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Showing posts with label Fullmetal Alchemist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fullmetal Alchemist. Show all posts

Aug 23, 2022

Fullmetal Alchemist Live Action Prequel: The Revenge of Scar

On August 20th, Netflix released the 2nd Fullmetal Alchemist live action which will have a second part. This time I decided to watch it on the next day because, idk if you remember but, it took me forever to watch the first one.

Since it's still pretty new, I promise I won't spoil anything. I already had an idea of what to expect but I wanted to watch it, giving it a chance cuz the trailer looked good.

This time the Elric brothers will have to face Scar (along with the homunculus) and, even tho I remembered this character, I forgot about many things from the anime (it's been a while...). Scar wants revenge from the Ishval Civil War where most of the Ishval people where killed by the Amestrian Military, including his brother. Many Alchemists took part on this war so his goal is to kill them. That's the general idea.

We can see characters like Ling Yao, Lan Fan and May, who I remember as a small girl... I didn't remember much about them, I just know Lan Fan will get an automail later in the story, tee he hee.

He's cute

As from the military, we finally see Armstrong and King Bradley along with the others we saw on the previous movie, Riza, Roy and Hughes.

I was SO happy to see grandma Pinako, Den and a little more from Resembool. ♡ I loved to see Winry more involved in the story too and her interactions with Edward.

The previous movie had some emotional moments but I think this one hit me harder, haha. The whole story behind Winry's parents and how they died made me tear up a little. Specially after seeing Ed so involved even if he didn't know much about what happened.

Riza also had a bigger role this time and I have a feeling we'll see more from her in the second part.

I feel like, special effects and hair wise, they did impove if we compare it with the 1st movie.  Edward's hair wasn't exactly natural looking but it was better than before, same with Riza's, still could improve tho. I think Scar looked great and, Pinako and Hohenheim were my favorites. Can't forget about Al tho, he's always the cutest. The effects on some scenes could've been better (specially at the end) but, I don't complain.

I have to say, I didn't have many automail moments in this movie...

Idk what y'all think once you watch it and maybe, just maybe, my fangirl side is the one speaking but, I really enjoyed this movie! Like the previous one, it is loyal to the story and characters, it has lost of action but also a few funny moments (maybe not as many as the anime but, oh well~) and I'm looking forward to seeing the next one that will be released in September, I think.

Anyway guys, that's it for this post, I really wanted to share it because I need to share my obseesion with someone.

Tell me what you think, wil you watch it?

I couldn't find good FMA filters for this post but this one felt accurate. Those who know, know.
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Jun 6, 2022

I finally watched the Fullmetal Alchemist Live Action Movie...

Ok, I know this movie is not exactly new, it's from 2017. It took me forever to watch it. We all know that live action movies are never that great (unless we talk about the Rurouni Kenshin movies, that is a whole different level). But I love Fullmetal Alchemist, I always have so I knew I was going to watch it eventually despite the bad comments about it. Specially because I saw they will release 2 more movies soon and Izumi will be there. I just love that character so much!

Remember these movie posts are not reviews, they are just a way for me to share my obsession, excitement or just random thoughts. So, let's talk about this live action movie...

To be honest with you, I didn't have any expectation. I watched the trailer when it first came out and I wasn't 100% happy with how the characters looked.

This first movie is based on the first part of the anime, where Ed and Al lose their mom when they are too young and try to bring her back using alchemy. When the y fail, Ed loses a leg and an arm and traps Al's soul into an armor to keep him in this world. After these events, they will dedicate their lives to find the philosopher stone to recover their bodies. They have many adventures and meet many characters along the way.

I love these two and their relationship

The movie is loyal to the anime, I won't complain. But they could've done a better job with some of the characters! Starting with Ed, he is my favorite character. I love how stubborn and short tempered he is but in this movie, I couldn't stop looking at the horrible, cheap looking wig they used! Even the color was terrible!! I couldn't take him seriously. Same thing happened with Riza, she's beautiful but the hair wasn't. Idk why they can't just dye their hair?! or buy a nicer wig~ In my opinion, Lust could've been sexier tho. At least I saw her as a very beautiful and sexy homunculus in the anime.

Not all of them were that bad tho, Hughes and Envy looked pretty good! Gluttony was creepy and that was enough for me. Winry (who is also a fav) had a few changes from the original anime character, but she was ok. I liked her. Alphonse was defo my favorite, as cute as the anime one. Another thing I really liked, and that's something I never paid much attention in the anime were the military uniforms! For some reason they caught my eye, they were well made and looked pretty cool. 

Speaaaaaking of cool, LET'S TAKE A MOMENT TO TALK ABOUT THE AUTOMAIL! 😍 I don't know what others think but it was beautiful! I wish they had more scenes showing it. I was hoping to see Winry fixing it after Edward broke it on the first fight but, they never showed it. 💔

Sexy automail!

I found that Ed's automail was displayed in Osaka's Nanko ATC Museum. Somebody take me there!!

The special effects were not that great either. This story has a lot of alchemy, fighting scenes and fantasy characters but the way the effects were made, made everything look super fake.

Even tho it wasn't my favorite movie, I did enjoy watching it, it brought so many memories from the anime, helped me remember details I forgot about and also took me back to the time when I used to watch the show at my grandparents house. The good old days~

The second movie will be released sometime this year and I have a feeling I will be watching it. I really hope they make some changes to improve tho. I know Edward's hair looks a little better. At least from what I've seen in the trailers.

Tell me guys, did you watch this movie? Did you like it? Will you watch the new ones? Let me know!

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