Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Mar 1, 2017

Life Update Jan - Feb 2017: Career plans + I'm an auntie!

To be honest with you guys, these two months have been better than expected~!

Hello there loves! I can't remember the last time I wrote a life update, but, here I am again, giving you a quick update of the "important" events and things of these first months of my 2017.

First of all, I decided to start this year being a lot more positive. And I think I've been doing a good job so far. I also set some goals (to-do list) of things I want to work on and accomplish this year.
I also have been spending a lot more time with people I love (friends and family). I may not see everyone everyday but we spend quality time when we are together and I like it! I do miss my mom a lot tho. But we massage each other everyday and try to talk at least once a week. (it canbe tricky because of the time difference and our schedules!)
I'm saying "yes" to more things, even if they are small and simple. And, I'm definitely trying to see the good in everyday.

As most of you know, I started vlogging again and I /trying/ to be a lot more active in here too. Sometimes it is hard because I have been literally busier this year but this is something I love and enjoy so, I don't want to quit. And it's not really like I officially decided to stop vlogging but like I mentioned before somewhere, I had this moment where I just didn't feel like sharing what I was going through.
But, yeah! I'm back to my old schedule, trying to upload a vlog every week and thinking about making other types of videos, maybe more blog related, every now and then. So if you have something in mind for me to shoot, let me know!

If you follow my vlogs you'll know that earlier this month I made a quick yet meaningful trip to my hometown to celebrate my cousin's baby shower. It was great to see her after 4 years! (last time we saw each other was on her wedding) I couldn't be happier for her and hubby Israel, also to see her so happy with her little family.
As for my not-so-little cousin Marissa, I'm so proud to see the successful and beautiful young lady she's become! ♥
I also got the chance to spend some quality time with my family, listen to the baby's heartbeat and see her moving!, go through all the baby clothes, eat a was just such a lovely weekend.
Which leads to the next thing...Natalia was born on February 22nd! I'M OFFICIALLY AN AUNTIE! and I couldn't be happier! Rosie is like a sister to me and I loved this baby as soon as I knew she was coming to this world. I can't wait to have a chance to finally meet her!

And...since January, I started studying~ Yeah, I. Was. Studying. Part of what I want to do this year is start working more on my career, learning more and trying new things. I haven't been telling the world about what my plans are because I feel like if I tell everyone before it happens it could just not go the way I plan it but, I took the first step this month taking an exam that could be the beginning of good things to come. We'll see!

Lastly, I've noticed that this year I've been feeling more comfortable with myself, doing things alone. This was something kinda hard for me because I used to feel so lonely but I've been really working on it and I'm happy to say I am becoming a little more independent! Took me forever, yeah; but it's finally happening. There is a lot more I want to work on but, one step at the time, yeah?

I think it'll be it for now, aside from all this, I've been busy with work, still learning and enjoying every bit of it. I hope these 2 month have been good to you as well and... I'll be back with another update in two months!
Bye bye~♥


  1. Good for you, Mon-chan! 2017 seems like a good start for you. Hope that streak keeps up all year long!

    1. Yes! It has been good so far. Still working on many things to make it better tho. I hope it will be a good year for the both of us! x

  2. I'm so happy for you, I think I can relate, it's always hard to focus on self-love but it's the first step to improve yourself.

    1. Thankies! It has been hard, not gonna lie. But I feel like I'm finally taking baby steps and I'm starting to feel more comfortable with myself and everything around me. You can relate? Really? Maybe we have more in common than we think. ^^


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