Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts

Dec 24, 2024

Winter Tag! ❄

Last month I shared a Fall tag and I thought it'd be a good idea to answer a Winter tag to welcome the season. It is shorter than the previous one tho. Still I hope you enjoy.

Here we go!

1. Top 2 Winter Beauty Essentials?
A good moisturizer for my face and hands and a lip balm. My skin and lips get SO dry this season so yeah, it is a must have. I'm not really into hand creams that much but they are defo an essential during winter.

2. Top 2 Winter Fashion Essentials?
Cute and warm coats and knee-high boots.

This pic is a couple of years old but, I still have those boots and I love them too much.

3. Favorite Winter Accessory?
Really long, soft scarves.

4. Favorite Winter Nail Polish?
I don't think I have a favorite one but, I usually go for dark reds or something super sparkly.

5. Hot Cocoa or Apple Cider?
Hot cocoa with marshmallows.

6. Favorite Winter Candle?
Huh~ I don't have a favorite Winter candle. I am the kind of person who lights Fall candles all year round, hehe. But I like cinnamon scents and, to me, those smell like Christmas.

7. Does it snow where you live?
Sadly, no. I love snow tho.

Beautiful snowy day back when I went to Spain ๐Ÿ˜

8. Have you ever made a snowman?
Nope, never. ๐Ÿ˜ข

9. What is Your Favorite Holiday Movie?
I'm not a big Holiday movie fan and the first one that comes to my mind is The Nightmare Before Christmas. To me, it's the perfect Halloween and Xmas movie. I've watched some this month tho, most of them are recommendations from my students. 

10. What’s your favorite holiday drink? 
Eggnog and ponche. I look forward to drinking them every year.

11. Candy cane or Gingerbread men?
Gingerbread men

12. What’s your favorite holiday/Christmas song?
Kiss me for Christmas by Jessica Simpson and Santa Baby (I like different versions of this one)

13. What is most important to you about the holidays? 
Good question... cuz, honestly? I'm not a religious person so, in a way, that makes me a person who just celebrates it for celebrating it, haha. When I was younger it was spending it with my family, cuz all the cousins would get together at my grandparents' and it was a lot of fun. You knew you'd meet everyone on Christmas. But, so many things changed and I guess now I'm just trying to find the magic of it again? If that makes any sense. So, I don't have an answer for this question, yet.

And, that was it! I feel like my answers were not as long or elaborated as my previous tag but, it is what it is, haha.
Have a happy Winter y'all! ๐Ÿ’‹

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Jan 7, 2020

❅ Winter Favorites | The Holiday Style Tag with mom |

Hello loves! Today I have another tag that is supposed to be a Christmas tag but I see it more like a Winter one. This one is the Holiday Style tag and I thought it'd be fun to do it with my mom. It also works as a favorites post because well... I skipped the December favs so, yeah.

(Mom's answers will be red and mine, pink. I actually recorded our conversation to write it down in here so we could have more chatty answers)

Let's start!

☆ Favorite winter nail polish.
Well, I like like red because it looks like Christmas and I love the different shades of red. Christmas red!
Aha, Chrismtas red!
Maybe red nails with one in silver. Using the one you have from Essence. (101 Crashed the party?!)
Same. Red and silver or red and gold. I love sparkly nails during this time of the year. But lately I've been loving the "Pots of tea" shade from Morgan Taylor. I think it looks like winter!

Left to right: Morgan Taylor "Potts of tea", Revlon 552 "Rubis folies", Essence 111 "Rainbow with sprinkles"
On top: Kim Taylor 32 "Carnival", Essence 101 "Chrashed the party!?"

☆ Favorite winter lip product.
I've never used lipbalm before, this year was my first time and I really liked the one you gave me. Especially after I got sick, my lips got very dry. I also like (red) lipsticks with a matte finish and mosturizer.

Left: Sephora #Lipstories "A little magic"
Right: Miniso Korean Style creamy lipstick 01 "Rosy red"
In my case I am a huge lipbalm fan because my lips are always super dry so, it is a most during winter. Other than that I don't think I have a specific lip product for winter. Other than wearing (slightly) darker colors.

TonyMoly Bbo Bbo lipbalm, HudaBeauty DemiMatte liquid lipstick and Elf matte lip color "wine"

☆ Most worn winter clothing piece.
My black coat from Spain and a winter vest I recently got from Canada. I wasn't really into vests but this one is becoming my favorite.
I'd say coats are my most used every year along with tights to keep my legs warm when I wear my short skirts.

☆ Most worn winter accessory.
Ah! Foulards, colorful knitted beanies that I started wearing recenlty and berets. I love them.

Mmm... high socks, foulards and knitted headbands~ Those are my new favs.

☆ Favorite winter scent/candle.
We love cinnamon, apple... Christmas scents! Especially cinnamon and vanilla. 
Agree! Cinnamon is a very Christmasy scent! And love anything cinnamon so, yeah.

☆ Favorite winter beverage.
Starbucks seasonal drinks! We always have them, my favorite is Toffee nut. I love Christmas punch and hot drinks too.
Everyone know how much I love my Starbucks seasonal drinks but I'm also obsessed with eggnog. Hehe

☆ All-time favorite Christmas/holiday movie.
I really like this movie about two women, who switch places. One living in London and the other in America...
Sounds like "The parent trap" haha
No... Holiday! With Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz. I love that movie. I can watch it over and over again. (we actually watched it on Christmas eve haha). And Bridget Jones's Diary...
Is it a Christmas movie?
No, but they show it on christmas and it has many Christmas scenes. I really like those two.
Mine is The Nightmare before Christmas *laughs*
Yes, of course.
I don't know if it's considered a Halloween movie or a Christmas one tho...

☆ Favorite scarf.
I have many but mostly the ones I got in Spain. I love them because they are very warm. I pretty much started wearing them over there because it was freezing. My favorites are a green & blue and a green one. I love colorful scarfs.

I don't think I have a favorite scarf but there is one I've been wearing a lot lately and I get so many compliments everytime I wear it. It's a knitted pink scarf that my cousin Rosie made and gave me a couple of years ago. The color is just beautiful!

☆ Favorite holiday food/treat.
I used to love when my mom made Basque style Codfish stew...
Yeah~ *nod nod*
My dad's friends used to go after Christmas to eat it. That and her Romeritos(seepweed) were really good.
I've never liked romeritos...
I know, but those were really good.
I'd say Codfish is my favorite, I miss it tho. 
My mom's food was my favorite

☆ What’s at the top of your Christmas wishlist?
To be happy, have peace with myself and have my loved ones around. That'd be at the top. The rest is important but not as much as having my loved ones with me. 
Is it weird to say I don't have a wishlist this year? I guess it'd be to still be able to make memories with the ones I love. And happiness.

And, that is it for our little style tag. Hope you guys enjoyed it and that you all had a very merry Christmas!
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Dec 24, 2019

๐ŸŽ… Christmas Tag

I've done Halloween tags before so I thought it's be appropriate to do a Christmas one this time. Especially today. Let's do this!

What’s your favourite holiday movie?
The nightmare before Christmas! I don't even know if it's considered more of a Halloween movie than Christmas but, yeah.

What’s your favourite Christmas colour?

Do you like to stay in your PJs or dress up for Christmas?
I kinda dress up on Christmas eve and stay in my pj's on Christmas day.

Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Christmas Eve. I'm not a patient person.

Have you ever build a gingerbread house?
Nope, and I really want to.

What do you like to do on your Christmas break?
I always try to do some deep cleaning, also celebrate the holidays with my friends and people I love. Have seasonal drinks and gift exchanges.

Any Christmas wishes?
Happiness I guess.

Favourite Christmas smell?

Favourite Christmas meal or treat?
My grandma's Cod Vizcaina Style was the best!

Which holiday do you celebrate?

What are you doing for the holidays this year?
Spending it with my family and friends

What’s your favourite holiday drink?

Candy cane or gingerbread men?
Candy cane

What’s your favourite holiday/Christmas song?
Kiss me for Christmas by Jessica Simpson

What’s the weirdest gift you’ve ever received?
I can't remember recieving a weird one. Guess I've been lucky recieving gifts from people who know me well~

Have you ever made a snowman?
Nope, never. It doesn't snow where I live.

What is your favourite winter fragrance?
I don't have a favorite for winter.

What is at the top of your list this Christmas? (or whichever holiday you celebrate!)
My own apartment!! haha. JK I don't have a list this year.

What is most important to you about the holidays?
Spending it with people I love. We used to have these big family reunions in the past during the holidays and I really miss that but, I do cherish having a family to spend it with.
And having other reunions with my friends.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas or whatever you're celebrating today!! ☆
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