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Aug 3, 2020

Freeman Cosmic Holographic Peel-off Mask

Hello sweets!
Time for another Mask Monday.

Today we have the Freeman Cosmic Holographic Peel-off Mask. Yes, another holographic mask cuz they are pretty and hard to resist. Hehe.

This time my bestie Lu and I tried two of the masks they have and were pretty satisfied with them.
Lu tried the Cosmic Hydrating Amethyst Holographic Peel-Off Mask, which is the purple one and, I tried the Cosmic Luminizing Rose Quartz Holographic Peel-Off Mask, the pink one, of course.
They also have a white/silverish one called Cosmic Balancing Moonstone Holographic Peel-Off Mask that I couldn't find... yet.

I really like their presentation because of the colors and the magical, witchy vibe they have.

The Amethyst mask is described as: "Boost your aura and get glowing with this crystal-inspired holographic peel-off mask. This iridescent mask infused with Amethyst hydrates and calms skin for a luminous complexion. Perfect for dry skin."
It's supposed to calm and hydrate the skin, containing amethyst to heal and reduce inflammation for soothed skin.

As for the Rose Quartz mask: "This crystal-inspired holographic peel-off mask infused with Rose Quartz, the “love stone”, removes impurities and illuminates for a brighter complexion. Perfect for all skin types."
Claims to remove impurities and illumninate the skin. The Rose quartz helps soothe and encourage circulation for glowing skin.

Both masks are super thick and sticky with a nice iridescent color and have a subtle scent.

Peeling them off is very satisfying as the come off evenly and you can defo feel they remove impurities as you do it. I kinda felt the peeling wasn't as "gentle" as other peel off masks but, not in a bad way. Does it make sence?

After peeling we didn't see much difference besides a clean face, but we both woke up to a glowy, smooth and healthy looking skin.

I love how these masks are cute and fun to use but, they also do the job.
The amount of product on these (10ml) was enough for one thick application. I believe they have another presentation that can last up to 2 or 3 applications and the big size one.

I don't do peel-off masks often, I've heard that they are not the best options because pulling the skin often can cause wrinkles and lost of elasticity but it's fun to use them every now and then. Plus, they really help to clean your skin.


  1. I absolutely loved it. I don't mind the pulling hehe

    1. It was satisfying! Hopefully next time we'll be abe to try a mask together, together! hehe. XX

  2. I absolutely loved it. I don't mind the pulling hehe


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