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Showing posts with label Maybelline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maybelline. Show all posts

Jan 4, 2017

Maybelline ColorSensational Mattes and Creamy

Hi sweets!
Here are the newest additions to my lipstick family. A while ago I bought two lippies from the Maybelline ColorSensational collection. One for me and one for my mom. We loved them so much that we got more for Christmas!
I got 2 creamy and 2 matte. Both are great, long lasting and the colors are super pretty!

💄 Creamy Lipstick
The first one is "Vivid Rose" (875) it is a really bright coral shade with a hint of pink. Mom and I got super excited over this one and chose the same color. It's like a nice pop of color on my pale skin! Haha.

Next is "Blissful Berry" (410) and this one is a bit darker. Kind of a burgundy-pinkish color. It looks really pretty and it's super long lasting!

💄 Matte Lipstick
First comes "Blushing Pout" (682) it's a cold pale pink that gives a very natural look to your lips. I think it'd be great to match with heavy eye makeup or when you are looking for that "no makeup" look.

And lastly is "All Fired Up" (687) which I think it's pretty similar to "Vivid Rose" but in a matte version.

So, I gotta say that even tho I've been loving the mattes, I find the application a little trickier than applying creamy ones. I don't know, maybe it is just me. I'm very happy with all these lippies tho!

The other two I bought are here! Maybelline ColorSensational Burgundy Blush
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Nov 15, 2016

Maybelline ColorSensational / Burgundy Blush~ Perfect for Fall!

Hello my dollies!
Fall is definitely my favorite season and I've noticed burgundy color is a big trend right now. From clothes to nail polishes and of course, lippies.
I don't usually go for super dark lip colors, I actually don't think I change my makeup depending on the season but this year I decided to be a little more adventurous (with some encouragement) and try something more daring. And since I got many nice comments on how it looked, I decided to share more about it.

I usually go for pink and orange/peachy shades so, this was a big change! My biggest concern was I thought I'd look paler than I already am wearing a super dark lippie...(vampire came to my mind...) but surprisingly, I really liked it.

It's the Maybelline ColorSensational Matte lipstick in the color Burgundy Blush (696). It is a really deep burgundy color that is deffo perfect for the Fall-Winter season.
The lippie is super pigmented, you don't need many applications to get a strong color. It is also super, duper long lasting, even if you eat and drink.

The only thing I don't love about it is that since it's a matte lipstick, it dries up my lips. I always apply some lipbalm first. But yeah, I'm happy I bought this color. I'm seriously thinking about buying another dark shade for the season~

I also got one for my mom but not from the matte line but from the creamy one. It is the ColorSensational Creamy Lipstick in the color Are you red-dy (625) Love the name! and it is a beautiful bright red with a bright, fresh look. Mom's been liking it a lot!

Honestly, I saw many shades I liked from both, matte and creamy collections...I want more!

Here's how they both loo together, even the packaging shows which one is the matte and which one the creamy one.

Do you have any favorite lip color for the Fall season?
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