Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Showing posts with label Chez Moi Repostería. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chez Moi Repostería. Show all posts

Dec 28, 2020

Hot Choco Bombs with a twist!

I recieved Chocolate Bombs from Chez Moi Reposteria, proudly made by my friend Jonathan. I've been obssessing with these cute bombs since I tried them earlier this month. 

If you havent tried choco bombs yet, I have a post dedicated to them and the whole experience, hehe.

Let's talk about these bombs first:

The 4 balls came in a cute, pink box 

They came in two different, festive colors...

Red and silver

Green and gold

The four balls are made of dark chocolate and filled with colorful marshmallows. They were really good!

This time I wanted to give a little twist to this drink, keeping it seasonal. I still had some eggnog and decided to add some to the hot chocolate to spice it up a little. Hehe.

To make this you just need milk, a choco bomb and some eggnog.

Prep your mug...

...add the hot milk and enjoy how pretty this is!

Pour eggnog to your liking and stir to mix everything

And, there you have it! The mix of the chocolate with the hint of alcohol is pretty good. It's super easy to make, it's festive, pretty and perfect for this cold weather.

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May 13, 2020

Mother's Day Cake

Mother's day was definitely different this year. Without being able to go out and celebrate we spent the day together at home, playing games and of course, eating!

We had to have a cake as a part of the menu, so I asked my friend Jonathan (Chez Moi Reposteria) to make one for my mom. I wanted a small cake, enough for 4 people.

It was a soft and fluffy orange cake with apricot jam and lemon ganache on top (mom's favorite). Super yummy!

She also loves ladybugs, that's why it had one on top. It was just how I wanted it!

Mom loved her cake and enjoyed her day, even if it was a little different. I hope all the mommies out there had a happy day.

Chez Moi Reposteria

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Apr 20, 2020

Macarons, glorious macarons!

Everyone knows I love desserts, I have the biggest sweet tooth ever!
I've been craving macarons from Chez Moi Resposteria for a couple of weeks now by just looking at pictures so I decided to get some to treat my mom and myself with these beauties.

I don't eat macarons often but I love them, I could get addicted! It was my mom's first time trying them and well, she really, really liked them.

The ones we had were chocolate, raspberry and goat cheese. I only got to try a small bite of the cheese one but, all of them where deicious.
Extra points because they were all pink! I thought it was such a thoughtful detail considering Jonathan, a good friend and the owner of the place, knows how much I love pink.

Macarons are not the only desserts I've tried from Chez Moi, and I highly recommend you to stop by if you live in the area. I'll link the information down below.

Chez Moi Reposteria 

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