Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Sep 4, 2012

Here comes the Bride-smaid!

Weekend wedding came with more make-up, hair and nails. So let's talk a little about what I decided to wear for my cousin's wedding.

As a bridesmaid I had to wear a red, long dress with pale grey pumps. I wanted to make it all red and silver. Accessories were kinda simple, a red and silver ring and silver long earrings. 

Full dress, sorry it's a really blurry pic!

Now it's all about make-up! Since red dress was too bright for me (I don't wear a lot of red) I decided to keep my make-up a little darker and focus on the eyes. 

* Eyes: (EP46) "Stormy" eye shadow palette from L.A. Colors, (P601) "Black"eyeliner and Mascara is Real Colors Whip Lash ULTIMATE MASCARA. I just started using it and I'm happy with it, beautiful lashes.

* Lips: Avon's Color trend "hot capuccino" it's a soft, creamy natural color. It matches my lips.

* Blush: Beauty Treats Sun bronzer 01. I only use this color for night events, this color is too dark for my skin tone but it still works.

* Base was my usual Sandstorm (004) from Rimmel London. I love it.

And last but no least my nails. I was really happy with the result of my Nude glittery nails, ( so I decided to create the same look using a silver glitter polish (L.A. Colors Color Craze Sparkling Diamonds) mixed with the nude one. (Avon Nail wear pro "nude")
I was really happy with the way they looked. 

This whole process definitely made me dream of my own wedding...someday.



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