Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Apr 6, 2016

Heart-to-heart: Why I started blogging and Why I love blogging now.

Hello there guys!
Not long ago I was wondering what I should write about on my next heart to heart post and got a suggestion from a friend telling me to write about why I started blogging. He also said "I'd really like to know. You're so constant, and the effort shows in what I've read. I think it's interesting to know why it's important to you" And yeah, that comment really motivated me to make this post.

To start this chit chat, let's go back to when I was a little girl. I was never the talented type of girl. I wasn't good at sports, was never #1 in my class, I don't play any musical instrument, and...I could go on, hehe. But I always wanted to find something I was really good at, something I could get some recognition for. Something that could be just mine.
Then in 2012, I decided to start this blog. Wow...can't believe it's been that long now! Back then I was getting into YouTubers, beauty gurus, my obsession with makeup started, all that. And I kinda wanted to have something like they did but, not in front of a camera, I wanted a little space to show the world part of my world, But, I wasn't sure what it was that I wanted to show.

So, I started blogging mostly about nail polishes, random things and also a little about holidays, nothing too personal, nothing too big. (I even deleted some of the old entries like a year ago. They were just...too empty I guess~ at least I saw them that way.)
When I started to get some feedback from friends and family about my posts, I started to feel more motivated to write more and slowly share more about me and my life without getting too personal.
As I continued with the blogging, some new things came to my life and somehow I wanted the world to know, haha. I started to feel like whatever I was sharing on this blog, I was sharing it with friends. No matter who was on the other side of the computer reading it, they felt like friends or family.
But! I was mostly sharing only the happy and good stuff. You know, there's this cool thing about blogs and just social networks in general that gives you the power to show just what you want to show. And, that can be a problem too. Some people started telling me things like "how can you always be so positive?", "You make LDR seem so easy and perfect", etc. And I'm glad I give a positive image through my blogs but, I also wanted to show that is not always the case. That is when I wanted to start sharing the good but also the not-so-good side of what I go through. Because we are all human and we all make mistakes, we all feel down and we all need to let things out every now and then.
Somehow, this blog became that to me, a way to let things out in my own, personal way, to tell you guys that we all go through hardships and that sometimes, we need to hear from someone who was there too, to realize it is ok.

And the thing is, I love sharing! I love sharing what I do, think, feel, go through... I was having a conversation about this a few days ago and, I am like an open book most of the time. People can get to know a lot about me through here and my vlogs.

I love to be able to reach people through this blog, even if it's just one person, if I get to help that person in a way with what I write, I feel happy. I also love to read and hear what others have to say. It is awesome how much you can transmit through a video or a blog entry (good or bad) and the power it can have on a person.

I know I'm not the most experienced person, I don't know it all, I may be wrong sometimes but I feel like this is my place to say and share whatever I want without someone telling me if it's right or wrong to do it. People will have their opinion, yes. But that's part of this whole feedback thingy that makes you grow as a person.
I also know I'm not the best writer, and I don't plan to be one cuz, this is pretty much the way I am, I talk a lot and sometimes I just jump from one topic to another!
But that is why I love this blog so so much now. I can just be me and share with you guys whatever I want.

Speaking of jumping from one topic to another, I'm not sure if I lost the main topic of this post but...I think the main reason why I started blogging was because I wanted to find something I could control and be recognized for and good at but, that changed with time. Now I blog because I have so much to share with you guys! And I love doing it. I really enjoy the whole process of writing, taking some pictures for the posts, thinking about what to write next and especially hearing and reading that you take some time to read what I post. THAT IS SO REWARDING! It definitely makes me happy when someone tells me they read/liked what I wrote. It just makes my day.♥
So! To finish this heart-to-heart I just want you guys to remember that I put my whole heart in every post you read, those are my true words, opinions and feelings about whatever I write. This blog is like my baby. Hehe.
Always feel free to let me know your opinions and feedbacks because yeah, they are part of this little blog too!

Big shoutout and thank you to Abraham Gonzalez for giving me the idea for this post and also make sure to read his own blog! (In Spanish) Alquimia Cognitiva.

Love you all! x


  1. Omg! Bunny girl gets real ;) this was such a cute post, I could identify with so much of what you said! Thanks for sharing, it's so col you fund a way to express yourself. i think everybdy needs that! And thanks so much for the SO, hope I write things that make you smile too! =D

    1. That's the point with this heart-to-hearts. Getting real, hehe. Thank YOU for the suggestion. :) Exactly, we all need a way to express, some have music, arts, etc.
      And hey! You definitely have great blog entries. They make me think and analyze stuff. Big thumbs up! xx


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