Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Showing posts with label Pressies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pressies. Show all posts

Feb 26, 2025

🍁 Pressies from Canada 🍁

At the end of January my uncle and aunt came over from Canada. They usually come every year and visit friends and family. We got the chance to spend some really nice time together catching up back in January and also during this month on a family weekend in Ixtapan de la Sal visiting grandpa, laughing and just enjoying each others' company. Grandpa was very happy to have two of his children together.

They also brought pressies with them and, of course, I want to share in here, hehe. I've mentioned this before, there's something I really like about making these type of posts🀭 so, here I am, sharing another pressies haul with you. 

First we have this cute pink pj's. They are super soft and warm even tho they aren't that thick. Love the color and the silver details on it. 

Second we have a car phone mount, which is something I really wanted and was planning to buy. Mostly because of the vlogging thing but I know they are a very useful thing to have in the car when you're driving.

Redcrest Cardinal Golf Club beanie. It is pretty warm and comfy, perfect for this cold weather. It is something I'll be wearing every year.

Mary Kay hydrogel eye patches. Love, love, love eye patches. This one comes with 30 pairs and they are pink and sparkly!  

Can you see the glitter?✨

Meeting again was a great way to start the year and the month. I love my pressies but I love the memories we made even more. Hope we can repeat this sometime soon! ♡
That's it for this pressies haul / chit chat. 

See you next time~!πŸ’‹
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Jan 13, 2025

| Pressies from Canada |

Earlier this month I met up with my friend and former Twitter RP Taichou who came for the Holidays. We ate sushi, drank a little and caught up for hours.

 I'm stealing his pics cuz, they were nicer than mine, hehe.

Sushi my love! 

And well, even tho he didn't have to, he brought some pressies. I'm spoiled! So I guess this will be the first pressies haul of the year. As I'm typing this, I already tried some of these goodies.

Let's do this! 

Favorite Day eggnog. I am a big eggnog lover, I think I mentioned this before but, it has to be one of my favorite Winter drinks. This one didn't have any alcohol but was pretty good. I shared it with my mom and sister because... that was the instruction from Taichou, lol.

Tim Hortons French Vanilla Cappuccino & CafΓ© Mocha. They are both good but I have to say, my favorite is French Vanilla. πŸ’›
Each box comes with 8 sachets, you can make them with water or milk. I kinda like to use half and half so they can be creamy without feeling too heavy.

Starburst Fruit Chews. This sharing size bag comes with 4 different flavors: Strawberry (my fav), cherry, orange & lemon. They are soooo good and addictive! I'm failing at the "sharing" part cuz, I can't stop eating them. It's dangerous. 🀭

Halloween KitKat has to be one of my favorite things cuz you know how much I love Halloween! It makes it extra special! This one is Ghost toast flavor (love it), which is supposed to be a cinnamon toast flavored creme. 

And, my babies also received something! We have Sheba over here but, this is my first time seeing these Meaty Tender Sticks. Each package comes with 5 salmon sticks. Masha loved them of course and I'm still trying to make Sassy at least try them. She's a picky eater.

I'm super thankful for these pressies and the time spent even if it was pretty fast! Hope we can do it again some time soon. ♡
See you next time~!

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Dec 30, 2024

My Christmas Pressies 2024 🎁

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. For me it was pretty good. Honestly, I think I enjoyed it more than other years. We had delish food, drank a lot and sang karaoke until 4:30am. We also built a gingerbread house for the first time. It was something I wanted to do since forever and, the time finally came. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it'd be and I just loved how it turned out.


Of course we exchanged some pressies and, that's why we're here. I'll share what I received this year cuz you know, it has kinda become a tradition around here, hehe.
Let's do this!!

I'll start with the pressies I received from my boss, she always spoils us.

From left to right: X-mas reusable cup with a cute topper, butter cookies and tequila Don Julio.

She also gave us this box with cute small soaps in holiday shapes. They smell really good.

I have to admit that since most of my classes are online now, I do kinda miss receiving pressies from my students. Maybe that's one of the few things I miss about working in a school.

The bestie gave me some Pop Tarts that I love so much. I got s'mores pop tarts and a cute sakura hand cream.

Mom gave me 2 sweaters. The first one is this pastel blue fuzzy sweater. It is super soft and perfect for this cold weather. I looooove the color.

The other one is this silver sweater. I know it is not the best pic but, I love the puffy sleeves, it is a cute detail to it.

My sister gave me this NERV hoodie. I'm a big Evangelion fan and I always wanted something like this. It is already full of cat hair in the pic cuz I already wore it. Oops, cat mom problems.
It is a little oversized, which makes it super comfy to wear.

Lastly, we have this Gilmore Girls fill in book. In this family, we are bog GG fans so, it was a cute and fun gift. 

Really bad and blurry picture but, my babies also received some pressies. πŸ’–

And, there you go guys, my pressies this year. I also received other yummies but, I already ate them. 
This will be the last post of 2024. Thank you for taking the time to read my (sometimes) very random posts, thoughts and obsessions! 🩷

Hope we all have a happy and magical 2025! 🌠

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Nov 1, 2024

Halloween Pressies 2024 πŸ§›πŸ»‍♀️

October went by too fast but I have to say I enjoyed it a lot. I felt like I did many small Halloween things throughout the month with family and friends and closed it with a Halloween dinner on the actual date, that made me feel like I felt years ago when we would go out trying to drink as many seasonal drinks and go to different events every weekend in October. Things have changed a little but, it was still as fun. I can say I finally saw everything in a much more positive way after having a couple of difficult Autumns.

To wrap it up, I'll share with you the pressies I received this year. It felt like Christmas! Well, maybe even a little better, hehe.

I'll start with the one from my sister because it was the first one I received. It came in 2 parts, one in a classic Jack-o'-lantern and the rest in the black box under it. The pic is not the best cuz I took it before opening everything, I just couldn't wait but, you can get an idea of how everything looked like when I got it.

First, we have the Jack-o'-lantern bucket, with this cool bats orange paper and the big, furry spider. The spider found it's place in my decor right away and I love it!

In the bucket, she also included this wooden signs that are absolutely adorable! They came with some stands to display them. I kinda want to leave the Haunted House one all year, hehe.

And then we have some Beetlejuice goodies! I am obsessed you guys. This year Halloween was all about 90s nostalgia! I got a Beetlejuice plushie, a keychain and 2 pins.

I'm still not over this napkins. They are so vintage! I don't even want to used them ever!

How magical is this witchy candle? it has dry flowers, small pumpkins and a jack-o'-lantern charm you can keep after burning the candle. It smells like Jolly Ranchers haha, and it is defo something I'm gonna keep out all year round.

Lastly we have an amulet my sister made and fall socks! 🧑

Next we have the boo basket I recieved in the exchange with my friends, along with extra pressies from my other friend. We decided to include Halloween or seasonal candy in the basket and set a budget for it.

The "basket" was a green skull bowl, perfect for snacks filled with different types of cande. I started eating the candy before taking this pic so, not eveything was included.

My basket also had this bag full of candy. I received one last year too and I love them because they feel like the Christmas stocking Tutsi pop have every year but, in a Halloween version.

This were gifts my other friend gave me. She said she had to cuz she knows how much I love this season. I am obsessed with the spook-o-rama Milka chocolate. The presentation is way too cool! I also received a seasonal Paleta Payaso and a Jack-o'-lantern soap. The skeleton cat plate was sent by her sister. 

Closer look at the Jack-o'-lantern soap so you can see how cute it is. It smells good too!
I believed it was made by one of her students. She also sent my mom and sister soaps with other seasonal designs.
You can find more product here. They are handmade.

And well, since my friend is good with crafts, she made my name with halloween shapes! I love it and I'm also keeping this as an all year round thing.

On that same day we met other friends later and one of them gave us this cute Jack'-o-lantern plastic cups with some candy and some climbing plant seeds.

And lastly, Mom gave me this huge scented candle that, even tho it is not Halloween, there is something magical about candles. It is a berry - cardmon candle that smells delish! Plus it goes perfectly well with the colors I have in my house. It's my first time having a candle this big! I feel fancy, hehe. It also came with a chocolate pastry but, it didn't make it to the photo, hehe.

Of course I also made some Boo Baskets this year. The first 2 were for my family and the 3rd one for the exchange I had with my friends. I love making this things and I'm sure next year I'll try to make more for other friends too. I really put lots of love and effort in them. ⭐

It's sad that Halloween month is over but, it's still Autumn so, I'll continue enjoying my fav season with spooky stuff until Christmas is everywhere, hehe. Hope you had a wonderful October and a very fun Halloween!
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Jun 13, 2024

Birthday Pressies 2024 🎁🩷


I'm late with this post as usual but, here is my birthday post. This year my birthday was on a Monday (June 03rd) and since it is one of my busiest days, I started celebrating the weekend before. It all started with my family, lots of food, drinks, music & fun, then at work with my students and coworkers and last weekend I also celebrated with my friends.

It was really nice because I had surprises and celebrations before and after the actual day. As every year, I'm going to show you the pressies I recieved in no particular order. We're going to start with the cakes tho, cuz there's no bday celebration without cake. (or cakes! hehe)

First one was a mint-chocolate cake, next to it a strawberry cheesecake. Both were from my mom and sister. Next one was a cake a former student made for me, she decorated it with pink frosting cuz she knows, hehe. I shared that one with my students and the last one was the one I was supposed to eat with my friends but it had a little accident and died. I did have another cake but, for some reason, I don't have a pic of it.

Moving on to the pressies:

Sake my love! I received 2 bottles of Gekkeikan Sake. It was my frist time trying it and, I really, really liked it.

I love coffee but I usually drink instant because I'm lazy to make good coffee. Now I have no excuse, I received a coffee maker from Black + Decker which makes my life easier, hehe. I feel like my coffee station is a lot more complete now. It also came with some coffee 

Glue-on nails cuz you know, I'm a fan of fake nails since mine are never long enough or just pretty in general. These actually looked very natural.

Passion fruit chocolates and a coconut candle.

I know I already shared the cake but it came with a mini pink BissΓΊ nail polish.

Birthday muffin and Starbucks drink

I already shared a post about my tat but, I'm including it here because it was one of my pressies. If you want to read more about it, click here!

Here come some Sanrio goodies. Fist we have a Hello Kitty lip tint and a cute body cream and mist from Secret Scents. I can't tell the exact scent but it is soft and sweet.

Hello Kitty and My Melody are 2 of my fav Sanrio characters. Here we have some cute socks, hair band and a makeup bag.

Anime keychains! Osaki Nana and Sailor Moon ones.

Cute notebooks.

And these super cool makeup sponges.

Of course, we had some yummies too, these are mint-chocolate taffy. They are one of my favs!

This has to be one of my favs, a Barbie reusable bag. Love, love, love it! Most of my reusable bags aren't pretty so, I'm really excited to have a cute one now. 

I'll move on to some clothes now. Remember I'm not good at taking clothes pictures so, yeah.

I loved these wide-leg black pants, plus, they are very comfortable.

Cute cherry pj's!

This green blouse has a very nice back but I didn't have time to take a nice pic of it, guess I'll show you later. Plus, I don't have many green pieces so, it'a a nice change.

First thing I thought when I saw these tweed pink shorts was: "Legally Blonde" 
I love them! 

That is that for this year guys!
I feel like I always say this but, I really am lucky to have amazing people around me who are constantly showing me their love and support. This month is hard for me because it was also my dad's birthday and, father's day and I'm really thankful for everyone who makes it a little easier for me. I am so not excited to be a year older but, I feel like good things will come my way~! πŸ’‹
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