Hello lovelies! It's that time again, when I make a quick update on what has been going on in my life.
I feel like nothing TOO important happened in the past few months~ I've been way too busy with work and life in general that these months have literally gone by in a blink of an eye.
One thing that really got me all excited is my cousin's wedding! She's getting married this June (so close now!) in Canada. I would loooove to be there on her special day. Sadly I don't think it will be possible due to my work. But I did had a nice chat with her about her wedding plans, dresses and her beautiful little family! Definitely makes me daydream about planning my own wedding and starting a family soon!
I wish her and her hubby-to-be the best and a super happy life together. ♥ And even though I won't make it to the wedding, I'll do my best to visit sometime soon.

Damn you work! Hehe
Speaking of work, these next 3 months will be the craziest! The end of the school year is getting closer!! Lots of work to do, things to finish and...my worst nightmare... "open clases" I don't know if that's the exact name of these type of classes where the parents come into one of your "regular classes" to see your work and basically work with their kids. Maybe it doesn't sound too bad but it really stresses me to have people kinda judging what I do~ Last year I had a very bad Panic attack due to stress before those classes. I'm trying to stay as relaxed as possible this year. We'll see how that goes.
Oh! I also want to tell you guys,my sister is working on a few projects I'll be sharing with you soon! It pretty much started at Expo MAGyC last month.It all looks interesting so, yeah! More coming soon... Also, my good friend Keisha just got her degree! YAY! We couldn't be happier for her! I love to see how my girls are making their dreams come true! Feels great to be part of that in every step.
I am really proud of them all and I know there is a lot more to come for the 3 of you! (and us! Hehe)
Now that I mentioned Expo MAGyC, I cosplayed again! After a LONG time! And it's not like I always do it but I have a lot of fun when I get the chance to do it.
I don't even think of myself as a cosplayer, I just do it for fun. I'm sure you guys saw my Petra Ral costume in older posts. (click here to read it) It wasn't all perfect, I wanted to have lighter hair but it was just impossible to get a strawberry blonde hair in like two days with no time to go to the salon and get some help. I'm usually very picky when I dress up! I want everything to look perfect! And...I wasn't happy with my hair but...oh well! I'll do better next time!I was happy wearing my Scouting Legion uniform and I saw a lot of familiar faces and friends I didn't saw in a while.
Happy happy!

Something that is prettttttty obvious is that i had a haircut! It was like 3 weeks ago but, I forgot to update you all and make a post on it~ Would you still want to read about my haircut and the story behind it? Hehe.
We recieved a package from Spain a few weeks ago! It's the second one! I have a whole post about it in case you wanna check it out. I've noticed you guys really like all my Spain related posts btw! A lot of love for my Omma and Jose! More to come soon!
Thank you for all those who are following my weekly vlogs! Once I reach 20 subscribers, I want to make a mini giveaway to show you how thankful I am towards you all. (I know for some vloggers 20 subscribers aren't much but to me it means the world! Hehe) So, stay tuned!
Wanna check my YouTube?--> MonStar's Little Vlog <--
Can't forget to say Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful moms who celebrated their day yesterday. It was my first year away from my mom. We did called her and all that but, its not the same. Hopefully we'll be able to celebrate soon! Along with birthdays and other things we've missed this year.
And~~~~~ I think this will be it for now!! If I think of something else, I'll save it
for the next update!
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