Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Jan 4, 2025

Looking back at 2024~

Hello 2025!⭐

Last time I wrote an "end of the year" post was back in 2021 and, even tho I went through so many changes at that time, no one prepared me for what was coming. I haven't really talked about some things here but, these past few years had been hard. I won't go into details but when my dad got sick in 2022, everything I was worried about or feared back then felt small. Losing my dad has to be the worst thing that has happend to me so far. Yes, I've lost other loved ones before but, losing a parent definitely hits differently. Especially when everything happens too fast. I felt kinda lost without him, my life as I knew it changed 100% and, even tho I was not going around talking about it, things just didn't feel the same even if I tried. Of course I had amazing people there for me, supporting me and never leaving me alone but also respecting when I needed my space. I'm so thankful life gave me such an amazing dad but, I miss him everyday and it has been hard living a life without him and realizing how much things have changed in just a couple of years. 

By now, we all now I'm not good with changes...

Somehow things felt a little better in 2024, of course I do have regrets and wish I could've done things differently before but, there's not much to do about that. Last year I definitely tried to take better control of my life and make smarter decisions even if they were scary or not easy. I really tried to let go of the things and people that were not contributing anything to my life anymore or just didn't feel good. 

One of those things was quitting my teaching job at school. Some people didn't know but, I've had 2 teaching jobs for the longest time (one at a school and one at a language center) and, it was exhausting. Of course, that was not the reason why I decided to quit, I wasn't happy with some of the things that were happening there and, it just didn't make me happy, I wasn't motivated and honestly? I don't loooove working with young kids anymore. I just knew I needed a change. My friend was right, I was putting up with all that because I wanted to, not because I had to, I had a choice. I was stressed and running all the time. So yeah, I quit. Which was terrifying because my biggest income came from there and I always need my stability. I finished the school year and, during the Summer, everything fell into place. I kept my job at the language center, more hours opened which made it easier for me to work in one place only, commit 100% to it and being able to pay my bills, hehe. Yes, I was scared at the beginning but, I don't regret it. I'm much happier now, less stressed, I enjoy working where I am, I'm still motivated and love my students.

Another thing I started doing this year was setting limits and boundries on toxic people. Especially those who don't really meant anything to me or didn't have a close relationship with. In the past, I didn't use to do it because I'd feel bad or cuz it wasn't that bad because they were not close to me. Truth is, I'm tired of being a people pleaser, I was like that for such a long time and I just got sick of it. Having to be a "good girl" just to make others happy doesn't resonate with me anymore. I have to put my feelings first and if they are not ok with that, they can just leave. I definitely distanced myself from some people and even blocked others, I hate drama, haha. In a way, I realized saying no is not such a difficult thing anymore and it's more than needed sometimes. 

Same as for everyone, the year was full of ups & downs, some bigger than others but I think those two would be my highlights because I wouldn't have done those things before. Let's be honest, it would've been easier to stay in my comfort zone for another year. 

Not everything was challenging or scary tho, I feel like I also started genuinely enjoying things again. It's not like I didn't enjoy anything before but, it just didn't feel the same. In 2024 I got my first tattoo, reconnected with old friends and met new fun people, my sister and I are close again, she became my fav drinking buddy, I shared great moments with my best friends and I love how we're still part of each others' stories, I've seen my mom grow so much in just one year, my grandpa turned 94, I became more responsible when it comes to my car, learned how to do and fix new things in my house, my apartment feels like my home and I love it so so much, I cooked more and actually improved, I regained my love for sharing with others, became a better plant mom, felt more creative, romanticized my -ber months, had the happiest Christmas in years and basically found a reason to celebrate even the smallest things again.

I learned to pat myself on the back for the good things I do, I realized I don't have to be running and be productive all the time (not that I loved it but sometimes life felt like that) cuz, there's something sooooo good about slow mornings and lazy days are just magical.

I'm thankful for all the experiences and memories but also for the lessons. I do believe everything I've experienced in the past couple of years had made me a stronger person and have helped me to be way more comfortable in my own skin, and with who I am. There are so many things I still want to work on and imrpove but I know that some things just take time and I'm in no rush. Life is all about learning, anyway~

In a way, I didn't want last year to end. Was it perfect? Not at all! But, it felt good. I'm so ready for 2025 and whatever it brings. Who knows? Maybe I'll be more open to new things~ you never know. 🤭

How was your 2024?


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