored pages. It shows cute real life pictures with some Nana deets in them. Love them!
π NANA's world TOUR GUIDE: This is the other colored part and it shows some of the real places shown in the manga and others that look similar. You know, stores, apartment buildings and certain spots in Tokyo.
π Introduction: It's a greeting/thank you letter from Yazawa Ai.
π Characters relation: Diagram showing the relationship between the main characters of the story.
π Character Profile: Shares some basic information about the main characters such as their age, height and blood type along with some key words that will be part of the next section...
π A to Z of NANA: This is like a dictionary, explaining all the key words we saw before and their connection to the characters or the story.
π Interview to YAZAWA AI: It comes in 3 parts divided throughtout the volume.
π Voices to NANA: These are messages from fans and readers. It also includes an interview with 3 fans.
π NANA's Story: Here we see their story through Hachi's eyes. It's like a short summary of the story until volume 8.
π Rock on Japan: 700 word interview with Trapnest. One of my favorite parts of this volume!
π NANA Carte: This is a very random part that has this type of award show thing for the characters and a personality quiz to see which female character you are most like. (I got Misato, btw. π )
π Misato's Report: Misato's reports are really cute. You can find some throughtout the volume too. She shows both Nanas' rooms and manga covers around the world.
π Character Room: This one has different categories featuring different characters:
Nana's makeup class.
Hachi's delicious and popular food
Yasu's telephone consultation room
Shin's sweet drams
Aiming to be Junko: The path of a good woman
Sachiko's secrets and popularity (I didn't read this one~)
π Junko's Room Special: a longer version of Junko's room.
π Dear NANA: Guess this one is like the closure? Just a small quote from Hachi to Nana.
I love everything about this volume! I feel like it gave me the feels all over again and the excitement to go back to reading and sharing about the manga around here. Plus, I want to buy the volumes I'm missing. If you're a Nana fan, you should defo get it, even if you don't collect or read the manga.
This post will be a little out of order cuz I got it late, haha. Here are my other Nana manga posts in case you want to check them out. They are long tho, you've been warned.
Manga Reading: Nana Volume 8π
Manga Reading: Nana Volume 7π
Manga Reading: Nana Volume 6π
Manga Reading: Nana Volume 5π
Manga Reading: Nana Volume 4π
Manga Reading: Nana Volume 3π
Manga Reading: Nana Volume 2π
Manga Reading: Nana Volume 1π
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