This is going to be a chit chat with a small haul kind of post… we’ll see what happens. 😅
90s nostalgia is a big thing for me. Everything that belongs to my childhood or represents it, has a very, very special place in my heart. That's why I love throwbacks and walks down memory lane so much.
Usually, on my breaks I do general cleanings, to get rid of the things I no longer use, I give them or throw them away, depending on the condition. This last break wasn’t the exception. But doing this also helps me find some other things that were stored and I forgot I had. This makes me remember things and obsess with others all over again.
In this case, I realized I had enough things to make a haul (5 seems like a good number of items to me) of a character I've loved since I was a little girl and represents something I really, really like, the color pink.
Yes, we all know by now I am a big pink lover and I'm proud of it. My life might not be pink but most of the things around it are. I’ve loved it since I was a little girl and that is something that hasn’t changed with time.
There is definitely a "pink girl stereotype" and I think some people have this idea that if you like pink, you’re not someone to be taken seriously, that you might be dumb, extra sweet or suuuuper romantic which is defo not my case. Yes, I think it can be a very girly color and I love that because I am girly. It's just my happy color!
Growing up I loved Legally Blonde so much (I wouldn’t call it my favorite movie now but I still like it) and even some of my students gave me the nickname “Miss Pinky”, so it was only normal my favorite Power Ranger was of course, the Pink Ranger.
And that is what I want to show you guys today, some of the Pink Ranger stuff I have which are mostly clothes and a couple of goodies. I used to have more things tho, like an action figure that came with a mini Kimberly, that was the size of a Polly Pocket but I lost it at some point in life.
I was a big Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fan, especially the first generation(?). Amy Jo Johnson will forever be my favorite Pink Ranger, I still follow her to this day. I think I stopped watching the show as often after she left. Despite what people might say, I also enjoyed the 2017 movie where Naomi Scott played Kimberly. After that movie, I started following her career too.
I can't with the awkward poses tho |
Anyway, enough with the rambling, let me show you the small Pink Ranger haul.
I'll start with some clothes (excuse the colo change in the photos😅):
I bought this tee a couple of years ago, when they celebrated the MMPR 25th anniversary. I love everything about it. I believe it was from Optima. I was surprised they had some PR stuff. |
Ok, this might not be Pink Ranger but it's still pink and Power Rangers so, yeah. I don't remember if this one is also from Optima or if it's from Cuidado con el Perro. I don't know if you can tell, but this one has some blue stains on it, I wore it during a paint ball war thing with my students on children's day and sadly, I havent been able to completely remove them, no matter how much I wash it. |
This hoodie has to be one of my favorite hoodies ever. It is from
Quiubolee! and I was a Christmas pressie from the bestie a couple of years ago. It is the softest, warmest and most comfortable thing ever. I wear it a lot.🩷
I'm not sure where this small articulated figure is from cuz I randomly found her in a garage sale and I couldn't leave her. She's too cute! |
Lastly we have this really nice notebook I found at Walmart. They had some of the other Rangers too but I only got this one. It is pretty plain inside tho, I wish they could've added a design or something too but, oh well. I haven't used it yet, I always tell myself I need to find something cool for it. Any ideas? |
Those are all the things I could find, I'm not sure if I'll find or buy more in the future. I used to have a black tee with all the Rangers but, I gave it to my sister cuz she also loves Power Rangers and she didn't have anything.
Hope you enjoyed this long and random chit chat/haul kind of post. I know for sure I love sharing these type of things around here, hehe.
See you next time~! 💋 |