Hey there lovelies!
On July my sister challenged me and 2 of our friends to do this 31 Day challenge thingy on Instagram. I don't usually do this type of things because sometimes it's hard to keep up with it, especially when you are busy. Anyways, the idea of doing it was fun so, I decided to try and go for it.
Here are the 31 pictures of this challenge all together in one post. 1 photo each day:
Day 1: Self Portrait. #31 Day Challenge "A photo a day, July" day 1: Self portrait
Challenged by @xpanda_boox! Let's see if I can keep up with this!!
Day 2: Busy. "#31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 2: Bust. Lots of things to finish before the end of the school year. #ProudTeacher #Preschool
Day 3: Best part of your day."#31DayChallenge A photo a day, July" day 3: Best part of your day.Big laughs with this little lady.
She's too adorbs! #Work
Day 4: Fun. "#31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 4: Fun. I always have the funniest moments with these girls, no matter what we do. #Friends
🚺 🚺 🚺 🚺"
Day 5: On the floor. "#31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 5: on the floor. Relaxing on a Sunday night drinking some #JiaDuoBao Herbal tea.
Day 6: Chair. #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 6: Chair. #Michee #CatsOfInstagram
Day 7: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 7: Garden. I don't really have a garden so, here are some #flowers we have outside the house.
Day 8: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 8: lunch. My not-so-good home cooked lunch. Plus, my friend gave me a chocolate/cappuccino jelly. So good!
Day 9: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 9: #BIG
Day 10: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 10: Your favorite color. #pink!
✌ #PinkLover
Day 11: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 11: Letter. ♥ #Love! My handwriting is so ugly tho!
Day 12: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 12: Texture. #MyWallet #MiniPolkaDots
Day 13: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 13: Open. My #EtudeHouse Bloody Halloween eye shadow palette.
👀 .
Day 14: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 14: Building. Straight from my kids' workbook! (A day late! Oopss!)
Day 15: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 15: Finger. (fingerss in this case!) wearing one of my everyday favorite #rings. ✋
🚺 🚺 🚺 🚺"
Day 5: On the floor. "#31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 5: on the floor. Relaxing on a Sunday night drinking some #JiaDuoBao Herbal tea.
Day 6: Chair. #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 6: Chair. #Michee #CatsOfInstagram
Day 7: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 7: Garden. I don't really have a garden so, here are some #flowers we have outside the house.
Day 8: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 8: lunch. My not-so-good home cooked lunch. Plus, my friend gave me a chocolate/cappuccino jelly. So good!
Day 9: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 9: #BIG
Day 10: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 10: Your favorite color. #pink!
✌ #PinkLover
Day 11: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 11: Letter. ♥ #Love! My handwriting is so ugly tho!
Day 12: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 12: Texture. #MyWallet #MiniPolkaDots
Day 13: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 13: Open. My #EtudeHouse Bloody Halloween eye shadow palette.
👀 .
Day 14: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 14: Building. Straight from my kids' workbook! (A day late! Oopss!)
Day 15: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 15: Finger. (fingerss in this case!) wearing one of my everyday favorite #rings. ✋
Day 16: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 16: Sign. #ZodiacSign #Gemini.
Day 17: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 17: Your addiction. Mr. Oh So Perfect #KimHyunJoong ♥
Day 18: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 18: Plate. Yesterday at the Chinese buffet with the girlies. #Xus #Food 🍛
Day 19: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 19: Animal/insect/pet. My furry babies Tink (a chihuahua mix) and Michee (rescued cat). Love them a ton!
🐶 🐱#DogsOfInstagram #CatsOfInstagram
Day 20: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 20: Eyes.
👀 .
Day 21: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 21: 9 o' clock. 9pm~~
Day 22: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 22: Upside down. #SpiderMan
Day 23: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 23: Mirror. Bathroom mirror #selca
Day 24: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 24: A stranger. / I totally forgot yesterday's photo, especially because I would feel very uncomfortable taking a picture of a random someone so, here's a nice quote involving a stranger! / #quote #smile
🌈 😃
Day 25: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 25: Heart. ♥
Day 26: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 26: Sunshine.☼ Earlier today when it was super sunny and hot!
Day 27: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 27: On the road. Enjoying not being the driver for a change! Hehe.
Day 28: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 28: Cup. My fave cup in the whole wide world! #playfulkiss #BaekSeungJo♥
Day 29: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 29: Last thing you bought. Some random hair ties.
❤ ⭐
Day 30: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 30: Calm. Relaxing with some #BubbleTea #chai #yum
Day 31: #31DayChallenge "A photo a day, July" day 31: Toothbrush. OK last pic of the challenge! Can't believe I made it to the end. (I know I skipped a few days and uploaded more than one pic a day a couple of times but, yeah~~~~~ hehe) #GoodbyeJuly!
So, yay! I finished the whole challenge! (gotta say out of the 4 people involved on this challenge I was the ONLY one who posted the 31 photos, thank you!)
And with this, I say goodbye to the month of July!
For more pics of my everyday, follow me on Instagram! I update it a lot! @monstar03