Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Showing posts with label Hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair. Show all posts

Mar 26, 2023

AQUA NET Hello Kitty Finishing Stick

Baby hairs are something I'm constantly struggling with so, when I saw this product I knew I wanted to try it. 
AQUA NET recently released a special edition collab with Hello Kitty, at first I thought it was only for kids but then I realised they had other products too, including this finishing stick.
I believe this collab also has hairspray and some kind of mousse thingy. I'm not too sure.

Before we talk about the product, I wanna mention the packaging cuz, it is really cute! I love everything Hello Kitty so, yeah. 
It is super pink and it has hearts! What's not to love about that? The actual product is black, as the normal versoin but this one has Hello Kitty faces, hearts and bows in pink and red. 

The product claims to control baby hairs for 18 hours with its formula that includes silicones and fixatives. It says you can also use it to fix and keep your brows in place.

The applicator comes like the ones you use for mascara so, it's super easy and clean to use. It has a slightly white-ish color and it's not sticky at all. It smells like... hair products, haha. I wouldn't know how to describe it but it's very subtle and a little sweet. Nothing too overpowering.

I've been trying it for a couple of days and, even tho I haven't put much time and effort cuz I don't really have time to style my hair during the week, I do think it makes a difference. 

I mostly focused on the bangs area when I took these pics cuz that's my main problem area.

All in all I think it is a good product and does the job. It doesn't last for 18 hours tho but, since it's very easy to carry around you can always do touch ups every now and then. I gotta say it did worked great on my eyebrows. 

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Jan 5, 2023

New year, new hair~

 I don't know if you guys caught it but, in my last post I randomly mentioned I had a haircut and Rangiku was the one to blame for it. Today, I'll go a little more into the haircut. Guess the whole new year thing is perfect to post something like this. Hehe. 

My last hair update was back in July and my hair grew a lot since then. I kinda knew I wanted a change but I wasn't sure of how I wanted to cut it this time. I'm not really adventurous when it comes to hair and I can't help to be influenced by what I'm obsessing with at that moment, whether is a Korean drama, an actress or singer or anime and, Bleach happened.

I usually keep my hair long and style it with soft waves, it's weird when I try to go shorter. We all know my favorite Bleach character is Rangiku, she's a beauty. So, on this last season of Bleach she got a haircut and, for some reason, it was tempting.

This is how my hair was before the haircut, it was not super long but it did grow a lot.

It took me a couple of months to decide cuz, even tho it's not the shortest I've had it, I'm not 100% confident with shorter hair. I still went for it tho.

I'd say my hair is now a medium layer haircut. I wanted to keep it up to my shoulders so I could still put it up in a ponytail cuz it's too much work to style it everyday. 

I can still make some soft waves or straighten it, which makes it look longer. I'm just not a big fan of how the layers look when it's straight so I've been keeping it wavy. I'm still trying to ger used to it tho.

It's funny cuz more than Rangiku, I feel like Ichigo's mom when she was younger~ I did get comments on how I looked like her before but didn't see any resemblance until now, hehe.

Anyway guys, here's my little hair update. Let's see how long it takes for me to get another one! 

See you next time~!💋
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Jul 5, 2022

Goodbye Rapunzel~

 It was already time to say goodbye to my quarantine hair! Yeah guys, I got a very needed haircut after only trimming it once during the past 2 years mostly because of my COVID paranoia.

I know some people didn't want me to do it but, it was already too long, dry and damaged. I was sick of it and had a hard time styling it. It had no shape at all.

I got a long bob kind of thing. A straight cut to get rid of all the damaged hair. I wanted it shorter but it'd be inconvenient for work because I'd have to style it everyday. Plus, the rainy weather is no help. I might go shorter on my break, I don't know yet. For now I'm also letting what's left of my bangs grow too, it's still very burnt.

Honestly, this haircut felt liberating, haha. 

And well, this was a very quick hair update. 

See you next time~  ♡
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Dec 19, 2021

My love-hate relationship with bangs.

I've always had a love-hate relationship with bangs. I really think bangs are great for the Fall/Winter season, it adds a nice, kinda cozy something to your look. But honestly they are not my best look and, to me, they are hard to maintain. I usually like to get them during this time of the year (I got them in summer this year tho~) because the weather is colder and that way, you don't get all sweaty with the bangs. 

I suck at cutting them and I know the best thing would have been just going to a salon to get them but, I wasn't 100% sure I wanted to go to one because of the pandemic. (Paranoid much? Maybe!) My mom was the one who cut them for me and I actually think she did a great job. 

Back when my mom cut my bangs

I do try to trim them every couple of weeks because it grows too fast and starts looking weird. My ideal lenght is right below my eyebrows or a bitsy bit longer if I want to go for the side bangs look.

Like I said, it is not the most practical look, especially if you're like me and can't leave your hair without styling it a bit. I can't rock the look without doing my bangs everyday. Which has caused me to burn my hair in the past because of the constant heat. I've learned a few things since then and I thought it'd be a good idea to share them with you, in case you feel like getting bangs for this Fall - Winter season:

Wash the bangs!

Even tho I don't wash my hair every single day, I do give my bangs a quick shampoo session every day. That's because bangs get greasy super fast because of sweat and the constant touching. It only takes me a couple of minutes when I wash my face at night and It'll give them a nice, clean look the next day.

"Train" them while wet.

I've realized that whenever I "train" the bangs while they are still wet, it becomes easier to style them when they're dry. This is big help when you want to style them to the side, part them in the middle, etc. 

Front bangs

side bangs

The downside is that no matter what you do, you will wake up with funny looking bangs but, they won't lose the direction you gave them while wet.


Something that helps a lot is using a roller (I use a small one) just to give them a non-flat, fluffy look. The one I use is a velcro hair roller. I like these type of rollers because they don't mark your hair. 

Excuse the hairs, lol.

Another thing I like to use, especially when I'm doing my makeup is a velcro strap thingy to keep it away from my face without ruining it.

I know there are lots of hair products people might use but I've never been much of a hair product person so I just apply a tiny little bit of spray when my bangs don't cooperate. Cuz it's almost impossible to wake up with good looking bangs.

All in all I think they look super cute but I wouldn't recommend them if you want something that is low maintenance.

Do you have a favorite seasonal hairstyle? 

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Feb 28, 2021

Taking care of my gingerlocks | Marc Anthony Leave - In Conditioner |

How on earth did my hair get this long!? My quarantine hair is the longest I've had it so far, or at least, in a long, long time.

I still don't feel 100% confident to go to a hair salon to get a much needed haircut because even tho, things are slowly getting better here, it is not 100% safe.

This is how my natural hair looks. It was still a bit damp when I took this pic.

I usually recieve nice comments on my hair, I have to admit it is not the healthiest, but it's been taking a break since the quarantine started cuz I don't style it as often as I did before. I don't really use many products to take care of it, and I usually stick to the same ones.

Now that is super long, I need some help to untangle it after I wash it. Mom gave me the Marc Anthony Grow Long Strengthening Leave - In Conditioner and it's been a fave of mine for a couple of months now.

It is meant to give you long, strong and healthy looking hair. It includes caffeine, ginseng and vitamin e. I don't really use it to get longer hair but it does give my hair a healthy glow, it looks less frizzy and it's easier to untangle.

I like to spray it all over my damp hair and kinda run my fingers through it before using the brush. I actually brush it once it is almost dry.

It feels a litthe different to write about hair care but, let me know if you like this kind of posts and if you would like to read more about what I use on my hair. I also want to get a haircut soon-ish but, we'll see.

Tell me! Do you have any favorite hair care product?

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Mar 10, 2020

| Shampoo Artesanal Nina | My experience using Natural Shampoo Bars

I don't share much about hair in here but I really wanted to do it this time; first, because it's my 1st time trying natural shampoo bars and second, because my bestie was the one who made them.

Let's start by talking about my hair. Even tho most people give me compliments about my hair, it is mostly damaged due to styling it pretty much every day with no treatments to protect it and, since I have dry hair, I don't usually change my shampoo cuz it makes it worse.

See all those baby hairs?

One of my friends started using these shampoo bars and really liked it so, I decided to give it a try. I've been using it for a month now and it has been working well for me and my hair. Hehe.
At first I thought the change would cause a weird change to the hair or my scalp while it got used to the shampoo but truth is, this bar is super gentle!
I already love the fact that it didn't dry out my hair and I can also say it is not as freezy as it was before.

I think one bar should be enough for a couple of months. You don't need to use that much to get a good amount of foam.

I have to mention the scent cuz it's great! I chose cucumber because of how fresh it is but there are other scents and shampoo for different hair types too.

And well yeah, they are too cute! This time she had flower shapes but I've seen teddy bears too in many different colors.

I would definitely buy it again and experiment with other scents. Maybe using more natural products is just what my hair needs.

I'm gonna link Lu for you guys to check what she does and contact her if you're interested on buying something. She's super talented, she's superwoman and I love supporting her work! Hehe.

ninaenpapel for BuJo inspo and stationery
lumefelper for wool cuties

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Aug 17, 2016

Splat Headed! Pink Fetish Hair Dye (Harley Quinn Edition) + Thoughts

I had a romantic moment with the Joker a few days ago... We were at this abandoned house and he was taking care of a baby doll. I was ready to talk to him but suddenly, Michee, my cat jumped on me and woke me up~~~~ #SadButTrue

Hello my lovers!
Yeah, I'm still obsessed with Suicide Squad and if you remember, on my last Haul → Suicide Squad Mini Haul + Goodies I showed you guys 2 Splat hair dyes one in a green color and the othe one in pink. Soooo, last weekend I decided to go a little wild and dye random parts of my hair pink. I thought it'd be a good idea since I'm still on my Summer break...kinda.

So! Many years ago I remember I fell in love when I saw Jia from Miss A having this super pretty bubblegum pink hair in the Bad Girl, Good Girl video and I wanted to get something like that! Then I thought that wouldn't go too well with my role as a'd look too crazy! And, I just let it go. But now that the chance to have something pink on my hair came around again (#ProudPinkLover) I decided to just go for it.

Jia's beautiful pink hair...this feels like those "expectations VS reality" thingies

Let's talk a little about the Hair dye and what it came with:
♦ The color is called "Fetish Pink"
♦ The kit came with a Lightening bleach, Splat Oxide in a mixing container and the pink color.
♦ They had other colors from the Suicide Squad Edition: Green, Purple, Blue and a box with both, pink and blue to dye your hair like Harley's.
♦ A Suicide Blonde mini comic (that was the main reason why I wanted it!)

How I dyed it:
Basically mixed the Lightening bleach with the oxide in the mixing container, took random hair locks and...bleached them, The bleaching process took forever!! then, washed my hair and waited to the next day to actually dye it.

As you can see, the inner locks look slightly lighter than the outer looks a little more pink in real life. Lighting wasn't helping much

The color claimed to be long lasting and super bright. Truth is, it's not even as pink as it looked on the bottle. I know hair dyes are not always exactly like the picture on the box but, this one doesn't even look too pink. To me is more like a red/salmon-ish pink that washes off super easily. And considering my ginger color, my hair looks like a rainbow! Orange, strawberry blonde and salmon pink color.
Honestly I don't know if I love it, or even like it. Guess it takes time to get used to it, especially because I don't ever try things like this on my hair.
I'm not sure if I'll fix it and keep it like this for a while or just go back to my normal hair once the pink fades a little.

It's still an experience tho! I never go too crazy when it comes to my hair. It still doesn't feel like me, cuz it's something so new but, we'll see what happens!

And this is how far my obsession with Suicide Squad goes...

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Sep 14, 2014

I got a haircut~ / Innocent Thing

Everytime I cut my hair I swear I won't do it again~ I don't like taking risks when it comes to haircuts, I usually keep it long, but it became too annoying, it was too much hair and it was already damaged so, it was time to get rid of all that.
I was already thinking of getting a trim but last week I finally got the chance to watch "Innocent Thing" and I loved Jo Bo Ah's haircut! She is such a gorgeous girl and great young actress. I am not brave enough to cut my hair that short but seeing the pictures of her actual look made me feel inspired to get mine done like hers. Who knows, maybe I'll cut it shorter next time. Hehee.

Speaking of "Innocent Thing"~ I was really excited to watch it since Jo Bo Ah is one of my favortie actresses and beauty icons. It took a while for it to be subbed so it was exciting to finally have the chance to watch it. The movie is a Romantic Thriller about a young girl who falls for her married teacher but, that gets ugly when she starts stalking him. If you are into those kinds of movies, deffo should check it out!

I believe changes are always good, even when it comes to haircuts so, this is my new, refreshing look for this Autumn! I'm still getting used to it, my head feels so light now! 
What do you guys think?

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May 12, 2014

Gwen Stacy inspired makeup

Hi guys!
Many people know I am a huge Spider-man fan, he is actually my superhero crush, and since The Amazing Spider-Man 2 just premiered I kinda felt like trying Gwen's make-up. Plus, it's been a while since I did something make-up related! I barely wear eye shadow lately. It is a change.

Gwen has some big expressive eyes, so I tried to focus on that. Soft purples and lots of eye liner, pink lips and soft pink cheeks.
I also had to fill in my eyebrows, she has strong ones and mine are just too thin. I used some brown eye shadow to create a "fuller" look.

* Eyes:
I used the soft pink in the middle as my base color, then moved on to the lilac on and finally the purple on the outer corner of my eyes.
Black eye liner from L.A. Colors "Black" (P601)
Cats Wink Mascara from Tony Moly

* Face:
BB cream Super+ Beblesh Balm Triple Functions from Skin79
Pressed powder from Rimmel London. (sandstorm 004)

Rose Silk 32 Jordana

Avon Color Trend Pop Love "Strawberry" Valentine's day limited edition. (I love this color! And it smells delicious!)

And for my hair (This is not really Gwen related) one of my friends and co-workers helped me to curl my hair using her Conair Xtreme Instant Heat Hot Rollers. I've never used hot rollers before, or any kind of rollers. I really, really liked how these rollers work, the heat super fast and curling your hair is way faster than my regular curling method and my curls lasted for a long time.

This is how the rollers look. I'm definitely thinking about getting one of these for myself.

Spidey's girl!
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Jan 7, 2014

Hair care~

Hey there lovelies!

When I decided to dye my hair brown I was happy with the coloring brand I used but after a few days my hair started feeling all dry and not so healthy.
My mom told me about this new products from Pantene and since I was already using their 3 minute repair mask and liked it a lot, I went for it.

I actually found a great package of the Pantene Expert Collection "Advanced Keratin Repair" that included a shampoo and a split end fuser for a great, great price. Good opportunity to try this new product.

I've been using these 2 products for about a month now and I can honestly say I've seen good changes on my hair. It feels and looks healthier, it's no longer dry and it's actually easier to work with.

 We all know how a shampoo works so I'll skip explaining that... hehehee~

Moving on to the split end fuser, it's super easy to use and you can actually use it on damp hair or dry hair. I personally prefer it on damp hair. Only because I don't like to apply things on my hair once is dry. But maybe, that's just me... So all you have to do is dispense one or two pump into your hands, rub them and apply them into your hair ends. Avoid roots. Then style your hair as usual. I saw you can use it everyday but I only use it twice a week.

The smell is good too. And all I can say is, Pantene has been a hair saver for me lately. I highly recommend it. Their products are easy to find for good prices and they give great results in short time.

New year, healthier hair.

UPDATE: I changed the coloring brand I used to Revlon Color Silk 33 "Dark Soft Brown" My hair is happier with it. Hehe.

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