If you're a Bleach fan like me, I'm sure you are as excited because of the Thousand Year Blood War Arc as I am. This show has a very special place in my heart, I found this Bleach questionnaire and I thought it'd be a good idea to answer it as a way to celebrate the very awaited new season.
So, let's do this!
What do you like about Bleach?
The combination of action, drama and comedy. Also the characters, their stories and the strong relationships they build as the show goes on.
What do you dislike about Bleach?
How some filler episodes are randomly shown in between inportant fights or key moments in the story. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy some filler episodes and I can even say some of my favorites are part of them but, I feel like it cuts the continuity and excitement of the story.
Hot Shu ready to fight. |
Would you be a Shinigami, Vizard, Espada, Quincy, Fullbringers etc…
Shinigami for sure.
Who is your favourite male character in Bleach and why?
This is a difficult one because, I like many! But if I have to choose just one (and only because there is a fav captain question coming), it has to be Gin. His strong relationship with Rangiku and everything he did just for her, makes me love him so much. Plus, he was a captain, he was strong and... he was a bit weird and mysterious. That made him unique.
Who is your favourite female character in Bleach and why?
Rangiku. Not only because I can relate to her but also because she's not just a pretty face. She is beautiful and sexy but she can also fight. She's a smart and strong lieutenant who's very protective and caring but, also has a very fun and outgoing personality.
What is your favourite quote or statement from Bleach?
"I wish I could have five different lives! Then I could have been born in five different towns, and eaten five lifetime's worth of food, and had five different careers, and... fallen in love with the same person, five times." (Orihime Inoue.) |
Who is your favourite villain in Bleach and why?
I guess it'd be Ulquiorra. And Gin, maybe? I don't really consider him a villain tho, but I've seen some websites include him as one.
Who is your favourite captain in Bleach and why?
Hitsugaya Toshiro! Cuz he's so grumpy. I just wanna hold him tight. LOL. He's also a great captain who cares about his team, he's strong, smart and somewhat mature for his age. I love to see how his character grows as the show goes on. He's my little crush (don't judge me), I'd love to annoy him.
I also like Zaraki Kenpachi, he's fun and I'd love to drink with Shunsui Kyōraku.
Which is your favourite fight from Bleach?
In the past, I didn't really like fights much but as I rewatched some episodes, knowing the characters a lot more, I can say I really enjoy to watch Ichigo fight. I also love Hitsugaya's and the always sexy Shuhei's.
What was your favourite Bleach episode?
I know these episodes have names but I don't remember them so, the Halloween special, the Rangiku X Shuhei episode (cuz I ship these two so hard) and the New Year episode. I know these are all filler episodes but I just love watching the Shinigami doing normal life stuff. I'm sure there are others I can't think of rn.

Which Bleach opening track did you enjoy the most?
Tonight, tonight, tonight (Beat Crusaders) and Rolling Star (YUI)
Which One Piece closing track did you like the most?
This is random... I've never watched One Piece.
Which is your preferred story arc in Bleach?
Zanpakutō Unknown Tales Arc even if they are filler episodes.
Which story arc of Bleach did you dislike?
The Visored Arc. Not that I disliked it but, it was one of my least favs. Also the Bount arc wasn't exactly my fav.
Who are the most annoying Bleach characters?
At first I was going to say Kon, he's too much sometimes but, someone I find reaaaally annoying is Hiyori Sarugaki. I really dislike her personality and the fact that she's always yelling.
What was the saddest moment in Bleach?
Gin's death. Always and forever.
What Bleach moment shocked you the most?
Gin's death (still not over it) and I think at some point I was shocked by Isshin's shinigami past.
We are getting a continuation, would you have preferred a remake?
I'm happy with the continuation.
What moment in Bleach was the most memorable for you?
Finding out Yachiru was actually Kenpachi's zanpakuto spirit. It was cute in a way. Also!!! Ichihime being an official couple! 💕💕💕💕 I don't care what others think. PERIOD!
Do you own any merch from Bleach? If yes; pictures, please.
I do but it's not much. I only have a couple of keychains. Rangiku and Hitsugaya Taichou and, Orihime. Cuz she's also one of my favs. Also a Rangiku tea cup. I remember it came in a set with Hitsugaya's but I only got Rangiku's as a gift.
I'm sure you've seen this one before. I used to drink sake from it, hehe |
They could be cleaner tho... oops!! |
I want to buy more tho.
Do you prefer to watch Bleach in dub or sub?
Sub, it's the same with most anime.
Which character in Bleach is most like you – why?
At the beginning I thought it was Orihime, because she's a loyal friend, she's sensitive and a bit clueless and loves to eat weird things but, as I grew older I became more like Rangiku. We're both very loyal and protective with the people we love, we're outgoing and love to drink. We're lazy and hate paperwork. We also enjoy shopping. There's also this nostalgic side of her and, even tho I don't show it often, I have it too.
If you were to cosplay a Bleach character, who would it be? Why them?
Rangiku! Because I cosplayed as her maaaaany years ago and I feel like there was so much to improve. I was younger and didn't have enough money to make a perfect cosplay. I just don't have enough time now...
Do you ship any of the characters from Bleach?
Yasssss! Gin X Rangiku, Hitsugaya X Rangiku (LOL), Shuhei X Rangiku, Ichigo X Orihime, Rukia X Chad, Kira X Hinamori, Rukia X Renji, Yoruichi X Urahara, Renji X Shuhei, Soi Fon X Yoruichi, Orihime X Ulquiorra, Tatsuki X Orihime (a little), Ishida X Yoshino, Shuhei X Kensei, Nanao X Kyoraku and many more~~~~
Which is your favourite episode or chapter of Bleach?
I think I already answered something similar but maybe some filler episodes. I know they're not everyone's favs and not all of them are great but, I really like to see the characters living a normal life and doing random stuff. The Arrancar Arc is also pretty good.
Which is your favourite form or outfit that Ichigo has?
Long hair Ichigo and black hair Ichigo! I love his orange hair but I think he looked super hot with dark hair. What can I say? I like guys with long hair.
Who is your favourite and who has the best release form of the Arrancar and Espada?
Ulquirorra is my fav Espada and I also think he had the best release form.
Which is your favourite Zanpakto and who has the best release form?
I have to mention Haineko just because she's Rangiku's but, I really like Hyorinmaru's and Senbonzakura's release forms. Senbonzakura is similar to Haineko in a way, at least the attack is, but it is fancier and prettier.
Which is your favourite weapon from Bleach?
Zanpakuto. They are beautiful and they a strong connection with their owners.
Which is your favourite Bleach video game?
I only played Brave Souls many years ago so, I guess I gotta choose that one.
And, that is it guys. Feel free to answer the questions down below or anywhere you want. I'd love to read your answers.
Other bleach related posts:
Once upon a time, I was a Shinigami...
See you next time~!