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Showing posts with label Tattoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tattoo. Show all posts

Jun 7, 2024

My Bleach 10th Division Tattoo 🏵️

 So, for my birthday, I did something a little bit out of my character, I decided to get my first tat. I mean, I know getting tattoos is something most people do but, it was something I thought was just not for me.

I remember years ago, I kinda wanted to get one, mostly because my boyfriend at that time had some and even started working at a tattoo studio but, I was never brave enough to actually do it and eventually moved on from the idea. I love men with tats but I'm hesitant when it comes to me because, I don't exactly love big tattoos on girls in general.

But something changed last year, I started considering it and it didn't go away this time and so, I finally did it a day before my birthday. My sister was the one who did it, which was also part of my bday pressies. She also gave me suggestions for sizes and places that would make it look nice. 

Honestly, I didn't feel as nervous as I thought I would, maybe just when we were about to start but it went away as soon as we did. I was brave enough to do it without anesthesia and, for someone who is veeeery dramatic, I did pretty well. My sister was very gentle so, it was a good experience.

Surprisingly, I didn't bleed much and my skin wasn't as irritated. Even now, after a couple of days, it's looking and feeling just fine.

Now, let's move to the actual tat, I knew what I wanted to get, but I wanted it to be very small and somewhere I could easily hide if I needed to. My first idea was on the back of my neck but I was told it was a little more painful so, I ended up getting it on left side of my back, close to my shoulder. In the end, we decided that having a slightly bigger design would help the flower look better.

The flower I got is a Daffodil, which is the 10th Division flower in Bleach. So yeah, it is an anime tattoo, hehe. But, this one has a special meaning to me, not only because Bleach is on of my all time fav shows and I love the 10th squad so, so much. Rangiku is my spirit animal and her character represents a period of my life that was super happy and special to me, so having it tattooed is, in a way, something that holds beautiful memories.

Plus, I love the fact that only Bleach fans will know it is actually from the show, to other people, it's just a flower, hehe. So it is not an "in your face" anime tat. Nothing wrong with that tho.

I know many people were suprised I got it, especially those close to me. Guess I'm feeling a little more adventurous now, hehe. I don't know if I'd get more tattoos in the future, and if I do, they will be small ones but, guess we'll see. All I can say is, I'm very happy with this one, it's cute, looks kinda fun and flirty and, I just love it.

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