Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Showing posts with label Manga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manga. Show all posts

Dec 9, 2024

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 7.8πŸ“ | Nana & Hachi Premium Fan Book! |

 It's been a while since my last Nana Manga posts. Like a year I think? I just feel lazy to write them sometimes cuz, for some reason, it takes me forever. Don't get me wrong, I still love it. I need to catch up because by now, all the volumes have been published and I only have half of them. Anyway, Last month I bought the 7.8 volume. Which is not an actual manga, it's more like a guide through Nana's world.

It is slightly bigger than other volumes but as thick as them. We have a cute pic of both Nanas fixing their makeup in front of a mirror.

When you remove the sleeve we can see other characters too with a bottle green background. Really nice!

It came with a cute postcard!

Something I really loved about it is that it includes some color pages, it gives it an extra something. Here's the content you'll find in this volume:

πŸŽ” NANA's Gallery - Memories & Regrets: This is one of the colored pages. It shows cute real life pictures with some Nana deets in them. Love them! 

πŸŽ” NANA's world TOUR GUIDE: This is the other colored part and it shows some of the real places shown in the manga and others that look similar. You know, stores, apartment buildings and certain spots in Tokyo.

πŸŽ” Introduction: It's a greeting/thank you letter from Yazawa Ai.

πŸŽ” Characters relation: Diagram showing the relationship between the main characters of the story.

πŸŽ” Character Profile: Shares some basic information about the main characters such as their age, height and blood type along with some key words that will be part of the next section...

πŸŽ” A to Z of NANA: This is like a dictionary, explaining all the key words we saw before and their connection to the characters or the story.

πŸŽ” Interview to YAZAWA AI: It comes in 3 parts divided throughtout the volume.

πŸŽ” Voices to NANA: These are messages from fans and readers. It also includes an interview with 3 fans.

πŸŽ” NANA's Story: Here we see their story through Hachi's eyes. It's like a short summary of the story until volume 8.

πŸŽ” Rock on Japan: 700 word interview with Trapnest. One of my favorite parts of this volume!

πŸŽ” NANA Carte: This is a very random part that has this type of award show thing for the characters and a personality quiz to see which female character you are most like. (I got Misato, btw. πŸ˜…)

πŸŽ” Misato's Report: Misato's reports are really cute. You can find some throughtout the volume too. She shows both Nanas' rooms and manga covers around the world.

πŸŽ” Character Room: This one has different categories featuring different characters:

    Nana's makeup class.

    Hachi's delicious and popular food

    Yasu's telephone consultation room

    Nobu's I LOVE PUNKS

    Shin's sweet drams

    Aiming to be Junko: The path of a good woman

    Sachiko's secrets and popularity (I didn't read this one~)

πŸŽ” Junko's Room Special: a longer version of Junko's room. 

πŸŽ” Dear NANA: Guess this one is like the closure? Just a small quote from Hachi to Nana.

I love everything about this volume! I feel like it gave me the feels all over again and the excitement to go back to reading and sharing about the manga around here. Plus, I want to buy the volumes I'm missing. If you're a Nana fan, you should defo get it, even if you don't collect or read the manga.

I want to include this before I wrap it up, I don't really own too many Nana goodies cuz they are hard to find here were I live but, these are some of my precious things, haha. I don't think I've shared them around here before. First is the NANA Best CD, which has to be one of my fav OST ever! It includes music from both, Blast and Trapnest and I could play it over and over again. On the bottom left we have an Osaki Nana keychain I received on my birthday and next to it is a cute Nana & Hachi pin my bestie gave me not long ago. ♡

This post will be a little out of order cuz I got it late, haha. Here are my other Nana manga posts in case you want to check them out. They are long tho, you've been warned. 

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 8πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 7πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 6πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 5πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 4πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 3πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 2πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 1πŸ“

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Jul 16, 2024

Heavenly | Hitsugaya & Matsumoto Fanbook | πŸ’™

Last month I received a late birthday surprise from my former Twitter Taichou (from our Bleach role play days), who's also my friend. The gift took a while to arrive cuz he bought it from a Japanese website and remained a mystery until it finally arrived. All I knew was that, in his words, it was perfect and, it really was. 

As some of you know, I am a huge Bleach fan and I love, love, love Hitsugaya & Matsumoto. I love them as a team, their relationship and yeah, even them together (I know, I know~🀭). And, in a way, we will always be them, hehe.πŸ’™

Front cover has Hitsugaya and back one has Rangiku~

But, both pics connect πŸ’–

Knowing this, he chose a Hitsugaga & Matsumoto fanfic. Which has to be the cutest thing ever! I used to love reading fanfics online but you never see them in stores where I live, so I never thought I'd own one. This one is called Heavenly by Baby-G & Area 666. The manga comes with many different cute and funny HitsuMatsu moments, completely in Japanese! (I think he overestimated my Japanese skills a tiny little bitsy bit) That's why it's taking me a while to read and understand it (I'm getting a little help from the internet too tho) 

I've been loving every part of it! The illustrations are slightly different between them because of the artists but all of them are pretty good. Love the way they draw angry Taichou! It's always the funniest. Of course, the fanbook also features other characters too, such as: Ichigo, Orihime, Rukia and Renji.

I've been strongly fangirling over these two since I received the fanfic, it's not a new thing but, I'm obsessed and that's why I wanted to share it with y'all while I impatiently wait for the new Bleach arc. I also wanted to include  this Hitsugaya acrylic keychain that came with the manga cuz Taichou is looking as cool as always~!

Love, love, love him~! 

And, that is it for this post. Let me know if you'll be watching the new Bleach arc, I just can't wait!

Other Bleach related posts:

30 Questions For Bleach Fans

Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War

Once upon a time, I was a Shinigami...

My Bleach 10th Division Tattoo 🏡️

See you next time~!♡ 

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Nov 27, 2023

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 8 πŸ“

"Even now, I keep calling your name. Despite my pain, I'll keep calling you until you answer me"

I'm really trying to catch up with these manga posts cuz I feel like I'm reading faster than the blogging. Idk why I always takes me forever to write them, hehe.

Anyway, today we have volume 8. It is a hot pink volume showing both Nana's doing some shopping as a part of their day out around Tokyo. Love it! ♡ 

This volume also has 4 chapters, from 25 to 28 and they are not going to be happy ones. Let's do this!

Chapter 25 Opens with a thought Nana had regarding something she promised Hachi earlier in the story, she's sorry she's not able to build her the house with a big garden she wanted, with that modern kitchen, a seaview and a room with a closet full of clothes so she wouldn't cry over a guy. Isn't is romantic? Hehe.

Then we have a flashback of the moment Nana was leaving to Tokyo. She's buying her ticket and when she turns around, she sees Yasu waiting for her, he went to say goodbye. He gives her Ren's number as a "goodbye gift" but she doesn't take it. Ren is not the reason she's going to Tokyo and she wanted to make it clear. Then she asks him to come with her, telling him he'll be able to find a good job as a lawyer there, he also asks her to stay but, in the end, she ends up leaving alone. She dreams about singing on a big stage in the city and she's willing to do whatewver it takes to acieve that. And then, we see the moment she met Hachi on the train.

Back to the present time, we see Nana, Misato-chan and Hachi in the apartment. The weather seems to be pretty bad because of a typhoon, which makes Hachi upset cuz she was really looking forward to seeing the fireworks that night. Nana calls Nobu, who's with Shin in his apartment, and asks them to come over. Nobu refuses at first but changes his mind when he hears Hachi is wearing a yukata. They arrive with fireworks to light after the rain. For some reason, they all want to make Hachi happy, which is super cute. Yasu joins them later and they all light the fireworks outside of the apartment bulding. They look so happy, it is a very heartwarming scene. Nana describes being with Hachi as being a young guy discovering love for the first time.

Apparently Nana went back to Ren's house the next day cuz we see them in the kitchen talking about that "young guy in love" thing. While they talk about it, Nana finds herself doing "wife" stuff for Ren as she cooks for him and thinks to herself how much she hates it when she does that, especially because she wasn't planning to get back together with Ren. For whatever reason then randomply end up having sex and he gets a work call after that so, he leaves. As soon as he leaves his bulding, we see a paparazi waiting for him. He wants to catch him leaving the place with Nana. His bandmates tell him he should be extra careful not to get caught, they don't wanna have an scandal cuz they only want people to know them for their music.

We move to Hachi at work. She's currently working at a supermarket, offering samples. This time she had to prepare some beef curry but as soon as she opens the bag, she feels nauseous and has to take the rest of the day off. Then we have a very quick but cute scene of Shin helping Misato-chan with her summer homework or something. He seems to be pretty good at English because he was raised abroad. This might be random but it's information about my pretty boy Shin-chan.

Back to Hachi, she decides to take a pregnancy test wich happens to be, positive. Yup, she's preggers.

Chapter 26 starts with Ren arriving to his house, surprised to see Nana there again. She seems to spend more time there than in her own place. Then we see Hachi having a short conversation with Misato-chan who was worried cuz she wasn't feeling well. Hachi keeps saying it's just fatigue and asks her not to tell anyone yet. Later that day, Hachi goes to a gynecology and obstetrics clinic just to confirm her pregnancy. She looks very nervous and keeps thinking about Nobu while being checked. When the check-up is over, she finds out she's in the sixth week of pregnancy. She cries.

After that, she meets up with Nana and Misato-chan in a restaurant before taking her to the station. Misato has to go back home cuz her summer break is coming to an end. They start talking about Shin and his background. Neither Hachi or Nana knew about him being raised abroad or anything related to his past really. When they order their food, Hechi decides to only have grapefruit juice. Misato tells Nana she should go back to the apartment cuz Hachi hasn't been feeling well. Then they go back to their conversation about Shin, misato tells them he said something about wishing he was never born. This brings back childhood memories for Nana, but she believes now that Shin has joined the band, he has found a purpose in his life and this will help him to make better decisions. The rest of their conversation seems to be more chilled and after a while, Misato leaves. Once Nana and Hachi are alone, Nana starts talking about Shin again and how his parents were very irresponsible people. she also says that people like that should not have children, Hachis takes it a little personal and tells her it's only natural to want to keep your baby when youre pregnant. This confuses Nana but Hachi only says she thinks that must be what people call "maternal instinct".

Later, Nana goes to the same clinic Hachi went earlier to get her birth control prescription but she looks a little uneasy and even tho she was a little hesitant, she asks the doctor about "maternal insctinct" cuz she doesn't seem to understand it very well. The doctor tells her it is like a feminine instinct that every woman feels at some point in her life. this makes her wonder if she'd feel that way if she got pregnant or, if it'd just feel like she's trying to please Ren, cuz he's the one who wants to have kids with her.

Then we see Blast rehearsing in the studio, Shin complains to Nana saying he has a stomachache. I think he was looking for some sweet, comfort words but he just received a kick in the butt. He also complains to Nobu because he never gets to see Hachi in the studio anymore and he kinda blames him for it. After that he just leaves to the bathroom to smoke. While he's there smoking, he accidentally hears a conversation between two members of the record label saying they don't believe Blast will be that successful cuz punk isn't in anymore.

We move on to Hachi, who's not feeling that well and is about to go to bed when she hears the door bell and automatically assumes it could be Nana. To her surprise, it is Takumi. She hesitates to open the door but he asks her to please do it cuz people are coming and they could see him, so she opens it. Of course it was a lie. She asks him to leave but he walks in the apartment anyway. She suddenly rushes to the bathroom because of her sickness and this makes him suspect a little. She tells him she is pregnant but she's not keeping it so he doesn't have to worry. She adds that, there's a chance the baby is not his but her boyfriend's. (Nobu). He doesn't really say much or looks upset, he just turns around and walks towards her room, to lock himself in. Through the door, Hachi can hear him dialing the phone and begs him not to tell Nobu. But of course, he wouldn't listen. Saddest thing is, he called from Hachi's phone so Nobu was excited to receive the call. Takumi doesn't even say hi, he just tells him she's pregnant and either of them could be the father but, he adds he is planning to recon the baby as his. Hachi is just out there, listening to the conversation without knowing what to do...

Chapter 27 This chapter opens with Ren recieving a message from Nana telling him she'll stay with Hachi for a while cuz she hasn't been feeling well. Then he has a short conversations with his assistant who drove him home. They talk about the super fancy car Takumi chose for him and they way he works. (not everyone is a fan of Takumi). Then we see a message Reira sent to my Shin-chan, she gives him her location and basically invites him to go and visit her. Of course, he does. When they are together she starts complaining because she has to write a song but she is not inspired to do it, especially because it is supposed to be a love song. Shin-chan seems to be a little down too, he says he's tired of acting like a "good boy" so the record label can help them debut. At some point, Shin "pushes" Reira to focus on the song, she sstarts crying as soon as she listens to the music Ren made for it. Shin starts complimenting her in a sweet way to motivate her to write this song.

After that, we have a very short scene of Yasu and Naoki talking about Takumi and his relationship with Hachi. Then, we go back to Takumi's phone call with Nobu. Nobu is speechless while Takumi yells at him asking him if he'll take responsibility for the baby. Nana quickly grabs Nobu's phone, Takumi asks them to come over so they can talk. she asks to talk with Hachi. he opens to door, sees Hachi on the floor and tells her Nana wants to talk to her, she can't really say something, she doesn't know what to do. Nana gets really angry and tells him they'll be there right away. Before they hang up, Takumi asks Nana to bring some grapefruit juice to help with the nausea.

As soon as the hang up, Nana asks Nobu if there's a chance Hachi's baby could be his, to which he says no, they always used protection when they were together. This makes Nana even more angry, she was hoping her baby was not Takumi's. She starts yelling at Nobu, trying to find ways to make him take responsibility for the baby. This makes nobu angry and tells her that she's just trying to find a way to keep Hachi with her and that, if that's the case, she should be the one taking responsibility for the baby but, that he doubts she'd be able to love Takumi's child.

After the phone call, Takumi carries hachi back to her bed and points out she has gained some weight. Tehn he starts telling her about the time when his sister got pregnant, she was also 20 and, even tho she married a good man, Takumi didn't like him so he beat him up. He also tells her she has to do her best and be strong cuz one thing is for sure, she's the mom of that baby and she has to do it for the both of them. Right when he finishes telling her that, someone rings the bell, Hachi starts crying right away while Takumi goes get the door.

Nobu arrives alone and since (of course) he didn't bring the grapefruit juice, Takumi decides to go get it and that way give them some alone time to talk. He rushes to Hachi's room and asks her if it's true she's pregnant, she just says she's sorry, Nobu actually thought her relationship with Takumi was officially over when they started dating. He even asks her to lie to him, he just wants to believe things will be alright between them. They just stay there for a while, crying. it's sad.

We move on from a sad scene to a "cute" one between my Shin-chan and Reira. she finally finished writing a song that talks about the red string of faith (I used to looooove that story). Shin doesn't know about it but, he liked the song. reira thanks him because it was because of him, she was able to write that song~

Chapter 28 This last chapter stars with Yasu and Naoki watching a video of Blast performing. They are in Yasu's apartment and Naoki seems to be impressed with Nana's voice and talent. He thinks they will succeed. Suddenly, someone knocks on his door, it's Nana, who runs to hold him as soon as he opens, she's crying. When Naoki see this, he decides to leave them alone but messages Takumi right away, letting him know Nana was there.

We see Takumi going back to the apartmet to realize no one is there. He worries when he sees Hachi left her phone there and decides to check the windows to make sure she didn't jump from there. He also sees a cute picshe took with Nobu on their first date. 

Hachi runs to Jun-chan's house, it's late so they are surprised when they hear someone ringing their doorbell.They wonder if it's Hachi or... Shouji. Hachi basically tells them about the pregnancy and her situation with Takumi and Nobu (without telling them that Takumi is actually the one from Trapnest). After their conversation she feels more at easy, Jun-chan tell her she should be strong. Then both of them drive her home.

On the other hand we have Nana with Yasu. She's questioning why she loves Hachi so much and hates Takumi just as much. She asks Yasu if he thinks she's weird, she doesn't really know what a good friend would do in Hachi's situation. Yasu just listened to what she had to say, then they smoked together. Apparently, this helped Nana to feel better so, she leaves after that.

When Hachi returns home she realizes Takumi is still there. He tells her he'll have to leave for a while soon cuz of work, and he'd like to have an answer before that so he can be at ease. She finally tells him she wants to raise the baby as his. He asks her if she wants to get marry him. And that concludes chapter 28. After all this, we have a very short "Junko's Room". I love Jun-chan but, honestly, I stopped reading those parts. It got kinda weird.

This was way too long again. Oopsie! Looking back, I don't really know why I used to love Takumi so much, I mean yeah, he's really good looking but he is a big red flag. The more I read the manga and remember the story, the more I dislike him. I just don't hate him.

We have more drama coming in the next chapters so, be ready, you've been warned, hehe. These posts are kinda behind cuz I already finished volume 10 but, for some reason, this posts always take me forever to write. I really should try to keep them shorter.

If you (still) wanna read more, you'll find the links to my older posts down below. 😘

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 7 πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 6πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 5πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 4 πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 3 πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 2 πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 1 πŸ“

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Jul 13, 2023

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 7 πŸ“

"Nee Nana, forgetting about our mistakes and our wounds isn't enough to make them disappear. even now I keep calling your name despite my pain, I'll keep doing that until you answer me"

I finished reading this volume last month but, it took me forever to sit down and write this post. But, here we are now, even if I'm almost done with volume 8~

Volume 7 is another orange volume, we see both Nanas in what seems to be the subway station, they are checking a "timetable" book. They look really happy. ♡

As we all know by now, this volume is divided in 4 chapters, from 21 to 24 so, let's get into it!

Chapter 21 starts with Blast's third concert in Tokyo, which was super crowded. Hachi and Misato-chan were already there. Jun-chan and Kyosuke arrived a little later but didn't see the show, the decided to let two other girls in cuz there were no places available anymore and they were clearly, hardcore Nana fans. They did pretty well, which was perfect because a person from Gaia Records was there too, and he realized how good the band was and their popularity.

He meets them at the end of the show and offers them to discuss a few things so they could have a chance to debut as a professional band. Because of this, Hachi and Misato-chan went back home right after the concert, Jun-chan and Kyosuke gave them a ride and also invited them to their art exhibition.

Nana calls Hachi to let her know they won't be back until very late cuz of the meeting. Even tho, she is happy for them, she can't help to feel a little left behind, especially cuz she prepared a lot of food to celebrate with them. Hachi and misato-chan end up eating part of the food she made and chatting for a while. Since Misato-chan will spend her Summer break there, Hachi decides to message Takumi and let him know so he doen't randomly show up while she's there. Takumi calls her just to make sure her visit is a woman, he smiles as soon as he hears her answer. Hachi also tells him she misses him and wants to see him. She leaves the apartment as soon as they hang up to meet him, leaving Misato-chan alone. Reira heras their onversation and pretends to feel sick so she can stay at the same hotel as Takumi and call Shin-chan. 

Then we see Blast going back home after the meeting, Yasu says he'll think about Gaia's proposal and give him an answer soon. Meanwhile Nana, Shin and Nobu share a taxi, Nana is planning to go back home to see Hachi while Shin receives a message from Reira and leaves the taxi before the others.

When Nana arrives to the apartments, she realizes Hachi is gone, she also notices a new microwave oven Hachi bought, a lot of food and a cake in the fridge, this makes her feel bad cuz she knows Hachi prepared it for them.

Hachi and Takumi reunite, at the same time as Shin-chan and Reira.

Chapter 22 Nobu hears someone knocking on his door at 6am, she opens thinking it's Shin but, it's actually Nana, who brought part of the food Hachi made and the cake. He wants to thanks her right away but, it is way too early for that. so they have an early breakfast together. At the same time, we see Hachi getting ready to leave the hotel, she realizes Takumi was still sleeping, which surprises her. She feels bad for calling him when she feels lonely even tho he's tired and leaves him a note before leaving. We also see Reira and Shin-chan in their hotel room. Shin refuses to take Reira's money this time, telling her she paid a lot last time so he'd take that as a part of last night's money. (My sweet Shin-chan's life is so sad sometimes πŸ’”).

Later that day, Hachi starts worrying about her future, not only because she feels lonely but also because she doesn't have a stable job and she feels stuck. When she arrives to the apartment building she notices she received a letter from Mizukoshi-san, her former boss, telling her he recently got married, which makes her feel even worse.

As soon as she gets to the apartment, she's greeted by a very happy Misato-chan, she's happy because all Blast members (except Nana) are there. Shin-chan immediately runs towards her to give her a big hug. They start talking about the record label and how they should accept the offer they are making. Hachi tells them how much she likes their music despite not knowing anything about punk, besides knowing the Sex Pistols because of a movie. She's sure they'll be a big success. 

At some point, they run out of alcohol and Shin asks Hachi to go get more, Nobu offers to go with her. She feels a little awkward cuz she doesn't know wha to talk about when they are alone, especially now that she knows he has feelings for her. She apologizes and tells him she's glad they met again cuz she thought he wouldn't want to see her again. Hachi tells him he might be idealizing and that once he knows her true self, he'll be disappointed, to which he tells her she should go ahead and disappoint him or he won't know how to let her go otherwise. They just hug after that.

Back in the apartment, Shin asks Yasu about his relationship with Reira, he wants to know if he was ever jealous of Takumi. Yasu admits he was, but not because of Reira, he was a little jealous of his talent. He also shares a little bit of how their relationship evolved until he realized he could never help her when he needed him. Suddenly, Nana arrives and wonders where Hachi is, Shin tells her she left with Nobu, this makes her really happy for some reason.

Then we go back to Nobu and Hachi. As they're are hugging, Hachi realizes she really has to end things with Takumi if she wants to have something with Nobu, that hug made her feel really good. Then, they kiss.

Chapter 23 After sharing a kiss, Hachi and Nobu hold hands and walk to the store but, she keeps wonderin what could be on his mind after everything that had happened between them and Takumi. In the apartment, Nana asks Yasu to tell the man from Gaia to prepare a contract as soon as possible, then she decides to take a bath  as everyone starts leaving assuming Hachi will spend the night with Nobu. 

When Hachi and Nobu are at the convenience store, they see a poster about a firework expo, Nobu asks her if she wants to go with him, this makes her happy and, of course, she says yes. They walk back to the apartment holding hands again and start talking about random things that lead them to end up talking about Takumi and how Hachi didn't want anyone to find out about them. Nobu understands and tells her he's willing to wanit for her and do everything he can to make her happy. 

When she arrives home, Misato-chan is surprised she came back alone. Hachi goes to the bathroom, where Nana is already taking a bath, she undresses and jumps in the bath tub with her and tells her about Nobu inviting her to see the fireworks together. Nana seems to be a little upset cuz she expected Nobu to do a little more than just inviting her to do that. 

Now in her room, Hachi thinks about ending things with Takumi through the phone, then she takes down the Trapnest poster she had. Then we see Trapnest talking about how the paparazzi had been following them and how they have to be very careful with everything they do. Especially Ren having Nana staying at his place. While they're at it, Takumi receives a message from Hachi asking him to call her whenever he can, he calls right away. Even tho she was planning to end it, she couldn't do it through the phone, it didn't feel right so she asked him to meet to which he replies he can't because they're in the middle of shooting a TV show. He quickly asks her if she's pregnant, feeling releived when she says no, telling her he's glad cuz it'd be "bothersome" if she was. This makes her feel angry so she tells her not to call her again and, hangs up. He doesn't seem to understand why she got so upset. Hachi waits for a couple of minutes to see if he'd call her again but, he never does. She realizes she was hanging onto a man who didn't really care about her but, at the same time she's proud thinking she broke up with him. In a way. 

The next day, Hachi unexpectedly visits Nobu at work, he's surprised cuz he thought it'd take longer for her to end things with Takumi. After work, they go to his apartment and, sleep together.

Chapter 24 We see Hachi and Nobu in bed, talking about his family, Nana back in high school and their relationship with Ren. The next morning, Hachi arrives to the apartment, finally finding Nana there. Hachi's nervous to tell her about what's happenening with Nobu and tries to avoid the topic but Nana asks her if she was able to find him at work. At some point, Hachi starts crying and tells her she's fallen in love with him. Later that day, Nobu and Hachi go to Jun-chan and Kyosuke's art event, which took Jun-chan by surprise. After the event, she meets with Kyosuke and Shouji at Jackson's Hole and tells them everything about Hachi's new relationship. There are some cute Jun-chan x Kyosuke scenes after that, where they talk about Hachi and Shouji and what made their relationship fail. They are always really cute together.

Takumi tries to call Hachi but the calls won't go through, this annoys him. He kinda complains about it with his bandmates and, even tho Ren knows about her new relationship with Nobu cuz Nana told him, he doesn't say anything. We move on to Nana and Nobu talking about Hachi. He thanks her for helping him and supporting him through it all which to she replies she wasn't doing it for him, she only used him to "keep Hachiko tied up in her garden", Nobu is shocked but doesn't have time to say anything cuz Hachi arrives, interrupting them. 

Nobu decides to talk to Shin about it, Shin admits Nana can be a little too possessive and also points out how toxic her relationship with Ren is. In the end, Nobu tells Shin he should try loving someone but Shin says that is impossible for him.πŸ’”

We move on to see Yasu and the guy from Gaia with Shin's step-dad since they need his approval to sign the contract. Yasu realizes the man doesn't love or care bout Shin at all, which is pretty sad.

Towards the end of the volume, we see Hachi and Misato-chan painting Hachi's room, she wants to get rid of the mark the Trapnest poster left on her wall. In a way, it is a way to officially leave everything she had with Takumi behind.

And that is rhe end of volume 7. As always, there's a Junko's room section that keeps getting weirder and more random each time.

Oops! I think this was a long post again. I'll keep my thoughts short. I think now that I read this volume, I realized that Nana and Hachi's friendship was a little toxic too. Too many toxic relationships in this story, omg. Still love them so much and I think Nana is the coolest. 

Anyway, the links to my previous Nana manga posts will be linked down below in case you haven'r read them or feel like doing it, hehe. (They are all super long tho)

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 6πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 5πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 4 πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 3 πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 2 πŸ“

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 1 πŸ“

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Apr 4, 2023

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 6 πŸ“


"We've spent an enourmous amount of time together, however... I didn't understand you at all. 
I didn't even realise that I had hurt you.
Forgive me."

It's time to check Nana volume 6! I think now I am reading a volume a month, and even tho I'm still behind, I'm proud of myself. At least I'm reading something. Hehehe. 

Anyway, volume 6 it's also a hot pink volume. I'm starting to see a pattern here. We have Nana and Hachi traveling in what seems to be a train or a bus. Hachi has a drink amd Nana is eating something that looks like a hotdog or something. Love it.

Something I forgot to mention on my previous posts is that at the end of each volume, there is a "message from the Author" part where Ai Yazawa shares short stories or messages about the process of making this story and things that inspired her back then.

This volume is divided in 4 chapters as usual. From chapter 17 to 20. Let's do this!

Chapter 17 Starts with Jun-chan and Kyosuke having breakfast and talking about Hachi and how much she has changed in the past few days. Kyosuke suspects her change could be thanks to a "new man." I love these two, they act like an old married couple sometimes. Then we see Hachi talking to Nana and the other Blast members about her new job as a demonstrator in a supermarket (dunno if that's the right name, tho) and how fun it is, especially cuz she gets to wear cute outfits.

They all leave the rehearsing studio together, Nobu and Shin start talking about the Trapnest concert they all will attend the next day, Hachi is not going tho. She said she would be busy. For some reason, Nana and Shin have a short conversation about Tanabata, Nana is surprised he doesn't know what it is about and, Hachi ends up inviting him to the apartment so they can celebrate it and write their wishes on the tanzaku and hang them on the bamboo tree. This scene is super cute! They all make the most random wishes and, since it is really how and they don't have AC in the apartment, Nana decides to turn a fan on, right in front of the bamboo tree, makeing all the tanzaku fly out the window. They show this scene of all the tanzaku flying and we can read Nana's wish: "I want Hachiko to find a long haired boyfriend"

The next day, Hachi is getting ready while watching TV, Trapnest is having their last concert and Takumi promised to visit her when that happened. She wonders if he's actually do it but she's almost sure, he won't cuz he hadn't been in contact with her while he was on tour. Still, she decides to buy some ingredients to cook for him, just in case. She remembered he really liked the tomatoes Jun-chan gave her and goes to see her to get some more. They talk a little and she leaves to start cooking. A part of her doesn't want him to go cuz that way it'd be easier for her to just give up, other wise she thinks she would have to tell Nana everything that's been going on between them. When Nana arrives, she's surprised with the amount of food Hachi made, she lies telling her she thought Ren was coming too but Nana tells her they have a wrap up party. They end up having dinner together while talking about the concert. Nana tells Hachi she couldn't help to compare herself with Reira which, in a way, motivated her to practice a lot harder to become better than her. 

While the girls are talking, the other Blast memebers are waiting for Trapnes backstage, Yasu decides to leave before they arrive. And, here is where Reira and my sweet Shin-chan first met. They all go to the after party together, in which Takumi is asked to sign some pictures. This reminds Ren he promised to give Hachi Takumi's autograph. When he asks him, Takumi says she won't need it anymore cuz he slept with her the next day they met. Ren is surprised, he knows Takumi is a player and how important Hachi is to Nana. He acts super rude and tells them he didn't pushed her to do anything and that she even "wagged her tail with joy". This made Nobu really mad but, he just left. Shin-chan approached Takumi and threw his drink at Takumi's face before leaving the place. This is why I love Shin-chan so much, he really adores Hachi and, sometimes, acts very mature for his age. Reira laughs at Takumi and since he's upset, he decides to leave saying the whole situation reminded him he had somewhere to go.

Back to the apartment, someone rings the bell at 3:05am, waking Nana up and wondering who could it be, she leaves her room to open the door and finds Takumi holding Hachi at the door. She's shocked, Takumi just makes a sign, asking her to stay quiet. She goes back to her room with a worried look on her face. 

Chapter 18. We see Nobu and Shin on the street talking about what happened before. They both look sad but nobu looks veeeery disappointed. Shin pretty much encourages him to fight for Hachi cuz he can tell he loves her. They decide to take a taxi and, go home. Then we see Nana in a cafΓ© waiting for Yasu, who looks really worried when he arrives. Nana doesn't want to tell him the real reason why she left the apartment at such a super duper early hour in the morning at the beginning so she tells him she realized she left her wallet at home and needed him to help her with that. They chat for a while and in the end, she tells him she left because Takumi arrived and didn't want to bother them. Even tho she says Hachi is free to date whoever she wants, she hates the idea it' had to be Takumi. Nana is someone who likes to be in control so, she admits that even tho she doesn't own her, seeing her taking a different path makes her feel alone. We move on to Hachi and Takumi in bed. They start talking about how popular they must be with the opposite sex and how Takumi is glad she doesn't have a boyfriend. He also tells her he doesn't want to share her with anyone. I used to think this was kinda cute years ago.  

Nana and Yasu leave the cafΓ©, Yasu goes to work and Nama to Ren's place. He asks her to move in with him, she just says  she'll think about it. The next day Hachi is waiting for Nana, wondering when she'll be back home cuz she wants to talk to her about everything that's going on in her life. Someone knocks at the door and she quickly goes get it thinking it could be Nana but, it's acually Nobu. He seems to be willing to talk to her, he even rejects a beer saying "he doesn't need it to say what he has to say" but in the end the only thing he says before leaving is that he will become better than Takumi. This leaves Hachi feeling a little confused.

Then we have a short scene of Yasu checking the voice messages on his phone, he has a message from someone at Gaia Music telling him he saw the demo he sent and he'd like to talk to him in person. Then we see Reira paying Shin-chan before entering the hotel room, Nana buying some things to have at Ren's house and Hachi alone in the apartment.

Chapter 19. We see Hachi waiting to hera from Nana, really late at night, she receives a message in which she tells her she'll spend the night at Ren's but she'll meet her the next day to hear everything about her love story. Then we see Reira and Shin in bed, she's telling him a little more about her and how people expect a lot from her. I used to like her, she's a very lonely person but, honestly, I don't like her that much anymore. 

We move on to what seems to be the next day, Nobu and Shin are talking in the rehearsal studio about what happened with Hachi. Shin still thinks Nobu should be brave enough to tell her how he really feels. He also mentions he lost his favorite lighter, which is a super cool Vivienne Westwood which is also a necklace he always wears. Yasu arrives followed by Nana, she wants to know how his meeting with the people form the record label went. Later that day, Nana goes back to the apartment and tells Hachi about the call from the record label. She gets super excited and assumes Blast would have a debut soon. Nana explains someone from the record label will go to their next concert and see what happens from there.After that, Hachi apologizes for not saying anything the night Takumi went to see her. Nana seems to be ok with it but also tells her she's planning to spend a few days at Ren's. They continue talking about Takumi, the fact that all the Blast members are aware of what's going on between them and the fact that Nobu is in love with her. Hachi is super confused and not sure about what to do with Takumi and Nobu. Nana asks her not to worry about it.

Nobu is constantly thinking about what he told Hachi and how he can't just leave things the way they are. While he's talkinh, Shin receives a phone call from Reira and and tells Nobu he has to leave right away because of "work". Before he leaves he tells him there is something he can beat Takumi at, and that is love. Shin arrives at the hotel where Reira is staying, she called him using as an excuse the fact that he left his lighter necklace thingy there. She invites him in but he refuses to stay if it's not for "work." She gives him the lighter back and he tells her he lied when he told her he charged ¥100 thousand a night the first time they met and that he felt weird receiving that much money and that, because of that, she can spend another night with him whenever she wants. Then he just leaves.

Then we have a scene of Hachi and Nobu outside the apartment, they start talking about what happened the other night, he apologizes and tells her he really likes her even tho he knows she might be in love with Takumi. They walk back to the apartment, she's kinda confused cuz she doesn't even know if what she feels for Takumi could actually be love. Nobu's words made her feel way happier than when Takumi said he didn't want to share her with anyone else. In the end, she decides do move on and if Takumi ever calls her again, she'd end things with him.

The next day Hachi finds a note from Nana on the table, she left to spend 2 weeks with Ren. Hachi feels a little worried, she wonders if she really will be back after those 2 weeks.

Chapter 20 We have a few short scenes: Ren and Nana are having breakfast together, Ren suggests they should go on a trip now that he has some free time but Nana turns him down cuz she's busy with rehearsals and prepping for the concert. Then he notices she's taking birth control pills and asks her about it, to which she tells him he should find another woman if he wants to have kids.

Then we see Shin with a woman named Ryoko-san, she's obviously older than him. It seems like they have spent the night together. From what I know, this woman is someone who has "taken care" of my sweet baby Shin-chan and taught him everything he knows about women. She tells him she's traveling to America soon, so she won't be seeing him for a while.

Last short scene shows Yasu meeting up with Naoki (Trapnest member), they were friends back in high school too. They have a short conversation about why Yasu changed his mind about moving to Tokyo and become a part of a band. Yasu says he did it because of his "fatherly love" for the band.

We move on to Takumi smoking on the beach, unexpectedly Reira walks in, surprising him. She said she was looking at him from afar for 30 minutes. It looks like their families live in the same city. Takumi's mom is dead tho, and he doesn't have the best relationship with his father. Reira and Takumi have known each other since they were very young so, Reira mentions she also went to visit Takumi's mom's grave. She suggests they should do something together now that they bumped into each other but, he declines.

Back in Tokyo, Blast is rehearsing for the concert and Hachi is there with them. Nana wonders where could Takumi be and why he hasn't contacted Hachi. But she seems to be ok with it, in a way it's better fo her. She also says there is no point in contacting him if he's gonna end up ignoring her, which is sad. She's actually there to see Nobu, she keeps thinking about the last conversation they had and how if Takumi doesn't contact her anymore, she'd become another girl he abandoned and that way she won't feel bad for starting something with Nobu.

Nobu walks Hachi to the apartment after the rehearsal. They don't talk about anything important really, but suddently Hachi sees Takumi's van, a black 4x4 Mercedes, she gets super nervous and tells Nobu she can walk home alone from there, she doesn't want them to see each other but, Takumi gets off the car before Nobu leaves. He asks Hachi why is she out so late and tries to justify the fact that Nobu was with her. In the end, she goes with Takumi, leaving Nobu alone.

When they arrive to the apartment, Hachi is willing to ask him to leave and never call her again, she offers him some food or something to drink. He accepts the drink and before she realizes, he goes straight to her room and they end up spending the night together again. In a way she feels like Takumi is the only one who knows how empty she feels and doesn't judge her for that. 

When Trapnest's break was over, Nana didn't come back home, Hachi stopped visiting Blast at the rehearsals because she couldn't see Nobu. We see Hachi picking misato-chan at the train station, she's going to spend a few days in the apartment since Hachi is still alone there. And that is where this volume ends. We also have a long Junko's room. I do read them but I never include them here because they are not really relevant in the original story and, it'd make these posts even longer. 

I gotta say I love how Nana is very focused on her goals and doesn't let Ren or their relationship get in the way. For some reason, I didn't use to see Hachi's relationship with Takumi as a bad thing, at least not as bad as I see it now. In a way, I used to understand how she felt but everything is just toxic. I don't know if I mentioned this before but, the more I see Reira's relationship with Shin-chan, the more I dislike her~

I know after this chapters, some things will get super dramatic and kinda sad. 

For some reason, I ended up making this post, a super long one too. Even tho I was trying to keep them shorter.

The previous posts are linked down below for you guys to check them if you want.

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 5 πŸ“ 

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 4 πŸ“ 

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 3 πŸ“ 

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 2 πŸ“ 

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 1 πŸ“ 

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Feb 28, 2023

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 5 πŸ“

“At that time I told myself that I didn't want to fall in love ever again. But that night while praying for your happiness Nana, I thought that despite all the wounds and all the pains it could cause I wanted to dream again, and love someone with all my heart.”

I'm back with Nana volume 5! I'm trying to get caught up here, hehe. Volume 5 is an orange volume again. It is slightly lighter than volume 3 tho, which was also orange. We can see both Nanas in what seems to be a cafΓ©. It looks like they're ready to leave and they both bought something (idk it looks like bread to me). Like I've mentioned before, this covers have a continuation, it makes you feel as if you were following a side story. They are too pretty.

We have another short summary and this volume is also divided in 4 chapters: from 13 to 16. Let's get started!

Chapter 13 starts with both Nanas still at the concert, Hachi is worried thinking Ren never really noticed them even when they were really close to the stage. Before the concert is over, Trapnest members take a short break before performing their last song and while they start talking about their performance  backstage, Ren runs to the bathroom to call Yasu, he did notice Nana was there. In the meantime Hachi asks Nana if she thinks Ren saw her to which she answers telling her it is almost impossible to see faces with all the lights on stage and that she hopes one day she can perform in a big stage too.
Yasu tells Ren he should try to see Nana because if he doesn't do it this time, he'll stay with her. And, he gives him Hachi's phone so he can contact her because Nana doesn't have one.

When Nana and Hachi go back to Hachi's family's house, Hachi is really sad because they couldn't have their reunion but, Nana seems to be ok with it. They have dinner together and shower after that. When Nana is showering, Hachi remembers she forgot to turn on her phone, and when she does, she realizes she had a message from Yasu telling her that Ren might call her, of course she freaks out and runs into the bathroom to tell Nana, she's worried they might have missed his call. They decide to call Yasu and Nana asks him for Ren's number cuz she doesn't want to wait, she's willing to go see him and end things
for good. 
Then we see Ren in his room, thinking whether he should call Hachi or not when suddenly Reira knowck on his door. She can't sleep so she wants to go play cards in Takumi's room. She invites him but he turns her down. I feel like Reira is always kinda flirty with Ren and Takumi~ Anyway, when Ren goes back to his room, he receives a phone call from Hachi's number, he's surprised when he hears Nana's voice. She asks for his address so they can talk.

When she arrives to the hotel, she finds a way to enter without the fans noticing her but, she does find security and has a bit of a hard time trying to pass. But Ren comes to the rescue telling the security guy she's with him and giving him a can of coffee. So, they quickly go to his room and as soon as they close the door, Ren holds Nana tightly. at first she asks him to let go but she slowly gives in and hugs him.(This would be a romantic scene if I liked Ren~).

Then we move to Nobu's apartment, where he's playing mahjong with Shin and Yasu. They start remembering when they used to play with Ren and kinda remembering how things were back when he left Blast to join Trapnest. 
And, we go back to Nana and Ren in his room. They both cry and kiss...

Chapter 14. Hachi and Jun-chan are on the phone at 4am, she was too excited about Nana and Ren that she couldn't sleep. When they finish talking, she tries to go back to sleep. In the meantime, Nana and Ren are in bed together. When Ren wakes up he realizes Nana is not in bed with him anymore and thinks she left. He gets out of bed and sees her things so, he goes to the bathroom and finds her taking a bath in this huge, fancy bath tub, filled with rose petals. He joins her and they start remembering the small bathtub they had when they used to live together. They talk about other things to and, in the end, they reconcile.
When Hachi wakes up the next morning, she notices Nana is there too. She's super curious and wants to know what happened but Nana doesn't really tell her. She does ask her if they could use their phone to stay in tocuh since Nana doesn't have one and, they don't have one at home either. In return, she'll ask Ren to get Takumi's autograph for her. This makes Hachi really happy, not because of the autograph but, because it means they are back together.
After seeing knowing what happened between them, Hachi starts longing for a boyfriend again, Jun-chan and Kyosuke kinda suggest she could try dating one of Nana's friends and her first thought is, Yasu. So, later that day, at the rehearsal, Hachi and Yasu are the first ones to arrive, she gets all nervous not knowing what to tell him so, she shows her the Trapnest book thingy she bought at the concert and also tells him how her boyfriend cheated on her. He tells her some nice things about her and Hachi decides to ask him if he has a girlfriend, to what he says that he's single. Right when she's ready to say something, Nobu arrives along with Shin-chan. Nana arrives after them and scolds Shin for smoking. She asks all the band members to stop smoking cuz, she wants to take care of her lungs a lot more to become a better singer. (she's basically doing it to become better than Reira.
She even starts working out.

A couple of days later, Hachi receives a message from Ren, telling her there will be a mahjong tournament at Nobu's and wants to see if he can stop by their apartment before that. She's super excited and replies right away saying yes. Nana, of course, ask her not to reply without telling her first and, they decide to change the tournament thingy to their apartment cuz, they'd have more space there.
Hachi marks the date on her calendar and doesn't think about anything else until the day comes. She plans her outfit, the food she's gonna make and even the flowers she'll but for decoration. 

When the day comes, she even leaves work early. When she arrives home, everyone is already playing. She rings the bell for some reason and while she waits, she's thinking about a good way to introduce herself to Ren, since this will be her first time meeting him. When they finally open the door, she sees Takumi welcoming her with a "Welcome home, Nana-chan". She's speechless and starts crying, relizing this was Nana's doing as a way to thank her for what she's done for her and Ren.

Chapter 15 While the guys are playing mahjong, in which Shin-chan seems to be pretty good at, Nana and Hachi are in the kitchen, making some food. Nana joins them after that. Hachi continues cooking, thinking about many things at the same time, when suddenly she sees Takumi, next to her, eating one of the tomatoes Jun-chan gave her. He really liked them so, they have some small talk, sh'es super nervous and not sure about what else to say. The bell rings and breaks this kind of awkward moment between them. Takumi goes get the door and as soon as he sees Yasu, he greets him all friendly, which surprises Hachi, she had no idea they were friends.
They spend the rest of the evening playing and chatting, Hachi and even Nobu, learn a lot about the past they all have together, including the fact that Yasu and Reira dated for a while. This makes Hachi compare herself to Reira, thinking that Yasu could never look at her after dating someone as beautiful and talented as Reira.
At some point, they run out of alcohol, Nobu has to go buy more and Hachi decides to go with him. They continue talking on their way to the konbini and kinda bond a little. This makes Hachi think that if she can't start a relationship with Yasu, she could try with Nobu. They seem to want similar things. When they arrive to the apartment, Takumi is already gone.

The next day we see Hachi waking up to her phone ringing, she realizes Shin is sleeping next to her and asks him if something happened between them, to which he says nothing happened because she doesn't give him money. This shock her, considering his age. When she leaves her room she sees Nobu sleeping in thee dining area and a "do not disturb" sign on Nana's door. She assumes Ren stayed over too.
Her phone rings again, Yasu was trying to call her to wake her up, that way she wouldn't be late for work. Since it is already late, she shows up at work wearing a mask, claiming she woke up wit allergies. But, I guess people there were just tired of Hachi doing her own stuff during working hours and, they fire her. 
Of course she is sad and worried. The girl likes nice things and she just can't afford them so she just sits on a bench in the street, drinking canned coffee while she thinks about what to do next. While she's at it, she receives a phone call from a private number. It is Takumi, and for some reason they are in the same are, he's stuck in traffic tho. He says he called her because he left without saying goodbye and he wanted to thank her for the food she made for them last night. They decide to meet. 

Chapter 16 Hachi and Takumi are in his van, and while Takumi talks about what a coincidence it was that the two were in the area, she keeps thinking she must be dreaming. He mentions he wanted to see her again, which she didn't believe. It was too good to be true. Suddenly, Takumi turns around and kisses her while the traffic light is on red. Hachi is aware everyone says he is a player and this was no fairy tale. He drives to a hotel, acting cool. Hachi is super nervous and doesn't know what to do, she considers leaving but she ends up staying. He takes her to a very big, fancy room that makes her feel like a princess, it is the first time she stays in a place like that. She takes a shower while he orders room service, they have dinner together and chat for a while, then Takumi takes a shower. While he's in the shower, she thinks to herself that now she's already there, she's gonna enjoy the moment and promises not to fall for him.

Nana calls her from her new phone cuz it was late, Hachi couldn't tell her where she was and lied about spending the night at Jun-chan's. And well, they sleep together and he leaves after that cuz Trapnest would start a tour the next day, leaving a note with his number and e-mail for her. When she wakes up she realizes it is too late for her to go back home cuz she already missed the last train. This makes her cry cuz, in a way, that gave her some hope to see him again or at least, hear from him again.

After that we see Trapnest together, and also a bit of Blast in the rehearsal studio. When Nana and Hachi are back in the apartment, we see Hachi complaining to Nana, she applied to 3 part-time jobs and she was tured down, she wonders what could be wrong with her. Nana suggests she should look for a job based on things she likes, she seemed to be happy when she used to work in the antiques shop cuz she was surrounded by pretty things. Even tho Hachi wanted to tell Nana about Takumi, she wanted and advice but, she just couldn't. 

Then we see a very quick scene where we find out Shouji and Sachiko are planning to move in together~ 
Lastly, we see Blast in what seems to be a dressing room, Nana receives a message from Ren and leaves the room after that. 
That is the end of chapter 16. Then again, we have more Junko's room which seems to be longer each volume.

Ok, back when I watched the anime, everything that happened in this volume was very exciting. Even the Ren and Nana reunion and, I don't even like Ren! Blast and Trapnest reunited, being friends and getting along was fun and Hachi meeting Takumi was like a dream came true. At this point I used to like Trapnest a lot cuz their music (in the anime) were more my style and well, I liked Takumi. I mean, now I know he's not a good character but, the dude is hot! And until now, he was not that bad.

I don't think I have a lot to say about this one cuz, I enjoyed it a lot. I know I'll have more to say on the next one tho.

So, let's not make this post any longer. The previous random chit chats about the other volumes are linked down below, in case you missed them or want to check them out. (they are long and all over the place tho. You've been warned)

Manga Reading: Nana Volume 4 πŸ“
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