Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Showing posts with label Life Updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life Updates. Show all posts

Jul 18, 2015

Life Update: The end of a school year, Summer plans and... Beauty School?

Hello guys! *happy sighs* I'm finally on my Summer break! That means, having some time to sit and type a little about what has been going on in my life for the past few months.
Ok, where to start~
On March, I recieved some very exciting news! It was something I have been waiting for SO long and it got me all excited and I was ready to share with the world but, somehow, something told me to wait and share it once I was 100% it was going to happen. A part of me knew that there was a big chance of it not happening or the chance of it happening without me knowing. Even tho I knew that, I kept dreaming and making myself believe it would come true! I guess that dreamer part of me wants to believe in everything she's told but sadly, reality is different and I don't even know what happened to that exciting thing that was coming~ If it did happened, I never heard about it. I can honestly tell I felt disappointed about it cuz it was something I really, REALLY wanted to happen but, I guess everything happens for a reason and, hopefully there will be another chance. Somehow, I'm glad I didn't share the news with the world but only with a few people who are pretty close to me.
And now that I'm reading what I wrote I make it sound as if I was expecting a baby or something~~~~!! NO, IT WAS NOT THAT! Not, at all.
Anyways, as some of you know, my birthday was last month! and well...I am a year older~ it doesn't feel any different tho. I'm not even a little wiser! haha. I had lovely b-day celebrations, first at work, then with the girls and during the weekend celebrating with my dad, since we bot celebrate birthdays in June. I feel so lucky and loved seeing all the great people I have around me, all the sweet details and messages. A month later I'm still saying, thank you guys! ♥

Father's day happened! And guess what? I didn't spent it with my dad! (This was also my first year spending Mother's Day away from Omma) He was on a trip that weekend so we ceebrated our Grandpa instead. he had a very happy day, I could tell. And it was great to make him feel that way on a special day even tho he was away from his children.

So, back to the part where my Summer break started, An other school year came to an end! Time really flies! These past few months were the craziest and busiest ever! From "Open classes" to evaluations and school year clousure. It really gets crazy and stressful! So yeah, I (we) was under a lot of stress and my body knew it! Luckly I didn't got an other panic attack like last year.
But yeah, it was a great year, and again, so great to work with an amazing team. Thank you for a year of friendship, team work, laughs and wise words. Like I always say, I keep learning from each of you. And to my graduated kids, best of luck in life! So proud of you all! Hope this new stage in your lives is full of happiness and great things. Keep learning, laughing and loving!

As for my break~ I don't think I'll go our on a trip or something. There is a lot I need to do around the house, some projects I have in mind and all I really want is to relax and get some rest.
Want a mini sneak peek into part of the things I want to do? Even if you don't, here I go! hehe.
Ok! First, as usual I want to do a massive closet cleaning to get rid of all the stuff I no longer use. (I'll be giving that away) I also want to re-decorate my room, and finally work on my Automail! Yes, I am an automail freak! (for those who have NO idea of what an automail is, I'll be sure to show you the work in progress once I start)
And for a while now, I've been thinking about the idea of getting more involved with makeup in like a professional way. I love makeup and I enjoy learning about it, using it and creating stuff with it so, why not trying? I want to use some of the free time I'll be having on this break to search for a good cosmetology/beauty/something makeup related school and go for it!
I wonder if I can handle work and school at the same time?

I'm sure you guys have great plans for the Summer! Make sure to share them! I'd love to know!
That's it for now! Enjoy your break y'all!

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May 11, 2015

Life Update: Wedding talk, work and... so proud of my girls!

Hello lovelies! It's that time again, when I make a quick update on what has been going on in my life.
I feel like nothing TOO important happened in the past few months~ I've been way too busy with work and life in general that these months have literally gone by in a blink of an eye.

One thing that really got me all excited is my cousin's wedding! She's getting married this June (so close now!) in Canada. I would loooove to be there on her special day. Sadly I don't think it will be possible due to my work. But I did had a nice chat with her about her wedding plans, dresses and her beautiful little family! Definitely makes me daydream about planning my own wedding and starting a family soon!
I wish her and her hubby-to-be the best and a super happy life together. ♥ And even though I won't make it to the wedding, I'll do my best to visit sometime soon.
Damn you work! Hehe

Speaking of work, these next 3 months will be the craziest! The end of the school year is getting closer!! Lots of work to do, things to finish worst nightmare... "open clases" I don't know if that's the exact name of these type of classes where the parents come into one of your "regular classes" to see  your work and basically work with their kids. Maybe it doesn't sound too bad but it really stresses me to have people kinda judging what I do~ Last year I had a very bad Panic attack due to stress before those classes. I'm trying to stay as relaxed as possible this year. We'll see how that goes.

Oh! I also want to tell you guys,my sister is working on a few projects I'll be sharing with you soon! It pretty much started at Expo MAGyC last month.It  all looks interesting so, yeah! More coming soon... Also, my good friend Keisha just got her degree! YAY! We couldn't be happier for her! I love to see how my girls are making their dreams come true! Feels great to be part of that in every step.
I am really proud of them all and I know there is a lot more to come for the 3 of you! (and us! Hehe)

Now that I mentioned Expo MAGyC, I cosplayed again! After a LONG time! And it's not like I always do it but I have a lot of fun when I get the chance to do it.
I don't even think of myself as a cosplayer, I just do it for fun. I'm sure you guys saw my Petra Ral costume in older posts. (click here to read it) It wasn't all perfect, I wanted to have lighter hair but it was just impossible to get a strawberry blonde hair in like two days with no time to go to the salon and get some help. I'm usually very picky when I dress up! I want everything to look perfect! And...I wasn't happy with my hair but...oh well! I'll do better next time!I was happy wearing my Scouting Legion uniform and I saw a lot of familiar faces and friends I didn't saw in a while.
Happy happy! 

Something that is prettttttty obvious is that i had a haircut! It was like 3 weeks ago but, I forgot to update you all and make a post on it~ Would you still want to read about my haircut and the story behind it? Hehe.

We recieved a package from Spain a few weeks ago! It's the second one! I have a whole post about it in case you wanna check it out. I've noticed you guys really like all my Spain related posts btw! A lot of love for my Omma and Jose! More to come soon!

Thank you for all those who are following my weekly vlogs! Once I reach 20 subscribers, I want to make a mini giveaway to show you how thankful I am towards you all. (I know for some vloggers 20 subscribers aren't much but to me it means the world! Hehe) So, stay tuned!
Wanna check my YouTube?--> MonStar's Little Vlog <--

Can't forget to say Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful moms who celebrated their day yesterday. It was my first year away from my mom. We did called her and all that but, its not the same. Hopefully we'll be able to celebrate soon! Along with birthdays and other things we've missed this year.

And~~~~~ I think this will be it for now!! If I think of something else, I'll save it
for the next update! Sorry if everything was a little random!

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Feb 21, 2015

Life update: Vlogging, modeling and my cooking improvement!

Hello sweeties!

Here's a quick life update of the past few months! A new year has already begun and it feels a lot busier than the last one.
As usual, things keep changing and I gotta say I'm getting used to them faster than expected!
Since my sister started a new job, she spends less time at home which means, a lot more housework for me to take care of. I was not used to do much housework aside from the dishes, and I do realise how crazy and tiring it can be but, I also have to admit it is not as awful as I thought, I'm like...a housewife in training! LOL.
Along with that work I've been cooking a lot lately~ and yeah, at first I had so many disasters but I admit I'm getting better each day. Yay.

As some of you already know, I started vlogging a few months ago. It's been a fun experience to share with you all a /few/ minutes of my everyday. I finally managed to edit in a decent way and I know someday it will be fun for me to go back and watch those vlogs all over again.
I wanna thank the people who actually take a few minutes to watch my vlogs and to me subscribers! I feel so happy becuse I actually thought I wouldn't get any...ever! Hehe. Keep the love coming! ♥
Anf for those who are not subscribed yet, don't forget to do it for more weekly vlogs --> MonStar's Little Vlog. I will forever appreciate it!

If you follow this blog, you'll already saw a lot about my first experience modeling. (full posts here & here!) It was a gret experience and it's not like I feel like I'm a model or anything, I don't even feel like I got what it takes but, I definitely would do it again if I got the chance. I decided that this year I will be more open to do and try new, different things, I don't want to stay in my comfrot zone~
Actually, I've got a new modeling proposal but, we'll see what happens. I'll keep you guys updated on that. As for the other photos, they keep coming when you less expect them! I'll leave some of them below for you to see.

Work is going well and I think I came to the point where I can manage to keep my busy schedules and have fun with my girls.

And finally, the Chinese New Year just happened and I wish you all a great year of the goat! What's your Chinese year? Mine is "rabbit" yay. 


See you all in my next update!!! X

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Dec 4, 2014

Life update: Work, changes, my heart, friends, my kitchen disasters and...vlogging?

Hi lovelies! I feel like a lot has been going on lately, with  work, family and just life in general.
Somehow I wanted to blog about so many things but at the same time, I didn't had a lot of time to do it and ended up forgeting about them.
I know Thanksgiving just passed and I hope you all had a wonderful one (for those who celebrate it) even if it's a little late.

Big changes happened this year, somehow I thought changes would be over last year and everything would just settle but, I was wrong hehe. And I don't mean changes are necessarily bad, it is just sometimes hard for me to get used to them.

Work has been going great! Even though it consumes most of my time, I enjoy it. I keep learning
from my kids and my co-workers. I am lucky to work with amazing people who have become close friends. I thank them for their advice, wise words and fun times. We all make a great team!

Speaking of friends, I've also realized who my true friends are. I am the kind of person who wants to
be surraunded by a few good and true friends more than having a bunch of people I can't really trust.
As the year went by, I couldn't help to think about the plans and dreams I have. I'm a small girl with big dreams!! Hehe. I wish I could do everything and have my dream life right away even though I know I gotta work hard to get what I want. Somehow I noticed some people around me had no dreams or aspirations and it kind of affected the relationship. Those people slowly walked away from my life, for whatever reasons. I don't wanna sound bad or anything but, I guess we were in different pads in our lives(?). I don't know. You guys get me?
But as some people walked away, some other came into my life and I'm glad I've met such nice people.
Of course there are some special people that are never walking away like my bestest friends ever (my sis included) who are there for me no matter what as I am for them. We share our dreams, plans, encourage each other, go through the good and not so good experiences and learn from each other. I couldn't feel happier to have lovely, crazy and caring friends like you babies! I am sure there is a lot more to come in the next year. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! (Kei Boo, Dee Eonnie & Panda boo)

My heart had some ups and downs lately but just know that my heart hasn't changed a bit, I still dream of having that life with my zombie love. People say, good things are worth waiting for. Period!

One of the biggest changes I had to experience this year has to be my mom's trip to Spain. Even though it is not forever, we've never been apart from each other like this. (only for vacation trips and stuff) I won't get much into details here cuz it still is kinda personal but yeah, it is hard to say goodbye even if it's temporary (who knows for how long!)
As far as I know she looks super duper happy and I'm happy for her, she keeps messaging us and sending photos. I've never been to Spain before but the place she's staying in looks really pretty. Kinda Medieval, with castles and all. I might share some of her pictures in a separate post sometime, Would you like to see that?

This year I'll be spending Christmas away from both of my parents. Which would make sense in some situations but it is kinda sad in a way. I was used to spend Christmas a a family holiday. But I'm definitely not letting that change my spirit! I'll remain happy and ready to celebrate!

And well, aside from that emotional ride, I think I never wrote about it much but, I wanted to start vlogging and have a YouTube channel to share with you guys a little more of my life. I actually have some footage of my mom's last week at home and our trip to the airport saved in my laptop I just...never found an easy to use video editor. I think vlogs would make good memories! Good idea or, bad idea?
My sis was kind enough to offer me some help but I want to be in total control of my videos. If anyone knows a good video editor please let me know!

To finish this update...I have to mention that no matter how hard I try, I am no good at cooking! Lately I've felt like I want to help a little more in the kitchen, I get all excited and prepare a few things such as rice and French toasts for breakfast but...they never turn out the way I want them. Burnt rice, raw egg...burnt bread~~~~ Really? Food is not fair to me. 

Oh! One last more thing!!! I still have a big passion for dancing, due to more changes and personal situations we had to be on hiatus but, we have some plans for next year. Can't wait to start rehearsing again and get on stage! It might not be a full time thing but, we want to be as constant as possible.

Ok, I think this will be it for now, I'm typing too much and I don't want to make this boring to read! Hehe.
I hope you all enjoy the Holidays and have a lovely Winter break!
Yay for vacation time! Who's already doing some Christmas gift shopping? I am!


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