I stopped making New years resolutions years ago cuz honestly, I never followed them. Guess I am too lazy for that.
I know a new year doesn't mean things are going to magically change. Life goes on the way it was but, it does feel like a good moment for a reset. And while I was writing my previous post, I started thinking about the things I want in my life this year and the ones I would like to be out of it. Of course most, if not all, things will be up to me, what I do and my attitude towards life but, it'll be fun to look back at this post at the end of the year and see what has really changed.
I'm not planning to make a suuuuuper long list cuz I wanna keep it realistic, I'm thinking about 5 ins and 5 outs.
Let's begin!
☆ Ins:
⭒ Self-confidence: Because despite what most people think, I can be pretty insecure. I want to be able to recognize the things I'm good at without hesitating or finding something I could've done better.
⭒ Better money and time management: I've tried and I think I'm better at it, at least when it comes to money sometimes but, it's still a work in progress. And time wise, I feel like I could use my time a lot better now that I only have one job, time management has always been something I need to work on.
⭒ Healthy relationships: I'm pretty happy with the relationships I have right now and I've also been doing some social cleansing since last year which has been, liberating! I'm planning to keep it that way.
⭒ Romanticize my life: But, in a realistic way with small things like: putting cute seasonal outfits together, having my morning coffee in mugs that go with whatever holiday it is, light candles, bake, cook more and just celebrating as many things as possible this year.
⭒ Creativity: I'm constantly saying I'm not creative and whenever I try something creative (mostly with my friends) I feel great and super motivated. I want to try more new things this year, maybe try to draw again, do more needle felting, pick a new hobby, Idk.
☆ Outs:
⭒ Anger: I'm not proud to admit but, I am someone who tends to hold grudges against other people. It is something that I'm slowly improving, but I know there are still some things I haven't let go of. I have to say tho, I'm doing much better than years ago.
⭒ Attachments: I think this one is kinda connected to the previous one cuz since I find it hard to let some things go, I'm still angry about some things or the way they happened. It's funny because this doesn't really happen with (most) material things but it happens a lot when it comes to emotions and people. Then again, now it's not as bad as it was before but, I gotta keep working on it.
⭒ Self-sabotage: It's funny because this is something I'm aware of. Especially when it comes to dating. When things start to feel good, I just panic and, sabotage the whole thing. I guess a part of me is just afraid of getting hurt. It may not be the only situation where I do it, maybe I just haven't realized in which other situations I do it so yeah, this has to go!
⭒ Fear: This fear is mostly, then again, of change. These past few years I realized that some changes aren't that bad, that things do fall into place and most of the time, better things will come. But it's still really hard for me to make the decision to change something. We'll see if I can make other changes this year, even if they are not that big, without fear.
⭒ Complaints: I've found myself randomly doing it and I want to stop. I want to focus more on the good things I do & have instead of complaining about the things I don't have.
And that would be it! My 5 ins & outs for 2025. Let's see how good I do, haha. What about you guys? Do you have any type of resolutions for this year? Are there things you want to keep from 2024? Feel free to let me know, I'd love to read!
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See you next time~! 💋 |