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Feb 14, 2025

L.O.V.E. ♥ Then vs Now | Going through old Heart-to-heart posts

It's Valie's Day and even tho it is not my favorite holiday, there was a time when I was obsessed with love, relationships and well...Valentine's Day. I remember really worrying about having presents for everyone, making plans and especially, if I had someone to spend it with. Don't get me wrong, I'd still celebrate it with the people I love but, it is not something I'm too worried about anymore.

Not long ago, I went through some of my old posts and I couldn't help but to laugh at some of them. For some reason I used to think I was a love and relationship expert which couldn't be further from the truth. But then I thought it'd be interesting to share like an updated version of some of those super cheesy Heart-to-heart posts every now and then and see how much has changed with time. 

The one I chose is just called Heart-to-heart: L.O.V.E. ♥, I wrote it back in 2014 and it was supposed to be a Valentine's month kind of post, that's why I chose it for this month too. I'll link it in case you want to read it, hehe.

I'll start with some things I read there that still feel true to me to this day, the first one being the fact that love shouldn't be celebrated only one day, and I don't mean just romantic love. There are so many ways to demonstrate the people you love that you care all year round. And I don't mean just with gifts; of course it's nice to give and receive pressies but to me, just sharing life and being there no matter what is a great way to show and feel loved. I also still think, and now more than ever, that love doesn't only and always come in a romantic partner. Love also comes in our friends, family, pets and, even ourselves. I've found soulmates in people I have no romantic connections with. And I can say my friends are my most stable relationships ever.

Back then when I wrote that post I was so in love, that's why I said things "Love will find you eventually~!! (trust me!)" which makes me cringe now, haha. I don't believe love magically appears in front of you anymore (not that it happened magically back then either). Relationships in general aren't easy, they need effort, time and commitment from both sides but every now and then you'll find people with whom all this "effort" doesn't feel like it and it becomes fun and natural. I am lucky to have people like that in my life now.

I feel like for a long time I was too focused on saying whether it was important or not to worry about finding a partner, having a relationship and all that stuff, just because I felt I had it all. I've been in love before, yes. Has it ended in the most beautiful, happily ever after kind of way? Of course not. My dating & relationships history suck, and I know the girl who wrote that heart-to-heart at that moment completely changed the way she felt about love and relationships with time. But I guess that is a topic for another post, hehe.

All in all, I don't think the post was that bad, it was cheesy but I can still agree with part of it. Love is an everyday thing and we souldn't worry too much about the labels. Life goes on and it's still fun.

I guess that'll be it for this post, I don't want to make it a super long one. Let me know if you'd like to read more posts like this, I have other H2Hs with "deeper" thoughts we could go through in the future.

Happy Valie's Day y'all! X


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