Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Showing posts with label 30 day blogging challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 30 day blogging challenge. Show all posts

May 17, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 17: My Favorite Blogs

When I saw I had to share some of my favorite blogs, I realized I don't follow those many and the ones I do, are not that active so, I'll add some YouTube channels I love too.

 My favorite blogs and Youtube channels

Im gonna start with SMOONSTYLE because this was the first blog I followed and part of what made me want to start a blog. It belongs to Simone Simons from Epica who's not only gorgeous and talented, she's also a good cook! Here you'll find a bit of traveling, recipes, fashion and a lot of beauty related stuff.

Beautifymeeh is another blog I like. Angel is a young mom of 2 cute boys and is also a youtuber. Her blog is mostly fashion based. You can find more about K-beauty and makeup on her Youtube channel and Korea vlogs on her vlog channel. 

Meejmuse is one of my favorite beauty bloggers ever. She used to have a blog but I couldn't get the link to it so, I'll leave the links to her other SNS and YouTube.
I find her so kind, beautiful and inspirational! She's an Aussie-korean blogger, currently living in Korea. (you know, love me some Korean content)
If you're into Korean beauty and lifestyle, defo check her out. And even tho she doesn't share much about fashion, you can find super cute outfits on her IG account.
She used to upload some Vlogs too about her life in Korea.

And now that I have to Korean based bloggers, I have to include one from Japan. LoveLyzKelly, she may not be Japanese but she's been living there for a while now and she shares very interesting things about Japan, food, places and just how life as a foreigner is like over there. She has a blog too but... couldn't link it. (don't know what's wrong with those blogs...)

Before I end this post, I want to mention these 2 other blogs. They may not be super active but I always enjoy reading their posts when they update and... I adore the girls behing them.
Life as a Hafu and All things Dee

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May 16, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 16: Thoughts on Education

Would it be weird if I say that, as a teacher, I do agree that education is important but, I disagree with the way schools do things most of the time?

NOTE: The way education works in my country may be different to the way it works in other countries. So keep in mind my opinion is based on what I see everyday as a private school teacher.

 Thoughts on Education

When I was in school I was't a good student, I sucked at everything (including P.E. and music) but languages. I hated math (and still do) and I always thought I would never use those in the future. 
Guess what? I was right!

That's a random way to start, my point is, I feel like sometimes we forget to encourage students with more useful and important things such as: confidence, values, how to solve everyday problems, be independent, become more aware of what's currently happening in their environments and their own community instad of focusing on things that happened a million years ago or things they won't ever use in their lifes. And even have them taking tests on that.
Don't get me wrong, I think it is important to learn about history, grammar, other countries and numbers but, things these days are way different than when I was a student. 

Kids (and I mean elementary school kids) have lost respect for others. Call it teachers, parents, classmates, etc. And at the same time they depend on us adults to solve everything. (believe me I've seen 4th graders who don't know how to react when they drop a glass of water)
I know these are just kids and they are not the ones to blame. That's why I believe education shouldn't only be a school thing. It should start at home and go hand in hand with what we do at school. Should we start with the parents? Maybe. And that's the hard part. Cuz, most of them are always too busy to look after their own kids, it's sad to see how some parents don't even know what their children like or dislike. And whenever you mention something to them, you're the one who's wrong. Because it's easier to blame others instead of fixing the problem.

I don't remember things being like that when I was in school. I was lazy, yes. but I used to respect my teachers and, I was terrified when my parents were to called in to school to talk about my grades and stuff. And that was because they cared. 

Schools are slowly changing in my country, we're starting to work on those values, self love, emotions and actual events a little more, without leaving the other subjects behind. Memorizing things is not really that common now, it's more about researching, going to places, having the experience and that is something I wish I had when I was a student. It'd have made it a lot more attractive to me and maybe easier for me to learn. We keep in mind not every kid learns the same way and that we always have to plan activities that are attractive and interesting. We help and motivate them to solve everyday situations, analyze and question.

But none of this works if us teachers don't get the support we need from the parents and authorities. We need to change in order to educate young lives. 
And, I feel lile I'm rambling a lot and making no sense now, haha.

To end this post: I think Academic Education is important but, there are many more things that should come with it that are as (if not more) important to become a good human being and function in real life and as a part of a community(?). And that, should start at home. 

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May 15, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 15: Where Will I Be in 5 Years?

This is a hard one because as much as I always like to daydream about what my life will be in certain years, things never go that way but, let's try!

 Where will I be in 5 years?

In 5 years... I will be a lot more independent, with a job that makes me happy but also gives me enough money to live comfortably. Also, I will be with the love of my life, starting a life together and probably our little family. I want to have kids so, I'm hoping I will have at least a kid by then. 
In 5 years I will be happy, and my family will be happy. My friends and I will still celebrate each others' success and make more memories together.
I know I will still be around here, sharing with you bits and pieces of my life and what I like.

And if things don't go that way, I will have my own place and I'll be doing something I love. I will have enough money to live they way I like and I'll be happy with the way things are~

Idk, it's weird to think how things will be in the future when my present is still a bit uncertain. Hehe.

We are halfway through this challenge! I've been trying my best not to miss a day, hopefully it'll be like that until the end. 
Thanks for sticking with me so far and, I'll see you tomorrow!

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May 14, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 14: 3 Healthy Habits

Ok, when I think of healthy habits I only think about working out and eating healthy foods, which would make it hard for me because, I'm too lazy to exercise and my eating habits are not exactly the healthiest~

 3 Healtyh habits

I went online to check what other things could be considered "healthy habits" hoping to find something I do that could fit in here and surprisingly, there are many more than I thought and I can actually say I do have them as a part of my habits.

Before I start, I'm gonna leave the link to the site here if you feel like checking it out. It's also a good read if you want to start having new, healthy habits.

I think the first one will be: Drinking more water than soda. Yeah, I love a good cold coke but there was a time where that was everything I'd drink, all day, at least 3 times a week. I know, it was so wrong.
I won't lie and say I only drink water now but I do try to drink as much water as I can during the day, I usually have a water of bottle around me, when I'm at home and at work, especially now it is getting super hot, gotta stay hydrated. I still love soda, but I only drink it sometimes during the weekend or when I eat out. 

Next would be: Laugh. I laugh out loud, no matter who I am with, I'm not ashamed of it. I can be very silly and laugh easily. I think even my students know that. I had no idea this was actually a healthy habit.

And last one is: Family and friends. It is no secret I love the people around me and I love to spend time with them. so, even tho we all have a life and can get busy at times, I always try to make time to spend with them. Even if it's just a coffee date, watching a show together, quick lunch or just spending lazy time together, I truly enjoy it. 
I've always been a family person and I love my friends as if they were family too. I'm always happy when I'm around them.

Other extra habits would be gratitude, having a (kind of) journal and being more careful with my sleeping hours.

On the other hand, I know there are other things I could start working on such as: stop overthinking, build focus, become more physically active, read more and others.

Reading that article(?) gave me so many ideas of the small things that can make our days better. It is hard sometimes but I think it could be worth it in the end.

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May 13, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 13: What's Inside My Fridge

Don't expect to read something too interesting here... I feel like this is the most random post I've ever had to write but, it's part of the challenge.

 What's inside my fridge

I'm not too sure how to start this one so, I think I'll just make a list of the things we usually have in the fridge...

Is mentioning ice cubes important? Oh well, besides that, you'll also find frozen foods for the week (cuz I usually do groceries weekly) such as chicken, meat and of course fish and sea food. Also a bag or two of frozen veggies and now that the weather is super hot we have some ice cream too.

There's usually some leftovers in there along with eggs, my bacon mayo, milk, cheese, cream cheese, butter, ham (sometimes), veggies, yogurt and my beloved sake. Haha. 
Mmm... as I'm typing this, we also have some cake but that can also change to jelly or fruit pudding thingies. 

And... I think that's it for this one. Sorry if it was a little random and boring but, it's a fridge! 

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May 12, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 12: My Favorite Childhood Book

This is a hard one because even tho I have many stories I like, I mainly remember them from movies, not books~

 My favorite childhood book

I'm sure I read some books back when I was a little girl but, there's no one I can think of when it comes to a favorite childhood book.
We used to have this book set with many classic stories and I enjoyed going through them. One of the stories I liked the most was The Princess and the pea. I had to go through the story again because I didn't remember much of it... hehe, And now that I remember it, I can't see why I liked it that much. I think it was those many mattresses the princess had to sleep on~ idk.

Other stories that are also books and I really liked (and still do) were Alice in Wonderland, Robin Hood and Thumbelina.

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May 11, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 11: 10 Favorite Foods

Eating is something I really enjoy, especially desserts. Does it count as food too? I hope so cuz I'm including them in here.

 10 Favorite foods

My favorite foods won't be in any particular order and I'm sure you'll see some junk food in here. Don't judge me! Hehe.

Japanese food. Sushi was probably the first thing I tried from Japanese food and I still love it to this day. But then I started trying other dishes and soups and now I can say I'm always up for Japanese food! (and desserts). A good bowl of ramen always feels like the perfect comfort food and I can't say no to some takoyaki. I know I still have a long list of japanese dishes to try and many restaurants to visit but, it's part of the adventure.

Pasta. Any kind, with tomato, cheese, veggies, meat, sea food, etc. I'll eat it! 

Cheese. I'm sure many will agree with me that cheese has to be one of the most delicious foods ever. Add cheese to any food and it's instantly better. The cheessier(?) the better!

Pizza. What can I say? There is such big variety of pizza that it's hard not to like it. From the fanciest pizza to Little Caesar's. I. JUST. LOVE. PIZZA!

Berries. I like fruits but I don't eat them as often as I should. But the fruits I enjoy eating the most have to be berries. Anything berries is a must try for me.

Rice. It's the perfect side dish. I've tried different kinds but my favorite has to be white rice.

Mc Donald's. As unhealthy as it is I really enjoy it! It's not like I eat it every week which makes it a lot more satisfying when I actually do. I don't really eat nuggets, I go for the burgers, milkshakes, pies, coffee and of course, breakfast!

Chocolate. Not much to say. I could eat it everyday. (In fact, I do)

Ice Cream. Especially choco-mint flavor. But, I think I'd eat any flavor of ice cream. 

Cake / Pie. The only kind ok cake I don't like is Milk Cake (tres leches). Other than that, cake makes me happy

There you have them, my 10 favorite foods. I'm not sure if I forgot to add some in there~ What's your favorite food?

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May 10, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 10: Best Trip Of My Life

I think most of you would guess which one has been my best trip so far~ Anyway, let's get into this!

 Best Trip of my life

Even tho I've made trips to a few countries around the world, I can't say I've been to many of them. I do have nice memories of those trips but I think my favorite one was my trip to Spain last year. Mainly because I was older and I could enjoy a lot more.

I went to Valencia on November 21st and spent over 2 months there. This trip came in perfect timing because I was going through some stuff and I needed a break from everything. 
The exact place I stayed in was called La Pobla de Vallbona, a nice small town only 15 minutes away from Valencia.
While I was there, I visited other cities and towns around Valencia such as: Requena, Teruel, Albarracin, Alcalá del Jucar, Vall de Uxó, Utiel, Xilxes, Alpunete and others.

I gotta say I fell in love with Spain, its places and its food. As expected I ate a lot and bought a lot. When I came back home, I didn't only come with great memories and knowledge of a different culture but, this trip really helped me to relax and feel like myself again. I got to focus on me and let go of many, many things.
For all that and more, my trip to Spain has to be the best one so far.

I'm not going into much details here because I feel like I wrote many posts about it in the past. I'll link some of them down below as well as the Spain Vlogs playlist.

My Spain Adventure
Alcalá del Jucar

Vlogs: Spain Adventures

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May 9, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 9: What's In My Bag / Wallet

I've done a couple of What's in my bag posts in the past and it's always fun. For a moment I thought it'd be nice to do the wallet for a change but, there's nothing interesting in my wallet so, bag it'll be.

 What's In My Bag / Wallet

I'll start with the bag, which is (of course) a bubblegum pink, medium bag. It is not a brand bag, I actually bought it from one of my coworkers. But it is strong and I can put a lot in it.
I put a pink bunny on it to make it look cuter. The bunny is from Miniso.

I usually have a notebook and a pen in my bag, you never know when you're gonna need them. The ones I currently have are both from Ale Hop and say "Disfruta de las pequeñas cosas de la vida" (Enjoy the little things in life).

Then we have my Sailor Moon wallet that has to be one of my favorite things inside my bag. I put a few charms on it: Witch Hello Kitty, another witch I got in Alcalá del Jucar and a chibi Komatsu Nana. 

Like I said, there's nothing too interesting in my wallet besides money, random cards and ID cards. The only thing that could be worth mentioning is this little handmade doll that was gifted to me by one of my coworkers last Christmas. They have a name I can't remember atm but I was told to leave it under my pillow or take it with me in my purse or wallet. You're supposed to tell her your worries and sadness and aparently, she'll make it easier for you.

Next are my glasses. Both sunglasses and my regular glasses. Both are usually in a case to "protect" them. I usually only wear my glasses whenever I'm driving or watching a movie. But lately I've noticed I've been using them a lot more because my eyes feel so tired at the end of the day~

I also carry a small strawberry coin purse (also from Ale Hop) where I keep pain killers and band aids.

Of course, my camera couldn't be missing. I have this silver bag that is supposed to work as its case but I rarely put it in there. I mostly use this camera for vlogging. 

You will always find candies in my bag. I also have Tic Tac. I only got this because they were special edition but, the mint is so strong that, I don't really eat them.

We can't forget about my makeup bag. I change it every now and then but the one I'm still carrying is this Victoria's Secret one. I like it because it's big and I can see everything I'm carrying.

And lastly, my phone, my charger, car keys and house keys. These are usually in my bag whenever I go out.

And, that is that for my bag and wallet. I'll link other related posts and videos down below if you want to check them out.

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May 8, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 8: 5 Current Goals

Hello everyone! I really hope you're enjoying the daily posts~ We still have a long way to go.


I'm definitely a goal person, at least I like to set a few small ones along the year. Last year I got to travel to Europe and change to a bigger school, those 2 were part of my goals. This year, I alredy got the chance to buy my own car but, there are still a few things I wish to achieve before the year ends~

1. Get my own apartment. I had this goal since last year and I was seriously saving money to do it but I used all my savings to travel and buy a car. Even tho this dream/goal has been postponing for whatever reason, it is something I want to experience soon.

2. Become a better and more serious blogger. I usually say this blog is my baby and even tho I try to post constantly, there are months where I have other priorities and abandon this baby. I know this blog is not at a point where I could call it "big" but, I'd like to see it grow. I know I gotta get more serious with it and have a better posting schedule tho.

3. Continue growing professionally. I've already made some choices that changed the way my carreer was going and I do believe they were for the better, in a way. But there's a lot I think I still have to do, and many more things I want to go. As much as I love teachin, I sometimes feel I'd like to try doing other things too. Side jobs maybe? Idk~

4. Fall in love. 

5. Learn to do new things (drawing, card reading, car related stuff... Idk)

I guess my goals keep changing as life continues and I start getting some things done, I hope I can come back in a few months and read this to realize I've achieved this goals.

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May 7, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 7: My 5 Favorite Songs

Hellooooo there!
Nice to see you all again! Hehe. Today's post is gonna be a short one.


There are so many songs I really love so, it was hard to choose only 5. I gotta say my songs may not be as popular but, it could help you to listen to new songs or something. Idk~ 

This songs are not in a particular order.

1. Sophie Ellis Bextor - Love is you

2. Kim Hyun Joong - 오늘 지나면  (after today passes)

3. Naomi Scott - Say nothing

4. Aiko Kaoyu - Aishite ne motto (couldn't find a subbed version for this one)

5. Sung Joon - Love is smiling

Here you have it, 5 of the songs I like the most. I'd love to know some of your favorites too!!

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May 6, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 6: What Am I Afraid Of?

Hi there!
And now is when the challenge gets a litte more personal.


I always try to be as open as possible when I share H2H posts in here and I feel like this is going to be similar to those.
When I read today's topic I first thought about how much I hate hospitals and going to the dentist, then UFOs, haha. But deep down I know there are other, more serious fears I have that is not always cool to talk about.

So, let's start with Failure. It doesn't matter how much of a positive person I try to be, the idea of failing terrifies me! That's why I find it so hard when I have to do demonstration classes at work, because I hate the idea of doing it wrong in front of an audience. Even tho I've done it a million times before, I still get those feelings. Same goes to talking in public and stuff. And this also applies to my personal life. Failing in relationships, plans and dreams. I'm afraid of looking back many years from now to realize I failed to myself and didn't do everything I wanted, the way I wanted. And it's funny because, this actually keeps happening to me, No matter how hard I try or what it is, things don't really seem to go the way I want them to be for whatever reason. And I know, some things are meant to be that way but, I tend to over think a lot and that always makes it worse. I seem to fail at the things I want the most. Maybe it's just me torturing myself over the things I don't have or "can't achieve" but, it is something that sometimes keeps me awake at night.
Add to that I'm constantly comparing myself to others (which I know I shouldn't)~ And it's weird because, I'm not even a perfectionist!!

That's one, the other would definitely be Loneliness. Yeah, as much as I separate the concept of "being alone" and "being lonely" I still struggle with the idea of being lonely in the future. Cuz even tho I know I have amazing people around me, I do get lonely at times. It doesn't affect me as much as it did years ago but it's always a scary feeling and a scary thought. 

In a way, I feel like these two fears could be connected somehow? Idk~ But, these are things I also know I have to work on to make it all better. So hopefully, it'll get better with time.

Is there something you're afraid of? Feel free to share with me!

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May 5, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 5: My Proudest Moment

Another day, another challenge~


It took me a while to think of a good thing to write in here and after thinking about it, I've realized it's not just one moment I'm most proud about but the small things I've done since the moment I decided I needed to change.

I'm proud of the person I'm becoming, someone who stands up for what she likes and believes but is also willing to learn from others and experiences. 

I'm proud of the choices I'm making, because even if they are not always the right ones, I'm pushing myself to step out of my comfort zone, no matter how scary it may be, which isn't easy for me.

I'm proud of the moment I decided to let go. Let go of people, places and emotions that were not good for me.

I'm proud of the people around me and their achievements.

And lastly, I'm proud of the moment I got to say "I've changed but I'm still me". I'm more independent and stronger. There's still a lot for me to change and achieve but, I'm proud to say I'm actually doing something to get there.

Maybe this wasn't the way this post was supposed to go but, it's my way of seeing it. Especially considering I couldn't think of a "Proudest moment". Some people might go for "graduating, working at a certain place, becoming a parent (someday hopefully)" but for me, it's more about my personal changes cuz I know how much I struggled with those.
If you have a proudest moment, make sure to share it with me!
See you tomorrow!!

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May 3, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 3: Favorite Quote


Day 3 here we go! Very excited about sharing this one with you because there is a quote I try to live by~


"Hold the vision, trust the process"

There are so many quotes I like but, there's something about this one that makes me love it.
At first, I related it to my love situation at that moment and, it made so much sense to me. Even tho things didn't go as planned, I kinda made that quote my motivational quote in every aspect of my life. It doesn't matter if plans change or things don't go my way, if I hold a clear vision of what I want, eventually, the process will take me there.

I don't think there's much more to say about this. Feel free to share your favorite quote qith me and why you like it. 
See you tomorrow! x

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May 2, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 2: 20 Facts About Me

Hey there!
Day 2 of this challenge. I've shared posts like this before so I'll try my best not to share the same facts's hard!


1. I am a coffee addict
2. I am obsessed with True Crime
3. I have a big lipstick collection
4. I love Sake
5. My closest friends are mostly girls. For whatever reason I don't have many male friends 
6. I have a YouTube channel where I share randon life vlogs. MonStar's Little Vlog
7. I'm weak for everything pink and Kawaii
8. I believe in magic
9. I enjoy trying weird mixes when it comes to food
10. I'm not a party person
11. I'm a good listener
12. I love shopping and I feel sometimes, I have no self control
13. I have the "Resting Bitch Face Syndrome"
14. A few months ago, I bought my first car ever!
15. I love choosing and buying presents for the people I love
16. I've recieved parking tickets twice for parking in the wrong place
17. I love cheese
18. Friendship is super important to me
19. I have an obsession with everything Sakura related
20. I find a lot of inspiration from my closest friends.

Ah! that was a hard one. I really hope you find this interesting and help you to learn a little bit more about me. I'll see you tomorrow!

If you feel like reading more facts, I'll leave some links to my older posts down below.↓

Other facts posts:
50 Facts
10 Facts
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May 1, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 1: My Blog's Name

Hey loves!
Day one of the 30 Day Challenge. Super excited to try this so, let's start!


I have to admit I always find it hard to come up with good names, no matter what they are for, I just don't feel creative enough. I believe I've mentioned something about my blog's name somewhere but it was long ago.

Something most people don't know (or remember) is that this is the second name I gave to this blog. When I started it, it was "Inside the bunny's head". Because well, I am a bunny lover. But that name didn't last long. I liked it, yeah. But not enough to keep it.

The name "MonStar" came way before I even thought about starting a blog. It started as a nickname from someone who was truly special to me. I just loved it! So, I decided to use it as my social media user names and stuff. Then, when I decided to change this blog's name, I knew I wanted to use MonStar in here too. It'd make sense, right? Same nickname and user names for all my social media~ And seeing it as this blog is my own little space to share and express myself I chose the "Little Blog" part. So, MonStar's Little Blog = Mon's Little Space, hehe.

So, not only the name has a special meaning but it also feels mine (if that makes sense). I've had it for many years now and, I don't think I'll change it anytime soon.

And well, this is a short story but, it's the story behind my blog's name. I'll see you tomorrow, on day 02! xx

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Apr 4, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 4: My Dream job

Let's continue with the challenge! 


Ok, this is a hard one, cuz as much as I love to teach, there are so many things I'd love to do for work. 
Sometimes I feel like I'm still in that stage where you like what you do but you would also like to try something different. Then I realize I don't know what else I could try.

I love blogging, and I love YouTube, I just don't know if I'm creative enough to make a living out of it. But I won't lie, making it my job would be awesome! I love how bloggers and youtubers get to travel a lot and discover new places, go to events and meet new people. 
I'd also love to work in something makeup or beauty related. Even tho I studied Fashion design I always felt more passionate about beauty than fashion. 

There's this other part of me who really enjoys organizing events, planning things. From activities, food, theme, food to decoration and goodies.

And of course, everything animal related would be a great job for me. I love animals, I always have so, taking care of them or just working with them would also be a dream job.

But,there's also something very rewarding about being a teacher, even if it has its ups and downs, I love it. I love how I get to be part of a person's education and just life in general. I love to teach and inspire others even if it's a little bit.

I guess my dream job would be a mix of all the activities I mentioned before, what can I say? I wish I could do it all!

Not sure if this is the way this blog post should've been but, yeah~ Still hope you enjoy. 

See you tomorrow!! x

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