Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

May 26, 2024

Teacher's Day Pressies 2024

Awkward teacher pic because I couldn't think of anything more teacher-ish than this~ hehe.

 Last time I wrote a Teacher's Day pressies post was 2 years ago. Two years!! Don't really know why tho but, we're back at it because I just love to make these kind of posts for some reason.

Teacher's day was on May 15th, that day I only had a couple online classes and had a nice brunch with some of my coworkers. Some pressies started arriving a day before and others after the actual date. That was partly why it took me a while to put this post together.

Food was delish!

Anyway, let me show you my pressies this year. These are in no particular order.

How cute is this Pusheen Mason jar? I love the little straw decor. The jar had some gummies inside and came with a set of sticky notes.

My boss gave us personalized notebooks.

Stainless steel flower earrings with some spicy gummies.

A pencil lip balm. I think I'll keep this one in my classroom, it'd be the perfect place to use it, hehe.

Handmade peony flower candle. It is really, really pretty and smells great! I'm not sure if I'll ever light it, I'd feel bad!The candle is from iluminatamx.

I also received some candy (that I already ate), a pen that says "Believe in your dreams" and a bracelet.

I love chocolate so this one made me really happy! I want to display the can on my coffee station but, I don't know exactly what to use it for yet. It's too pretty!

These caramel empanadas were made by one of my students (at least that what she said), and they were delish!!

Cute bear candle. Sadly it got slightly damaged because of the heat in the car on my way back home.

New pencil case!

Bath and Body Works soap. It smells delicious.

Maki Home Ceramic cup, this was a pressie from my English coordinator. she's the sweetest.

And that is that guys, the pressies I received this year along with lots of hugs and sweet messages from my students.


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