Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Mar 31, 2014

My March Favorites~

Hi guys!
So another month has gone by and I didn't really noticed it! Spring is here and it's almost time for my Spring break! Can't wait.

This month's favorite post will have a very short list. I haven't really had the time to try many new things, life's been kinda busy. But I do have a couple of things I've been loving lately~

First on my list is Aloe Vera drink. I first tried it at the end of last month and I wasn't sure whether I was gonna like it or not but, surprisingly I really did. We all know that Aloe has way too many benefits and, these drinks are also very tasty. I tried these 2 different brands. The first one is Paldo Fun & Yum and the 2nd one is T'best. I've only tried the original aloe taste and it's pretty good on both brands but, they also have the aloe juice combined with fruits. I'm curious on how they'll taste. And since I'm trying to get more into juices, teas and stuff, this one is one of my favs at the moment.

Moving on to the shoes... OK, I know Spring is here and booties are not supposed to be used right now but here where I live, we still have all kinds of weathers in one day! We still have super hot days with some rain~ I loved this "hiking" kind of booties when I first saw them. I don't really wear this kind of shoes but I loved them when I saw them. Especially because of the animal print on them. I have to say they are the most comfortable shoes ever! I can wear them to work, go out, walk a lot without ending up with sore feet. I'll love them forever.

To finish this small list is the yummy Chow Mein. My sister and I have been craving ramen for a while now. We end up making some at 12am! (I know it's not too good to have "dinner" at that time but, oh well) But I recently decided to buy some Chow Mein and see how good it was. I know this could be easy-to-make but, I'm not good in the kitchen so this is good and helpful for me! The taste of it is delicious! And I'm planning on cooking Chow Mein with some chicken and veggies this week. We'll see how that goes.

And there it is, my short list of favs of the month!

Happy April! X


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