Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Sep 9, 2013

LOVE is in the HAIR~

My natural wavy-ish hair when it was longer. 
Hi dolls!
For a long time I've been meaning to make a post dedicated to hair. I used to get many compliments, and nice comments about my hair. I'm sorry for cutting it guys, I felt like I just had to. (I regret it now!) Good thing is, it is already growing and I don't plan on cutting it.
One of the "main" reasons of the haircut was to help it to grow healthier, which didn't really worked cuz now I have to straighten it everyday to make it look decent. My hair is complicated but it has been so nice to me, so strong after everything I put it trough. It is kinda wavy-ish but not too wavy~ it was easier to work with it when it was longer. 

So to help it to grow strong and healthy without getting a trim (yet) I'm currently using Pantene 3 minute repair hair mask twice a week. 
I've been using it for a month now and I really can see a big and good change in my hair. It's hydrated, it looks healthier and feels smoother. I'm really liking it so far.
You pretty much have to use it like you would use a conditioner, you apply it into your hair (only on the ends) and let it work for 3 minutes. Wash it off and voila! 
Beautiful and healthy hair!

I think that would be my top hair product at the moment! Hope it works for you guys!



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