Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

May 22, 2019

👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 22: My Worst Habits

Back to the normal challenge schedule, I'll make sure to pay more attention from now on. Hehehe.

 My worst habits

I think my main worst habits are food realted. It's not like I don't like healthy foods but I love junk food. 

Drinking soda (coca-cola) is one of the main ones. I've seen videos of how bad it can be but, I still drink it. Not as much as I did before but, yeah. Can't stop.

Midnight snacks. And by snacks I mean candies, chips or whatever I'm craving at the moment.

And last one would be eating a bag of chips at least twice a week. I can't help it! I usually prep some lunch to eat while I'm at work but, I always end up buying chips. Can you blame me? there's something very satisfying about eating them.

Another one is overthinking. I know it's wrong and it stresses me but I just can't stop doing it. No matter what the situation is, I keep on thinking about the many outcomes of it and how it'd affect me even before it actually happens. 
I know I have to change that, hopefully one day I will.

What about you? What are your worst habits?


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