Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Oct 13, 2015

Out & About: Alfeñique Museum

Hello guys!
Here's a small post about last Saturday, where my girls and I decided to have a very Day of the Dead day and finish it all with Halloween drinks at a local cafe which has become our favorite at the moment. Starbucks who? hehe Just kidding.

First of all, I want to clear something. I am aware that Day of the dead and Halloween are two separate holidays and are celebrated differently in different countries. But, I still like both (Halloween a little more) and here where I live, we have some pretty cool things this season, all day of the dead related. So, since I like both, I kinda mix the activities in one month (October) and finish it on the first days of November.
Ok! Now that's clear, let's move on!

We met early to visit the Alfeñique Museum, which is a small museum but very traditional, interactive and you learn a lot about the history behind the Alfeñique fair and its sweets. (Alfeñique is the art of making figures with sugar)
I really enjoyed it, got the chance to play dress up as a Catrina and even got my picture taken by this girl who was taking professional pics at the museum.

I think it's a good place to learn more about this tradition in a fun way, and get involved! They have this little how-to-make-a-sugar school class there too. We just didn't got the change to do it because, we had to wait a lot and we had other plans.

Anyways, here are some pics I took at the museum.


I'm not really familiar with this tradition, because my family never really celebrated it, but I always feel curious about learning more from it and seeing all the art they make not only through candies but also with sculptures and whatnot.

And, we also made a stop by the Alfeñique fair, I didn't took any photos there because it was crazy! A lot of people there! But I'll deffo go again and hopefully make a post about that.

At the end of the day we were SO tired and hot, we decided to have some cool spooky drinks at Macadamia Gourmet. They have a Halloween menu! And yeah, I waited the whole week to go and try some of their stuff. Of course I'll go back to try more!

And here's my latest vlog with part of our little adventure that day in case you guys feel like checking it out!


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