Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Showing posts with label Chit Chat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chit Chat. Show all posts

Jan 31, 2025

Pink Ranger Haul + Chit Chat 🩷

This is going to be a chit chat with a small haul kind of post… we’ll see what happens. 😅

90s nostalgia is a big thing for me. Everything that belongs to my childhood or represents it, has a very, very special place in my heart. That's why I love throwbacks and walks down memory lane so much.

Usually, on my breaks I do general cleanings, to get rid of the things I no longer use, I give them or throw them away, depending on the condition. This last break wasn’t the exception. But doing this also helps me find some other things that were stored and I forgot I had. This makes me remember things and obsess with others all over again. 

In this case, I realized I had enough things to make a haul (5 seems like a good number of items to me) of a character I've loved since I was a little girl and represents something I really, really like, the color pink. 

Yes, we all know by now I am a big pink lover and I'm proud of it. My life might not be pink but most of the things around it are. I’ve loved it since I was a little girl and that is something that hasn’t changed with time. 

There is definitely a "pink girl stereotype" and I think some people have this idea that if you like pink, you’re not someone to be taken seriously, that you might be dumb, extra sweet or suuuuper romantic which is defo not my case. Yes, I think it can be a very girly color and I love that because I am girly. It's just my happy color!

Growing up I loved Legally Blonde so much (I wouldn’t call it my favorite movie now but I still like it) and even some of my students gave me the nickname “Miss Pinky”, so it was only normal my favorite Power Ranger was of course, the Pink Ranger. 

And that is what I want to show you guys today, some of the Pink Ranger stuff I have which are mostly clothes and a couple of goodies. I used to have more things tho, like an action figure that came with a mini Kimberly, that was the size of a Polly Pocket but I lost it at some point in life. 

I was a big Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fan, especially the first generation(?). Amy Jo Johnson will forever be my favorite Pink Ranger, I still follow her to this day. I think I stopped watching the show as often after she left. Despite what people might say, I also enjoyed the 2017 movie where Naomi Scott played Kimberly. After that movie, I started following her career too. 

I can't with the awkward poses tho

Anyway, enough with the rambling, let me show you the small Pink Ranger haul.

I'll start with some clothes (excuse the colo change in the photos😅):

I bought this tee a couple of years ago, when they celebrated the MMPR 25th anniversary. I love everything about it. I believe it was from Optima. I was surprised they had some PR stuff.

Ok, this might not be Pink Ranger but it's still pink and Power Rangers so, yeah. I don't remember if this one is also from Optima or if it's from Cuidado con el Perro. I don't know if you can tell, but this one has some blue stains on it, I wore it during a paint ball war thing with my students on children's day and sadly, I havent been able to completely remove them, no matter how much I wash it.

This hoodie has to be one of my favorite hoodies ever. It is from Quiubolee! and I was a Christmas pressie from the bestie a couple of years ago. It is the softest, warmest and most comfortable thing ever. I wear it a lot.🩷

I'm not sure where this small articulated figure is from cuz I randomly found her in a garage sale and I couldn't leave her. She's too cute!

Lastly we have this really nice notebook I found at Walmart. They had some of the other Rangers too but I only got this one. It is pretty plain inside tho, I wish they could've added a design or something too but, oh well. I haven't used it yet, I always tell myself I need to find something cool for it. Any ideas?

Those are all the things I could find, I'm not sure if I'll find or buy more in the future. I used to have a black tee with all the Rangers but, I gave it to my sister cuz she also loves Power Rangers and she didn't have anything.

Hope you enjoyed this long and random chit chat/haul kind of post. I know for sure I love sharing these type of things around here, hehe.

See you next time~! 💋
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Jan 7, 2025

My Ins & Outs for 2025 🌟

I stopped making New years resolutions years ago cuz honestly, I never followed them. Guess I am too lazy for that. 

I know a new year doesn't mean things are going to magically change. Life goes on the way it was but, it does feel like a good moment for a reset. And while I was writing my previous post, I started thinking about the things I want in my life this year and the ones I would like to be out of it. Of course most, if not all, things will be up to me, what I do and my attitude towards life but, it'll be fun to look back at this post at the end of the year and see what has really changed.

I'm not planning to make a suuuuuper long list cuz I wanna keep it realistic, I'm thinking about 5 ins and 5 outs.

Let's begin!

☆ Ins:

 Self-confidence: Because despite what most people think, I can be pretty insecure. I want to be able to recognize the things I'm good at without hesitating or finding something I could've done better.

 Better money and time management: I've tried and I think I'm better at it, at least when it comes to money sometimes but, it's still a work in progress. And time wise, I feel like I could use my time a lot better now that I only have one job, time management has always been something I need to work on.

 Healthy relationships: I'm pretty happy with the relationships I have right now and I've also been doing some social cleansing since last year which has been, liberating! I'm planning to keep it that way. 

 Romanticize my life: But, in a realistic way with small things like: putting cute seasonal outfits together, having my morning coffee in mugs that go with whatever holiday it is, light candles, bake, cook more and just celebrating as many things as possible this year.

 Creativity: I'm constantly saying I'm not creative and whenever I try something creative (mostly with my friends) I feel great and super motivated. I want to try more new things this year, maybe try to draw again, do more needle felting, pick a new hobby, Idk.

☆ Outs: 

 Anger: I'm not proud to admit but, I am someone who tends to hold grudges against other people. It is something that I'm slowly improving, but I know there are still some things I haven't let go of. I have to say tho, I'm doing much better than years ago.

 Attachments: I think this one is kinda connected to the previous one cuz since I find it hard to let some things go, I'm still angry about some things or the way they happened. It's funny because this doesn't really happen with (most) material things but it happens a lot when it comes to emotions and people. Then again, now it's not as bad as it was before but, I gotta keep working on it.

 Self-sabotage: It's funny because this is something I'm aware of. Especially when it comes to dating. When things start to feel good, I just panic and, sabotage the whole thing. I guess a part of me is just afraid of getting hurt. It may not be the only situation where I do it, maybe I just haven't realized in which other situations I do it so yeah, this has to go!

 Fear: This fear is mostly, then again, of change. These past few years I realized that some changes aren't that bad, that things do fall into place and most of the time, better things will come. But it's still really hard for me to make the decision to change something. We'll see if I can make other changes this year, even if they are not that big, without fear.

 Complaints: I've found myself randomly doing it and I want to stop. I want to focus more on the good things I do & have instead of complaining about the things I don't have. 

And that would be it! My 5 ins & outs for 2025. Let's see how good I do, haha. What about you guys? Do you have any type of resolutions for this year? Are there things you want to keep from 2024? Feel free to let me know, I'd love to read!

See you next time~! 💋
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Aug 23, 2024

☾ Sailor Moon Cosmos The Movie

Sailor Moon Cosmos was finally released outside Japan! I waited for over a year to watch it since it came out back in June 2023 and all we could see were movie trailers. I was especially excited because it was supposed to cover the Sailor Moon Sailor Stars season, which is one of my all time favorites.
You all know I've been a Sailor Moon fan for pretty much all my life so, it was defo a must watch for me. 
So yeah, I watched the 2 part movies on the release date (Aug. 22nd) and I thought I should come here to share my thoughts on the movies as someone who loves this story and its characters, just as I did with the Sailor Moon Eternal Movie. Not much has changed since the SM Eternal movie tho, I still haven't finished watching Sailor Moon Crystal and, haven't read the manga. From what I know, these movies are also the last chapter of SM Crystal and, are more loyal to the manga. Still, it's easy to understand if you watched the 90's anime but, you do have to watch SM Eternal first cuz it is a continuation in a way.

This won't be a movie review and it might be a little over the place, hehe. Hope not to spoil anything.
I really suck at writing synopsis so I'll just include the one from the Netflix website to give you a general idea:

"Sailor Moon must stand up and fight once again when a new enemy called Shadow Galactica, an organization bent on destroying everything and ruling the universe, begins eliminating her friends one by one. Her task requires her to persevere when solitude threatens to overwhelm her. Will she be able to protect those she loves? What awaits her beyond the battle? Sailor Moon fights on despite the pressure of her self-imposed mission as the final chapter of the beautiful and strong Sailor Guardians begins."—Netflix

I watched the spanish dub because they had some of the original voice actors back in this movie and, you know, the nostalgia. It was weird to get used to some of the new voices they had tho, they changed some of my favorites!! But I want to watch the original Japanese version too. It was funny to hear them using the "chan" and "san" along with the spanish dialogs again. Plus, they used too much spanglish in my opinion in all the attacks and transformations. (Says someone who uses spanglish in her daily life, hehe). The character design and animation is pretty good and beautiful, I'd say I liked it more than the one of the previous movies. 

These movies are a lot darker and dramatic, we don't get to see many funny moments in the slice of life scenes. But as always it has a strong "power of love and frienship" message that I always like about the show. 

There were so many changes that caught my attention cuz I wasn't expecting them. But hey, this is me only comparing it to the 90's anime.
First was, Usagi's engagement ring, it was pretty but kinda different from the original design I always loved.

New engagement ring~ ♡

For some reason, Haruka & Michiru went to the same school as the other Senshi this time, nothing wrong with that but I liked their old uniform so much!
One thing I didn't really like was how much the relationship between the Sailor Senshi and the Star Lights changed in these movies. Even how it developed and stuff. I get it's a movie and things are supposed to go faster but, still. They even changed the Three Lights personalities a lot, I felt something was missing! Seiya's relationship with Usagi wasn't the same, it wasn't fun and super cute as it was in the anime. 

Sadly, I didn't see these two as much. I love them SO MUCH!

Three Lights!

Oh well~ I did have a fangirl moment when I heard the new version of "Nagareboshi He".
But in general, I don't think they were super relevant in the story and they didn't give them an ending(?), they just disappeared! Princess Kakyuu seemed a little more relevant at the beginning but she only had a senshi transformation and got killed almost right away, she wasn't of much help really.

Three Lights performing "Nagareboshi He"

Sailor Star Lights

When I was younger, I always thought Princess Kakyuu would be way more powerful than she actually is~

I feel like Chibi Chibi had a more important role now, and she even speaks this time and we can see her transformations to Sailor Cosmos.
Chibiusa had her moment and it was kinda cool to see her with her Senshi (if you saw SM Eternal you'll know what I'm talking about) but, they were not that skilled either.

Sailor Cosmos

I wonder if there could be a continuation featuring the new generation of Senshi...

We see a lot of different enemies, including the Sailor Senshi and Mamo-chan at some point. You know, they all "die" and become evil, and only Sailor Moon can end this fight. I don't usually like the villians in this anime but I do have to admit, Sailor Galaxia is super beautiful when she's not wearing her typical outfit.

As usual, dear Mamo-chan is kinda useless, not even his evil form fights! He only stands there giving orders and dies easily. Sad, but true.

After the big fight on the second movie we see everyone going back to life and to their normal lives, then we have the big moment, Usagi and Mamo-chan's wedding, that was one of my favorite things when I was a young girl. I'm not sure about this but, it looks like Usagi is pregnant in the end? I'm not sure, that's how I saw it.

All in all, and to finish this random and unplanned post; I did enjoy these movies, they were just not my favorites. I didn't have expectations but they changed so many things I loved from the Sailor Stars season and didn't give closure to some things and characters. Still, I think it's worth watching if you're a Sailor Moon fan. My inner girl is always happy whenever she sees something new that is Sailor Moon related.

See you next time~! ♡

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Jun 7, 2024

My Bleach 10th Division Tattoo 🏵️

 So, for my birthday, I did something a little bit out of my character, I decided to get my first tat. I mean, I know getting tattoos is something most people do but, it was something I thought was just not for me.

I remember years ago, I kinda wanted to get one, mostly because my boyfriend at that time had some and even started working at a tattoo studio but, I was never brave enough to actually do it and eventually moved on from the idea. I love men with tats but I'm hesitant when it comes to me because, I don't exactly love big tattoos on girls in general.

But something changed last year, I started considering it and it didn't go away this time and so, I finally did it a day before my birthday. My sister was the one who did it, which was also part of my bday pressies. She also gave me suggestions for sizes and places that would make it look nice. 

Honestly, I didn't feel as nervous as I thought I would, maybe just when we were about to start but it went away as soon as we did. I was brave enough to do it without anesthesia and, for someone who is veeeery dramatic, I did pretty well. My sister was very gentle so, it was a good experience.

Surprisingly, I didn't bleed much and my skin wasn't as irritated. Even now, after a couple of days, it's looking and feeling just fine.

Now, let's move to the actual tat, I knew what I wanted to get, but I wanted it to be very small and somewhere I could easily hide if I needed to. My first idea was on the back of my neck but I was told it was a little more painful so, I ended up getting it on left side of my back, close to my shoulder. In the end, we decided that having a slightly bigger design would help the flower look better.

The flower I got is a Daffodil, which is the 10th Division flower in Bleach. So yeah, it is an anime tattoo, hehe. But, this one has a special meaning to me, not only because Bleach is on of my all time fav shows and I love the 10th squad so, so much. Rangiku is my spirit animal and her character represents a period of my life that was super happy and special to me, so having it tattooed is, in a way, something that holds beautiful memories.

Plus, I love the fact that only Bleach fans will know it is actually from the show, to other people, it's just a flower, hehe. So it is not an "in your face" anime tat. Nothing wrong with that tho.

I know many people were suprised I got it, especially those close to me. Guess I'm feeling a little more adventurous now, hehe. I don't know if I'd get more tattoos in the future, and if I do, they will be small ones but, guess we'll see. All I can say is, I'm very happy with this one, it's cute, looks kinda fun and flirty and, I just love it.

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Apr 28, 2024

20 things I love about my home

I feel like I don't share things about my apartment in here as much as I wanted to, guess it's just easier and faster to share some pics on Instagram but, as I was planning to write about some of the things I loved to have in my home, I came across this list of "20 things I love about my home"and just loved the idea.

My apartment is still a work in progress, there are still so many things I want to buy, change and do. I'm constantly moving things around but, it defo feels like a home now. 

When I first moved, I thought I had a very clear idea of how I wanted the style to be, the colors I wanted and the type of furniture I was going to buy. And even tho I kept the pastel colors I originally wanted, the style is a mix of cute and girly with some Japanese touches here and there. I have neutral or modern pieces but, also very vintage hand-me-downs I love and I don't even care if it matches "my style" or not. 

I love my home but I think making this post will make me think of the smallest details that make this place, a special one so, let's get into it. This list has no particular order.

1. Receiving this apartment as a present from my dad. I do realize how lucky I am, it'd have taken me years and years to save enough money to buy my own place. Not paying a rent is also big help. It is something I'll be forever thankful for. 

2. It is my first home as an adult. I don't know if it makes sense. Other than my family home, this is my first own place. A place that also helped me adult for real and become a lot more independent (even tho I'm still learning so many things). I love making my own decisions and doing things my way.

3. The things my dad helped me put and install. Dad and I wanted to do many things around the house together. He was a very handy man and helped me with a lot of things around my place like: hanging curtain rods, shelves, supervising the installation of my floor tiles and much more. I also learned while watching and helping him with these things. ♡

4. Having things made by people I love. I am surrounded by super talented people and I'm super proud of them, that's why I really like having things made by family and friends displayed here in the apartment.

5. How easily I can see fireworks from my living room.🎆 This might be random but, I looooove fireworks. I live near a town dedicated to make them so, I see them often from the comfort of my living room and honestly, it's not as noisy as it is in other places. It makes me happy!

6. My open kitchen - dining - living area. Just because it makes the space look bigger and it's easy to talk to others when you have people over while you work in the kitchen and stuff. 

7. My tiny bathroom. I think this was the first room I "finished decorating". It's super small so, it was an easy task, hehe. I especially love the shower, the water pressure of it is sooo good!

8. Having random spaces for my fur babies. My cats are very important to me so, I'm happy to be able to have their things around the place to help them feel more comfortable and happy. In the end, it is their home too.

9. My personality is everywhere! And I just love that! When I look at old photos, I used to do the same with my bedroom when I lived at my parents', you could really see my personality cramped in one room, it was too much tho. Now I'm able to add small touches here and there all around the place. Plus, I don't have to please anyone with the way I decorate my house, I put what I want, where I want.

10. I became a handy girl. Yeah, I didn't used to do much before moving and now I discovered I love to work with tools, put things together, paint and fix things when I can. Sometimes I try before asking for help, in the past, it would've been the other way around.

11. My small kitchen. Even tho I'm not a big fan of cooking, it has to be one of my favorite places! It has pushed me to cook more often so, I do make an effort sometimes. Plus, there are so many cute kitchen stuff! I find myself buying lots of things for it.

12. My plants. I have never been good with plants and I don't have a garden but, I do have a couple of plants that, surprisingly, have survived living with me. I'm really trying and I'm proud of them, hehe.

13. I finally have a walk-in closet! Which is still in progress but, it is something I wanted since I was a little girl. It's not the most organized space ever but, I'm very happy with it.

14. Cleaning is faster. Cleaning is another thing I don't enjoy doing but having a small place makes it faster and easier. I don't complain.

15. My floor tiles. Mainly because, I got to choose them! When I first moved, I didn't know much about floor tiles, I never even thought about them, all I knew was I wanted something nice and neutral. Many people told me getting white-ish tiles wouldn't be a good idea but, I don't regret my decision. I love my floor tiles!

16. The time I spend working on it. And by working I mean, decorating, painting, DIYing some things, etc. It's been a slow process but I have enjoyed every part of it! There's still a long way to go before I finish everything I want to do but, I'm really looking forward to doing it.

17. I can go all the way out decorating for my favorite holidays. Especially Halloween! We all know how much I love this holiday. Back at my parents' house, I could only decorate my room. I think I decorated the house only once so, being able to do it every year now, is exciting. Of course I aso decorate for Christmas and, as time goes by, I kinda want to start doing it for other holidays / seasons too.

18. I can have random anime stuff around the house and no one can say anything about it. It's not like I have a lot around, my house doesn't scream "otaku house" (I think 😂), but I can display a couple of things here and there if I want to. And not just anime, things like Darth Vader or We Bare Bears plushies in the living room whithout having people say they shouldn't be there cuz it's "too childish" or whatever.

19. Sharing my home with people I love. And by that I mean I only let people I love into my house. Whether it's family or friends, I get to be a little more selective than when I lived with my parents. And I don't say it in a bad way, but it is my personal space and I like deciding who I share it with. 

20. The memories I'm making here. I don't know if this is going to make sense but, you know how sometimes you go to a house or any place and it kinda tells a story with all the things it has? I kinda like to think my house is writing its own story with the memories I make here, people I share it with, things I buy, recieve and even those hand-me-downs that already had a story.

There you go, 20 random things I love about my house. Having my own place has changed my shopping game a little too. Now I buy more things for the apartment than for myself, hehe. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post, I'll try to share more house-related stuff more often. Let me know if there's something in specific you'd like me to write about.

See you nect time~! ♡

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Apr 4, 2024

Playboy Docuseries + Story Time~!


This is going to be one of those recommendations /story time kind of post so it might be a little all over the place. Thing is, as I was planning this blog post, some memories came back and I just felt like sharing them in here because of the nostalgia.

Where to begin? I think I've randomly mentioned it a couple of times but, back in the early 2000's I was obsessed with Playboy. And that was thanks to my cousin who introduced us (me & my sister) to E's reality show The Girls Next Door, which showed Hugh Hefner's life at the Playboy Mansion with his 3 girlfriends at the time, Holly, Bridget and Kendra. It was cool cuz each of us could relate to one of them so, it was perfect! We all choose our favorite and obsessed over the way they lived. Reality TV was super entertaining back then. I remember we even used to call my uncle "Hef" cuz, in our minds, he looked a little like him.

We would try to find Playboy merch everywhere and buy as much as we could, we even got some of our friends to watch the show so we could have a "bigger" Playboy world, haha. I'm gonna be sharing some of the pics I found from that Playboy era, it's crazy to think this was SO long ago!

I do have to say I was hesitant to share some pics and didn't include many because most of the people in those pics are no longer part of my life and it'd be a little weird~ The ones I'm sharing with other people are because there was no other way to show you certain things. 

Very bad quality photos but, I did wear a bunny costume once, and I was more than happy! I wore it to a small anime event. I actually made the costume when I was studying fashion design. It wasn't perfect but, it worked. Sadly, I no longer have it but I know I would gladly wear it again if I had the chance!

Bunny ears beacause, there was nothing more Playboy than that, haha. 
Extra note: My cousin & I aka Holly and Bridget, haha.

Playboy clothes! They were kinda hard to find tho. I wore the grey one on the left A LOT!

I even had my nails done with a small, cute PB bunny on both thumbs.

Left: My uncle had this painting of him and he thought that was so Hef!
Right: Wearing my sister's bunny necklace.

Even TinkerBell wore a bunny tee ♡
It makes me so happy to see these pics, I miss her so much.

I had 2 or 3 bunny necklaces, including a playboy club key, but I couldn't find a decent pic of them and I don't have them anymore. I still have some PB related things tho, like this necklace that, I know was a gift, I just don't remember from whom.

Pic 1: Our family van had a playboy sticker! I'm sure my dad wasn't the happiest about it.
Pic 2: Of course we went to watch The House Bunny. I think my outfit wasn't the best choice for it, hehe.
Pic 3: I totally forgot about this but, when I turned 21, my friend decorated the classroom with playboy bunnies. I only have that pic but he randomly put bunnies around the place.
Pic 4: Mys sister & I decided to make a small graveyard on halloween because they did something like that on the PB mansion. My tombstone says: "Playmate of every year... Died sexy and beautiful" Love it, hahaha.

Left: Pic of bunny Mon & Kenny, South Park style by my sister.
Right: Random pic of me at this car event. I saved this pic as "A little piece of home, everywhere we go" 😂

When each of the girlfriends left the mansion I stopped watching the show. I think I watched until season 5, it was just not the same without them. And even tho my obsession wasn't as big anymore, I always kept this love for the Playboy world I saw on that reality show. I never stopped follwing Bridget Marquardt tho, she was my favorite and I had so much in common with her that I always liked the things she did after Playboy. I especially enjoy her Ghost Magnet and Girls Next Level podcast with Holly Madison.

Back then I saw Playboy as a magazine that showed how beautiful and sexy women were, never thought of it as a bad thing, and even tho I never owned an actual magazine, I loved the covers and always felt happy to see some in stores. I know that now, and especially after Hef's passing, the whole Playboy life wasn't as glam as it looked. And that leads us to my recommendations, hehe.

Some of you already know but, I'm into morbid stuff so, when I found out about these 2 shows, I was super excited. I was not planning to talk about the first one cuz it's not that new and I briefly mentioned it in a show recommendation post but I will include it because it's still related. 

So, the first show is Secrets of Playboy, which is an A&E 2 season documentary that exposes everything that happened "behind the scenes" in the playboy world. It features former playmates, bunnies, ex girlfriends and even staff memmbers who share their not-so-good experiences with Hugh Hefner and other people involved with him throughout the years. It also shares how the brand ruined many women's lives by just being associated with it. This docuseries is defo dark and eye opening. 

Season 1 has 12 episodes, while season 2 only has 8. Honestly, I liked the first season a lot more but both are worth watching.

And now, being the true crime fan that I am, I couldn't miss this next show, The Playboy Murders. It is another 2 season docuseries that covers murder cases involving people from Playboy, especially models and bunnies. This show is hosted by Holly Madison and also features people who knew the victims. It's pretty good. 

Both seasons are 6 episodes long.

After watching both shows, I do see things differently but, the love I have for the "Playboy" I knew is still there in way. Is it weird? I rewatched the GND 5 seasons not long ago and I enjoyed it as much as I did years ago. It's just funny to see how much has changed since then. Hehe.

That was a fun blast from the past! Let me know if you like this kind of posts where I share some obsessions I had in a story time kind of style cuz, I do have many and I love remembering and finding things to share in here! LOL.

Here are other walks down memory lane if you feel like reading more:

Blast from the past! My old "Skins" inspired look + podcast recommendation

Once upon a time, I was a Shinigami...

I'll see you next time~! ♡

xx Bunny Mon 🐰
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