Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Showing posts with label Podcasts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Podcasts. Show all posts

Apr 4, 2024

Playboy Docuseries + Story Time~!


This is going to be one of those recommendations /story time kind of post so it might be a little all over the place. Thing is, as I was planning this blog post, some memories came back and I just felt like sharing them in here because of the nostalgia.

Where to begin? I think I've randomly mentioned it a couple of times but, back in the early 2000's I was obsessed with Playboy. And that was thanks to my cousin who introduced us (me & my sister) to E's reality show The Girls Next Door, which showed Hugh Hefner's life at the Playboy Mansion with his 3 girlfriends at the time, Holly, Bridget and Kendra. It was cool cuz each of us could relate to one of them so, it was perfect! We all choose our favorite and obsessed over the way they lived. Reality TV was super entertaining back then. I remember we even used to call my uncle "Hef" cuz, in our minds, he looked a little like him.

We would try to find Playboy merch everywhere and buy as much as we could, we even got some of our friends to watch the show so we could have a "bigger" Playboy world, haha. I'm gonna be sharing some of the pics I found from that Playboy era, it's crazy to think this was SO long ago!

I do have to say I was hesitant to share some pics and didn't include many because most of the people in those pics are no longer part of my life and it'd be a little weird~ The ones I'm sharing with other people are because there was no other way to show you certain things. 

Very bad quality photos but, I did wear a bunny costume once, and I was more than happy! I wore it to a small anime event. I actually made the costume when I was studying fashion design. It wasn't perfect but, it worked. Sadly, I no longer have it but I know I would gladly wear it again if I had the chance!

Bunny ears beacause, there was nothing more Playboy than that, haha. 
Extra note: My cousin & I aka Holly and Bridget, haha.

Playboy clothes! They were kinda hard to find tho. I wore the grey one on the left A LOT!

I even had my nails done with a small, cute PB bunny on both thumbs.

Left: My uncle had this painting of him and he thought that was so Hef!
Right: Wearing my sister's bunny necklace.

Even TinkerBell wore a bunny tee ♡
It makes me so happy to see these pics, I miss her so much.

I had 2 or 3 bunny necklaces, including a playboy club key, but I couldn't find a decent pic of them and I don't have them anymore. I still have some PB related things tho, like this necklace that, I know was a gift, I just don't remember from whom.

Pic 1: Our family van had a playboy sticker! I'm sure my dad wasn't the happiest about it.
Pic 2: Of course we went to watch The House Bunny. I think my outfit wasn't the best choice for it, hehe.
Pic 3: I totally forgot about this but, when I turned 21, my friend decorated the classroom with playboy bunnies. I only have that pic but he randomly put bunnies around the place.
Pic 4: Mys sister & I decided to make a small graveyard on halloween because they did something like that on the PB mansion. My tombstone says: "Playmate of every year... Died sexy and beautiful" Love it, hahaha.

Left: Pic of bunny Mon & Kenny, South Park style by my sister.
Right: Random pic of me at this car event. I saved this pic as "A little piece of home, everywhere we go" 😂

When each of the girlfriends left the mansion I stopped watching the show. I think I watched until season 5, it was just not the same without them. And even tho my obsession wasn't as big anymore, I always kept this love for the Playboy world I saw on that reality show. I never stopped follwing Bridget Marquardt tho, she was my favorite and I had so much in common with her that I always liked the things she did after Playboy. I especially enjoy her Ghost Magnet and Girls Next Level podcast with Holly Madison.

Back then I saw Playboy as a magazine that showed how beautiful and sexy women were, never thought of it as a bad thing, and even tho I never owned an actual magazine, I loved the covers and always felt happy to see some in stores. I know that now, and especially after Hef's passing, the whole Playboy life wasn't as glam as it looked. And that leads us to my recommendations, hehe.

Some of you already know but, I'm into morbid stuff so, when I found out about these 2 shows, I was super excited. I was not planning to talk about the first one cuz it's not that new and I briefly mentioned it in a show recommendation post but I will include it because it's still related. 

So, the first show is Secrets of Playboy, which is an A&E 2 season documentary that exposes everything that happened "behind the scenes" in the playboy world. It features former playmates, bunnies, ex girlfriends and even staff memmbers who share their not-so-good experiences with Hugh Hefner and other people involved with him throughout the years. It also shares how the brand ruined many women's lives by just being associated with it. This docuseries is defo dark and eye opening. 

Season 1 has 12 episodes, while season 2 only has 8. Honestly, I liked the first season a lot more but both are worth watching.

And now, being the true crime fan that I am, I couldn't miss this next show, The Playboy Murders. It is another 2 season docuseries that covers murder cases involving people from Playboy, especially models and bunnies. This show is hosted by Holly Madison and also features people who knew the victims. It's pretty good. 

Both seasons are 6 episodes long.

After watching both shows, I do see things differently but, the love I have for the "Playboy" I knew is still there in way. Is it weird? I rewatched the GND 5 seasons not long ago and I enjoyed it as much as I did years ago. It's just funny to see how much has changed since then. Hehe.

That was a fun blast from the past! Let me know if you like this kind of posts where I share some obsessions I had in a story time kind of style cuz, I do have many and I love remembering and finding things to share in here! LOL.

Here are other walks down memory lane if you feel like reading more:

Blast from the past! My old "Skins" inspired look + podcast recommendation

Once upon a time, I was a Shinigami...

I'll see you next time~! ♡

xx Bunny Mon 🐰
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Feb 7, 2024

Podcasts Recommendations #2

A couple of year ago, I shared some podcasts I was obsessed with and said I was going to share a second part, even tho I never stopped listening to them, I just forgot to share it. I've been listening to many, I still listen to some and others are forgotten, for now.

Today, I'm going to share the ones I'm currently loving and can't miss each week. Surprisingly, we have 2 in spanish! So, let's check them out~

I'll start with the ones that are in English:

Girls Next Level: Some of you already know there was a moment in my life where I was obsessed with Playboy thanks to the reality show The Girls Next Door. So, I was super excited when Bridget Marquardt and Holly Madison decided to start a podcast together in which they go through every episode of the show, spilling the tea on everything that happened behind the scenes. They also have fun Q&As and special guests. Not long ago I rewatched the show so it's still pretty fresh. I really enjoy to relive everything as I listen to them sharing their real experiences. Plus, I just love them too much. This podcast is my motivation every Monday, hehe.

Let's Be Clear with Shannen Doherty: This is a recent one but it's still pretty good! I liked Shannen back in Beverly Hills 90210 and Charmed, those were two of my favorite shows growing up so, I defo had to give this one a chance. It is more of an informative / personal life and experiences kind of pod in which Shannen just opens up with her guests. 

Now let's move to the ones in Spanish~

Proyecto Evangelion: This one was my sister's recommendation and I've been enjoying every second of it, especially because I recently started rewatching the anime. They are pretty much just fans of the show who get together and analyze each episode with special guests, sharing opinions and thoughts but also interesting facts about the show that maybe I never paid enough attention before. I'm trying to watch an episode and then listen to the pod so I can have all the info fresh, hehe. I'm obsessed with the show again!

Se Regalan Dudas: Leticia Sahagún & Ashley Frangie, the hosts of this pod, are two best friends who pretty much talk about a bit of everything: life, relationships, books, psychology and more along with special guests. They always try to have deep conversations that have been pretty-eye opening and just helpful for me. I feel like, in a way, it's helping me to know and understand myself a little more.

And well, there you go! My favs at the moment. I'll link the previous post donw below in case you want to check it out. I still listen to some of the pods I mentioned back then.

Podcasts Recommendations #2

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Feb 10, 2021

Blast from the past! My old "Skins" inspired look + podcast recommendation

This is going to be a bit of a different post. It's kind of a recommendation and... a story time/style post. I'll try to make it work, haha. 

Not many people know this but, (many) years ago I was a Skins fan, and recently I discovered that April Pearson, who played Michelle (who was also one of my fav characters) has a podcast in process along with an IGTV called "Are you Michelle from Skins?" where she basically interviews actors (not only from Skins) in a very casual way, sharing how life has been for them after being known for the characters that made them famous, their struggles and success. She also shares memories with them and personal experiences. Idk, I find it very entertaining so, I wanted to share it with y'all. 

You can go to ther IG to check the videos and follow areyoumichellefromskins for info on the future podcast.

But what does Skins and the podcast have to do with my old style?? Let's move to the blast from the past with a BIG CRINGEY PHOTOS WARNING! 🤣

I think most of us know or watched Skins because it was big on MTV years ago (let's not count the years, shall we? It makes me feel old!!) And if you don't know the show, I defo recommend it, even if you're not a teenager anymore. This show introduced me to hottie Nicholas Hoult, who was my big crush back then. 

Michelle Richardson, everyone

I'm not gonna go into the plot and stuff cuz the thing I want to share here is how this show "inspired" my look during that time. Michelle Richardson was my style icon at the time. I still think April is beautiful and hasn't aged a bit!

Pink bra straps out... Something I really hate today. I wore this strapless black dress with hot pink leggings and heels.

I wonder what others thought because, I live in a pretty old fashioned city where people stare at you if your style doesn't match with the rest, and her style was... pretty unique and colorful. Somehow she pulled it off and looked great.

Where to begin? Michelle has curly hair and I don't. My hair is not curly, nor straight so I remember spending a long time curling it to achieve her look. I would take very thin strings of hair to make it look more "natural", Idk how long it took me to do my whole hair! I also changed my hair color to look a "little more" like her.

Back then I really thought my hair looked naturally curly. Looking at these pics now, I clearly see how much I failed at it.

OMG and those eyebrows! My eyebrows are naturally thin and there is not much to work with, but I thought it was a good idea to pluck them and make them thinner and shorter so they could look more like hers. Big mistake, now I know.

LOL all my pics seem to have the same angle... I'm so glad my eyebrows grew back.

I remember matching very bright colors together, mixing hot pink leggings with an aqua short jumpsuit and a lilac tanktop underneath... ah! and leopard flats (which I still have, haha). I can't see myself wearing something like that again. Ever!!

Add to that bright, plastic accessories and wing earrings. I thought I was living my best life, lolol.


Makeup wise, I don't remember much. Only that I wore green eyeshadows for a long time. And I don't even like green eyeshadow! Back then my makeup skills were not very good and the shadows I used were very old ones I kept from my grandma. 

I think I'm being brave showing you these pics that I thought would be hidden forever and ever. So, enjoy, maybe laugh and... don't judge. Haha.

After watching April's IGTV shows, I've been having strong Skins feels and just remembering how fun life was back then. Even if my friend choices were not exactly the best and most of those people are not even in my life anymore. 

Ahh, the nostalgia~ 

Let me know if you ever watched Skins. If so, who was your favorite character? Favorite season or generation? I can only rememeber the first generation, the 2nd never really caught my attention or love and I don't know the characters from the 3rd one... Oops!

UPDATE: After tagging April on this post, she replied to me. A part of me was fangirling, hehe

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Jan 21, 2021

Podcasts Recommendations #1

Like I mentioned in my last post, I've been really into podcasts for some time now and I feel like during this quarantine, many people started new ones. My bestie kinda introduced me to my first podcast (MFM) and, I just love them now! There are a lot of topics to choose from according to what you like or feel interested in. I really enjoy them because I can listen to them while doing other things without getting too distracted.

I want to share with you the ones I'm listening to and enjoying at the moment.

The first is one I mentioned before somewhere~ I think it was in a favs post or something and is My Favorite Murder. The name says it all, it's about murder cases around the world with a comedy twist. It's not like murder is a funny thing but, Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark are just hilarious! You can't help but to love them (and their pets!). And this comes from someone who's not exactly a comedy fan. Each week you get an episode covering 2 stories. They also do minisodes, sharing hometown murders (or random, weird stories) sent by the listeners. Karen and Georgia also talk about the importance of mental health and other common (and not-so-common) life situations. It's just so entertaining!! I guess you can listen to this podcast on an app, I listen here:

Next we have 90210MG podcast, with Jennie Garth and Tori Spelling. If you were a Beverly Hills 90210 fan, you are gonna love this one. It's pretty much Jennie, Tori and friend Sisanie rewatching the show and having a casual conversation about them, what happened bts and their memories. They also have special guests from the show and it's just a nice way to remember a show I used to love growing up. Plus Jennie and Tori have such a cute and funny 30 year old friendship. I listen to this one on IheartRadio 90210MG 

Then is Tenfold More Wicked. This one was one of the latest recommendations from the bestie and it's about... you guessed it, murder! Haha. This one covers true crime stories in a narrative nonfiction storytelling way, along with investigations. I just finished season one “All That is Wicked” which was about Edward Rulloff and was only 6 episodes long. From what I know, new season will start soon and I can't wait to find out which murder they'll be covering this time.  I listen to this podcast on
We also have Ghost Magnet with Bridget Marquardt. You all know I love the paranormal and I've been following Bridget since her days at the Playboy Mansion. Her podcast is about the paranormal, with guests who are experts on this topic and people who had experiences. You'll hear about hauntings, experiences, haunted places and more. You can find this one here or in an app too

And lastly, Life by you. This one is fairly new, it started on January 08th and it's by Kelly Morita. I'm recommending it because I've been following this girl on YouTube for a long time now and even tho part of the podcast will be about living abroad, she also talks about midset, struggles in life and how to overcome them to better version of yourself and live your dream life. You can listen to it on spotify

I have a long list of podcasts I want to start but, I need more time! Haha. So defo expect a part #2.
Let me know if you decide to check them out or, if there is one you thing I could enjoy.
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