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Showing posts with label Café San Juan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Café San Juan. Show all posts

Aug 27, 2024

Café San Juan Xitoltepeque ☕

Earlier this year one of my besties went to Chiapas for work and she brought back some coffee. Chiapas is known for having great coffee so, I was looking forward to trying it.

As I always say when I write about coffee, I am a coffee lover but no expert at all, the info here is from the package and the internet plus, my personal opinion. I have to say tho, I couldn't find those many details online.

This Café San Juan Xitoltepeque is made by a company dedicated to the processing and marketing roasted and ground coffee and I believe they also have a coffee place in Chiapas. The description on the 17.oz bag says:"Made with the finest selection of high-altitude beans from the state of Chiapas that guarantee the flavor, body and aroma that will conquer your palate." And, I don't know about the body thing but, the smell of it is just amazing! It's is also a strong coffee, just the way I like it.

From what I saw online, this coffee has great comments and reviews, people seem to like it! I also saw the same company has coffee jam, something I'd like to try one day along with other types of coffee and coffee related products.

And well, I've been enjoying this coffee in the mornings, I just love the way my house smells when I make it. It's perfect to start your day or drink on a rainy day (which we've had a lot lately).

I think that'll be it for this post, I don't think it was too informative but, yeah. 😅

See you next time~! ♡
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