Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Showing posts with label Alfeñique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alfeñique. Show all posts

Nov 2, 2023

Out & About: 💀 Alfeñique 2023

I don't really post about many local events and stuff but this one is one of the few I really enjoy. The Alfeñique Fair (Feria de Alfeñique) is a traditional fair held every year In the city center. It usually starts at the beginning of October and ends after the day of the dead. (November 19th this year)

In this fair you can find a big variety of seasonal candy, alfeñique candy figures and other day of the dead arts and crafts. 

This fair is big tho, many people from different places come to see it. It's alwasy suuuuuper crowded. But I get it, everything is so colorful and fun. 

I remember going to this fair when I was a little girl. Grandpa used to take me and my sister every year to buy some candy, then my dad and now, I like to go with my friends at least once.

This year we found they had different types of cultural activities, especially for kids. 

I'm gonna share some of the pics we took this year (I'm including the ones my friends took too) for you to see the things you can find there.

You can find a big variety of candy here. From the traditional chocolate skulls, wafers and dulce de leche.

Sugar skulls are also very common.

We saw many skulls and skeletons dressed as different things. I'm not a big fan but, some of them are cool and very popular.

I always wondered why thet sell sheep...

There are many non-edible figures people like to buy for their altars or just to have as decoration.

I loved these animal cookies, they were really cute.

We also found marigold candles this year. Some of them smelled really nice.

I love it when they have animal stuff

Sometimes you can also fins a couple of Halloween related stuff. This year they had a lot of Nightmare before Christmas goodies.

Those are just a couple of things you can find there. I feel like I didn't even show half of what they have. We spent hours walking around and deciding what to get. I like it because you can always find tourists and children and adults wearing costumes. It's a very friendly environment.

You can also find many photo spots with mexican Catrines and Catrinas.

There's a smaller Alfeñique fair closer to my house. It's not as crowded and a little cheaper because it's not as popular. But, I defo think going to the original one is the best option to have the whole experience, hehe.

I'm gonna finish this post with this super cute pink sugar cat skull my friend gave me. You know, I love my kitties.

And well, I hope you guys enjoyed this post with a big photo spam. Let me know if you'd like me to share mos posts like this one.
Here are other old Alfeñique related posts: 

💀 Out & About: Alfeñique Museum

💀 Day of the Dead

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Oct 13, 2015

Out & About: Alfeñique Museum

Hello guys!
Here's a small post about last Saturday, where my girls and I decided to have a very Day of the Dead day and finish it all with Halloween drinks at a local cafe which has become our favorite at the moment. Starbucks who? hehe Just kidding.

First of all, I want to clear something. I am aware that Day of the dead and Halloween are two separate holidays and are celebrated differently in different countries. But, I still like both (Halloween a little more) and here where I live, we have some pretty cool things this season, all day of the dead related. So, since I like both, I kinda mix the activities in one month (October) and finish it on the first days of November.
Ok! Now that's clear, let's move on!

We met early to visit the Alfeñique Museum, which is a small museum but very traditional, interactive and you learn a lot about the history behind the Alfeñique fair and its sweets. (Alfeñique is the art of making figures with sugar)
I really enjoyed it, got the chance to play dress up as a Catrina and even got my picture taken by this girl who was taking professional pics at the museum.

I think it's a good place to learn more about this tradition in a fun way, and get involved! They have this little how-to-make-a-sugar school class there too. We just didn't got the change to do it because, we had to wait a lot and we had other plans.

Anyways, here are some pics I took at the museum.


I'm not really familiar with this tradition, because my family never really celebrated it, but I always feel curious about learning more from it and seeing all the art they make not only through candies but also with sculptures and whatnot.

And, we also made a stop by the Alfeñique fair, I didn't took any photos there because it was crazy! A lot of people there! But I'll deffo go again and hopefully make a post about that.

At the end of the day we were SO tired and hot, we decided to have some cool spooky drinks at Macadamia Gourmet. They have a Halloween menu! And yeah, I waited the whole week to go and try some of their stuff. Of course I'll go back to try more!

And here's my latest vlog with part of our little adventure that day in case you guys feel like checking it out!

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Nov 2, 2014

Day of the Dead


Even though my family never celebrated this holiday, I could say it is one of the few things I do like about the place where I live. 
I do know there's a difference between my beloved Halloween and tha day of the dead but since it comes right after halloween, I kinda like to put them together and celebrate it as one long holiday (does it make any sense?) 

My friends and I had a little tour downtown to enjoy some of the Day of the Dead decorations, small fairs and the anual Alfeñiques fair. (I just found out Alfeñique is the art of creating figures from sugar~ Always learning something new! hehe)
I remember visiting this fair since I was a little girl wih my grandpa, and getting some traditional candies there. I was meaning to take some photos there but it was crazy crowded! It was almost impossible to walk around the place.
This fair is pretty famous here and people from many places comes to visit it, somehow I think is really pretty and colorful. What I mostly buy are chocolate skulls but there are TONS of sweets and other goodies, all related to death in a cute o funny way. 

Thankies daddy for my chocolate skulls!

Can you tell the first one had a bad surgery after being crushed inside my friend's purse? LOL

They also had street plays, altar expositions and a small bazaar with some death related arts and crafts. 

We never put altars at home, but I always have lots of fun helping with the one we put at school. Sadly this year I could be part of the making due to my dental surgery but I did helped with the cute and flirty skull at the right of the altar. My fellow teachers did an amazing job! Congrats sweets!

How do you guys celebrate the Day of the Dead?

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