Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Showing posts with label New year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New year. Show all posts

Jan 7, 2025

My Ins & Outs for 2025 🌟

I stopped making New years resolutions years ago cuz honestly, I never followed them. Guess I am too lazy for that. 

I know a new year doesn't mean things are going to magically change. Life goes on the way it was but, it does feel like a good moment for a reset. And while I was writing my previous post, I started thinking about the things I want in my life this year and the ones I would like to be out of it. Of course most, if not all, things will be up to me, what I do and my attitude towards life but, it'll be fun to look back at this post at the end of the year and see what has really changed.

I'm not planning to make a suuuuuper long list cuz I wanna keep it realistic, I'm thinking about 5 ins and 5 outs.

Let's begin!

☆ Ins:

 Self-confidence: Because despite what most people think, I can be pretty insecure. I want to be able to recognize the things I'm good at without hesitating or finding something I could've done better.

 Better money and time management: I've tried and I think I'm better at it, at least when it comes to money sometimes but, it's still a work in progress. And time wise, I feel like I could use my time a lot better now that I only have one job, time management has always been something I need to work on.

 Healthy relationships: I'm pretty happy with the relationships I have right now and I've also been doing some social cleansing since last year which has been, liberating! I'm planning to keep it that way. 

 Romanticize my life: But, in a realistic way with small things like: putting cute seasonal outfits together, having my morning coffee in mugs that go with whatever holiday it is, light candles, bake, cook more and just celebrating as many things as possible this year.

 Creativity: I'm constantly saying I'm not creative and whenever I try something creative (mostly with my friends) I feel great and super motivated. I want to try more new things this year, maybe try to draw again, do more needle felting, pick a new hobby, Idk.

☆ Outs: 

 Anger: I'm not proud to admit but, I am someone who tends to hold grudges against other people. It is something that I'm slowly improving, but I know there are still some things I haven't let go of. I have to say tho, I'm doing much better than years ago.

 Attachments: I think this one is kinda connected to the previous one cuz since I find it hard to let some things go, I'm still angry about some things or the way they happened. It's funny because this doesn't really happen with (most) material things but it happens a lot when it comes to emotions and people. Then again, now it's not as bad as it was before but, I gotta keep working on it.

 Self-sabotage: It's funny because this is something I'm aware of. Especially when it comes to dating. When things start to feel good, I just panic and, sabotage the whole thing. I guess a part of me is just afraid of getting hurt. It may not be the only situation where I do it, maybe I just haven't realized in which other situations I do it so yeah, this has to go!

 Fear: This fear is mostly, then again, of change. These past few years I realized that some changes aren't that bad, that things do fall into place and most of the time, better things will come. But it's still really hard for me to make the decision to change something. We'll see if I can make other changes this year, even if they are not that big, without fear.

 Complaints: I've found myself randomly doing it and I want to stop. I want to focus more on the good things I do & have instead of complaining about the things I don't have. 

And that would be it! My 5 ins & outs for 2025. Let's see how good I do, haha. What about you guys? Do you have any type of resolutions for this year? Are there things you want to keep from 2024? Feel free to let me know, I'd love to read!

See you next time~! 💋
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Jan 4, 2025

Looking back at 2024~

Hello 2025!⭐

Last time I wrote an "end of the year" post was back in 2021 and, even tho I went through so many changes at that time, no one prepared me for what was coming. I haven't really talked about some things here but, these past few years had been hard. I won't go into details but when my dad got sick in 2022, everything I was worried about or feared back then felt small. Losing my dad has to be the worst thing that has happend to me so far. Yes, I've lost other loved ones before but, losing a parent definitely hits differently. Especially when everything happens too fast. I felt kinda lost without him, my life as I knew it changed 100% and, even tho I was not going around talking about it, things just didn't feel the same even if I tried. Of course I had amazing people there for me, supporting me and never leaving me alone but also respecting when I needed my space. I'm so thankful life gave me such an amazing dad but, I miss him everyday and it has been hard living a life without him and realizing how much things have changed in just a couple of years. 

By now, we all now I'm not good with changes...

Somehow things felt a little better in 2024, of course I do have regrets and wish I could've done things differently before but, there's not much to do about that. Last year I definitely tried to take better control of my life and make smarter decisions even if they were scary or not easy. I really tried to let go of the things and people that were not contributing anything to my life anymore or just didn't feel good. 

One of those things was quitting my teaching job at school. Some people didn't know but, I've had 2 teaching jobs for the longest time (one at a school and one at a language center) and, it was exhausting. Of course, that was not the reason why I decided to quit, I wasn't happy with some of the things that were happening there and, it just didn't make me happy, I wasn't motivated and honestly? I don't loooove working with young kids anymore. I just knew I needed a change. My friend was right, I was putting up with all that because I wanted to, not because I had to, I had a choice. I was stressed and running all the time. So yeah, I quit. Which was terrifying because my biggest income came from there and I always need my stability. I finished the school year and, during the Summer, everything fell into place. I kept my job at the language center, more hours opened which made it easier for me to work in one place only, commit 100% to it and being able to pay my bills, hehe. Yes, I was scared at the beginning but, I don't regret it. I'm much happier now, less stressed, I enjoy working where I am, I'm still motivated and love my students.

Another thing I started doing this year was setting limits and boundries on toxic people. Especially those who don't really meant anything to me or didn't have a close relationship with. In the past, I didn't use to do it because I'd feel bad or cuz it wasn't that bad because they were not close to me. Truth is, I'm tired of being a people pleaser, I was like that for such a long time and I just got sick of it. Having to be a "good girl" just to make others happy doesn't resonate with me anymore. I have to put my feelings first and if they are not ok with that, they can just leave. I definitely distanced myself from some people and even blocked others, I hate drama, haha. In a way, I realized saying no is not such a difficult thing anymore and it's more than needed sometimes. 

Same as for everyone, the year was full of ups & downs, some bigger than others but I think those two would be my highlights because I wouldn't have done those things before. Let's be honest, it would've been easier to stay in my comfort zone for another year. 

Not everything was challenging or scary tho, I feel like I also started genuinely enjoying things again. It's not like I didn't enjoy anything before but, it just didn't feel the same. In 2024 I got my first tattoo, reconnected with old friends and met new fun people, my sister and I are close again, she became my fav drinking buddy, I shared great moments with my best friends and I love how we're still part of each others' stories, I've seen my mom grow so much in just one year, my grandpa turned 94, I became more responsible when it comes to my car, learned how to do and fix new things in my house, my apartment feels like my home and I love it so so much, I cooked more and actually improved, I regained my love for sharing with others, became a better plant mom, felt more creative, romanticized my -ber months, had the happiest Christmas in years and basically found a reason to celebrate even the smallest things again.

I learned to pat myself on the back for the good things I do, I realized I don't have to be running and be productive all the time (not that I loved it but sometimes life felt like that) cuz, there's something sooooo good about slow mornings and lazy days are just magical.

I'm thankful for all the experiences and memories but also for the lessons. I do believe everything I've experienced in the past couple of years had made me a stronger person and have helped me to be way more comfortable in my own skin, and with who I am. There are so many things I still want to work on and imrpove but I know that some things just take time and I'm in no rush. Life is all about learning, anyway~

In a way, I didn't want last year to end. Was it perfect? Not at all! But, it felt good. I'm so ready for 2025 and whatever it brings. Who knows? Maybe I'll be more open to new things~ you never know. 🤭

How was your 2024?

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Jan 1, 2022

さようなら 2021!

 It's been a while since I last wrote one of this posts. That's mainly because even tho I was still feeling the same and stuck in the same place in my life, I kept saying that I had gone through a lot of changes that taught me so much and made me change for good but, truth was, I was feeling the same and I wanted to believe I was great. Not that it was all bad tho, I was just not feeling my best in so many ways and parts of my life.

Buuuut, last year the changes were intense and they just pushed me to do and change things! Things that really changed my life and my routine. I honestly think I needed them and I can say I finally think my life is moving forward the way I want, I feel more free to make choices I want without feeling guilty or worrying about what others may think. It hasn't been easy tho, especially for a super aprehensive person like me, and not everything has been happy. This year I lost my dog TinkerBell and it was one of the hardest and saddest moments ever. It's been a couple of months since it happened and I still miss her a lot. I also had some health issues (nothing super bad) and stressful moments. But, I don't want to focus on the sad tho or work, cuz I used to only focus on work when it came to the good things in my life. Yes, work has been great. I'm busier and more stressed than ever but, I'm happy and it pays the bills. Work also gave me the opportunity to meet great people who have been unexpected surprises and I really enjoy working with them. 

As some of you already know, this year I started learning Japanese with some of my closest friends. And it's been something I wanted to do for a long, long time. It's been challenging, I'm not gonna lie but, I'm really enjoying it. And it is just some of the things that I'm doing for myself, not for someone else or for a working purpose. And I feel that is something that I really tried to do more this year, things for me without pleasing others. It took me a while, I know but, I'm getting there. Another big change this year was moving to my own place! It was terrifying at the beginning but I love it! It's a real fresh start I needed to feel more at ease and focus on what I need and want. It's been a sloooow process to put everything together and decorate the place as I want it (I still have so many boxes full of things) but, I'm loving every part of it. 

I am aware the pandemic is still out there but, somehow, this year felt a bit better socially speaking. I got the chance to slowly see my friends and family again, almost like we did before and it feels so good! I really, really missed that. One of my closest friends had a baby (auntie Mon couldn't be happier) and I became coworkers with another close friend, I reconnected with some people in a way and, like I mentioned before, I got to meet pretty nice people. 

Something that I was worried about before and I just wrote a lot about was the idea of being in a relationship and the pressure I felt of "having" to be in one. Right now I can tell you that I've learned my lesson, I can't date someone just to date and please others cuz it doesn't go well. And even tho I've given myself the chance to go out with people, I just don't think a realtionship is one of my priorities at the moment. I'm enjoying the process of knowing and loving myself and the freedom I'm starting to have to do things my way. I no longer care if at this point in my life I "should" be in a relationship according to other people or if they think my life is "incomplete" without a partner. I am truly fine the way life is rn. If something happens, if someone comes and makes me want to be a part of a relationship, fine, I'm open to that but, it is not something I am looking for right now. And this time, I really mean it. 

All in all, I think 2021 was good to me in many ways, it really taught me alot about myself and showed me the way to adult in a way I kinda enjoy, to slowly let go of some things without noticing, to focus more on the here and now without creating a million stories about things that could go wrong and just enjoy the little things again.

I'm really looking forward to the next year, hoping it'll be at least, as good as this year was. I know it wasn't the same for everyone but I really wish you all an amazing 2022 full of love, health and everything you need!! ♡

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Dec 31, 2016

New year, new beginning! Goodbye 2016!

Wow! The year is over! How was it for you guys?
To me, it was a year where I finally started healing, putting some things together and realizing that even if things won't ever be the way they used to or I'd like, it is ok.
This year I tried to dare to do things I wouldn't normally do and...somehow I kinda did. Not many tho and some of them were not such great ideas but in the end I learned from that. I thought pushing myself to do things could make me get used to them but that is not how it works.
Yes I cried, I laughed, I screwed up but I also feel like I grew in many ways. I'm still in the process of finding many things, including my happiness but, I have so many plans for next year so yeah, I'm excited!
I do regret a few things I did during this year but in the end they are all experiences that I think I had to go through to realize others.
I can tell I am slowly going back to be the person I was before, and I'm happy about that. There is still so much to work on but hey, it's never too late.

Changes kept coming but I think I've been adjusting a lot better, I feel a little more independent and not-so needy anymore. Now I know I can't rush things, whatever has to come will come when it's the right time.
And I know it wouldn't be the same without all the people that came to my life (even if it was for a short period of time), those who have always been there, those who came back and the ones who came to stay! I keep learning so much from you all and it's been awesome to have such loving a supporting people around me. This year I became closer to some people, became stronger thanks to others and once again proved that family is not only blood related.

And...I'm not sharing a list of resolutions this year, I do have a to-do list tho. And I'm hoping to check them all as done byt the time 2017 is over.

All I can say now is, I wish you the best for this new year, lots of love, work, health and all you wish for. But especially happiness! Because when you feel happy, all the rest comes on its own so yeah, shine bright and smile big!

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Dec 30, 2014

New Year's wishes + A look into my Christmas pressies ☃

Hello there!

Christmas came too fast and I can't believe 2014 is basically over! This year was super busy for me, and even though I did a lot, there's still so many things I want to do. Not enough time in just one year!!
I hope you all had a great Christmas, mine was a little different than usual but, all good. It's all about the little things that can make a moment special.  

As for the new year, I really wish you all a super 2015, even better than 2014. Full of love, family, friends, dreams and happiness.

This year was full of everything! But I am thankful for all I went through this year and for the people around me. Everyday is a constant reminder of how lucky I am to have amazing people with me. I keep learning from each experience and becoming a stronger and better person. Or, at least I try to. Hehe.
2015, please be great to all of us and let our dreams come true! I promise myself to keep fighting to make those dreams come true. Let's think of it as year's resolution, maybe?

Ok, moving on, I kinda wanted to show you guys what I got for Christmas this year. I will try to keep this short because I can type too much~~~~~ This are both, gifts from work and gifts I got from family and friends.
Here we go!

I'll start with the yummies!
This are mostly from work. I got all kinds of chocolates! Chocolate can always make me happy. I usually wait until Christmas to open my early gifts but I have to admit, I started eating some from the moment I recieved them.

Along with the chocolates, I got cookies! Cappuccino ones and Hello Kitty cookies. (can you tell my kids know me well?) I'm not a BIG cappuccino flavored things, which is weird because I loooove to drink cappuccino but these cookies are super yummy! Better than I expected!

I also got a cute owl cup, an animal print scarf thingy, 2 bath sets (one is Hello Kitty's!!!), cute animal shaped post it, a mini me Christmas edition, a hair tie, a makeup bag and a new bag! I really wanted a new one and, yay! I got it. Oh! I almost forgot about my bunny blanket! It's perfect for the super cold weather we're having!

A Coca-Cola bear with a Christmas Especial Edition Coke, a super cute handmade bunny and a colorful cozy beanie(? I'm not sure if this one is called like that)
I got a surprise gift from Eonni Claus! Who gave me a new wallet and our Christmas photo with Santa, all framed and pretty.

As for clothes, I got cute blouses, sweaters and even bunny pj's!

I love the back of my black sweater! It's super cute! And yeah, I suck at taking clothes photos.

I'm really thankful for all those gifts! I loved everything. But, as beautiful as it is to recieve, I also think giving is a beautiful thing. And not only gifts for my family and friends but to people in need.
I know not everyone recieves gifts every year, so as I do on my Summer break, I go through my stuff and pick some clothes, shoes, accessories and even toys and give them away.
Why not helping others? Especially during this season~

Well, bye bye 2014...HELLO 2015!

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Dec 31, 2013

Welcome 2014, Bye bye 2013~

2013 definitely went by really fast. I'm so ready to welcome the new year, ready for a new start. Even though this year felt so short to me, a lot happened!
As every year, I'm learning from the experiences I'm going through. Now I have clear some of the things I want to change and most importantly, that family is forever. This year I felt closer than ever to my sister. We made a stronger bond and it's nice to know you have someone there with you to share what you go through whether is good or bad. I know in her I have one of the greatest friends ever.

I had many plans for this year, and for whatever reasons I couldn't make all of them but, I'll do my best to continue with it all on 2014.

As every year, I'm so thankful for the people I have around me. My family, my boo, (that even though we have been crazy busy this year, we still strong)  my friends, my co-workers, even my pets! Hehe. Thank you for another year of love, friendship, fun, good talks, plans and support.

2013 totally changed a big part of my life, it'll take some time to get used to changes. I feel like a stronger person and I'll welcome the new year making it a better year. Great things will happen.

My best wishes to you all for this 2014! May all your dreams come true.
Always dream big and enjoy life!!

XOX Mon ♥

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Jan 1, 2013

Hello 2013!

Another year went by and it's 2013 already! A new year always feels good, like a new fresh start.
Last year was great in many ways. I'm thankful for many things and people. Can't complain, I feel like I'm a lucky girl. Can't wait to see what happens this year. I'm having some personal resolutions and lots of plans.
I wish you all a happy year, filled with happiness, love and surprises! Let's make 2013 a great year!

Today is also "Inside the bunny's head" first birthday! So thanks to everyone who take some time to read my posts and check this blog. I really appreciate it and it means a lot!

So many more posts to come this year!

"Take risks, Be creative, Make it happen~ 2013 This is my year"

Big xox

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Jan 1, 2012

2012 Here we go! :D

2012 is here! And I'm sure it comes with lots of surprises and awesome things for everyone!
Can't complain, last year was a good, busy year (thanks for that!). Got the chance to meet
some amazing people I truly adore, spend some lovely and fun times with my friends and family
and just truly appreciate what I have in my life. I don't really think I have a list of
resolutions for this year, all I really wanna do is enjoy everything I do as much fun as possible.
I really wanna wish you all a super 2012, enjoy every second of it, laugh, love and have fun!!
Hope all your wishes come true!!
Big love!
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