Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Showing posts with label Tags. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tags. Show all posts

Jan 31, 2024

Fictional Character Tag (Anime edition)

I randomly found this short tag and thought it'd be fun to try it. It wasn't specifically an anime tag but I'll make it an anime edition one this time. 

Here we go!

1. Which character was your first love? Mamoru Chiba (Sailor Moon). I still like him to this day, he's just not one of my main crushes anymore~ 

2. How would you describe all the characters you love? As in crushes, I usually like the cold type of characters, dark hair, fair skin. Those who don't express their feelings much. And if we talk about female characters, I think the ones I can identify with. But it's not always the case.

3. A character do you love that you think most people hate? Haruno Sakura from Naruto. At least people I know don't like her much. They find her annoying and useless, but I think she's a very strong character, not only physically, smart and caring. Plus, I love her unconditional love for Sasuske way too much.

4. Does one character in your life have a very strict personality? I'd say, Hitsugaya Toshiro (Bleach). He's strict and grumpy but, adorbs. ♡

5. A character you think you wouldn’t get along with? Zenitsu from Kimetsu No Yaiba. I just think I'd find him super annoying and wouldn't like to be around him much.

6. A character you’d travel the world with? It took me a while to choose this one but, I think I'd love to travel the world (and beyond) with Spike Spiegel. His chill personality would make our trips fun and filled with unexpected surprises.

7. A character you’d rely on to help you get over your fears? Himura Kenshin! I think he wouldn't judge me no matter what my fears were and, he'd help me with patience and care. He's the best. ♡

8. Where do most of the characters you love come from? Lately, anime characters. But I also love many from movies and TV shows.

9. A character you’re most likely to have weird dreams about? It depends on how you define "weird dreams" but it mostly happens with the characters I'm obsessed with at that moment.

10. A minor character you love: First I was going to say Julia from Cowboy Bebop but, I think even tho she's not in the show much, she's important in Spike's story so, Petra Ral (Shingeki No Kyojin). She dies in the first season so I think not many people remembers her much but, she was and still is one of my favorites.

11. What character represents your mentality? Ah! This is difficult cuz I it's a mix between different characters~ I've been rewatching Evangelion lately and some character analysis videos and, I realized I'm like Misato in many more ways than I thought I was. Which is not exactly good but, it's true.

I'm sure when I post this, I'll think of other characters I didn't include here and regret it but, I've watched too many shows so, it's hard to remember all of them. 😅 Anyway, that was it for this tag, maybe I'll do another one with other type of characters~ Idk. Let me know if you'd like to read that.

See you next time~! ♡

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Sep 6, 2023

100 Get to know me questions tag

Random Get to know me post. This one is longer than the last one I did a year ago (I think?). I'm sure I already answered some of these questions before but, who knows? Maybe someone new is readong, haha, Then again, these question posts are always fun to answer and I see them as a good way to learn more about someone. 

Let's do this!

1. Are you a morning or night person?

Ah! I'd say a bit of both? I mean, I hate waking up early but I'm lazier to work in the afternoon / night. I guess it depends on what I'm doing~ hehe.

2. Are you afraid of the dark?

Not anymore. 

3. Are you an extrovert or introvert?

Extrovert, I think.

4. Are you double jointed?


5. Are you left or right handed?

Left handed.

6. Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one?

I think I'm more on the messy side but, the mess annoys me at some point and I have to clean everything. (does it make any sense?)

7. Are you on time or always late?

Usually on time. I used to be always on time tho. Dunno what happened to me...

8. Are you ticklish?

A little, yeah.

9. Can you curl your tongue?

No, I can't! And most people I know can do it.

10. Can you ice skate?

Nope, I've tried once and it didn't work. It looks fun tho.

11. Can you wiggle your ears?

No. I wanted to many years ago.

12. Coffee or tea?

Always coffee.

13. Cookies, cake or donuts?

This is a very difficult one cuz I love the 3 of them but if I had to choose just one, it'd be donuts.

14. Did you ever participate in a talent show?

I don't think so. Honestly? I don't kbow if I have any "talent" haha.

15. Did you go to prom?

I don't think my schools had any proms. We had graduation celebrations but I can't remember having or going to prom.

16. Did you like school?

Not at all. Even tho I am a teacher now, I think school was never my thing. Don't get me wrong, I had friends and stuff but, I don't like studying and stuff.

17. Do you believe in ghosts?


18. Do you bite your nails?

I don't anymore but, I did for a long time.

19. Do you consider yourself a good cook?

Haha. Not really. I mean, I've improved and I like my own cooking but, it's not everyone's cup of tea.

20. Do you enjoy dancing?

A lot! I'd say it's the only "exercise" I enjoy doing.

21. Do you enjoy DIY or crafts?

Yeah, but I'm not good at them.

22. Do you forgive easily?

Huh~ I guess it depends. It's not like I don't forgive but I wouldn't say I do it easily.

23. Do you have a nickname?

Mon / Moon

24. Do you have any allergies?

Not that I know.

25. Do you have any phobias?

I don't think so.

26. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?

I only have my ears pierced buuuuuut, I'm considering getting a tattoo~~~

27. Do you have children?


28. Do you have pets?

Yeah, I have 2 cats: Sassy and Masha.

29. Do you have siblings?

Yup, a younger sister.

30. Do you prefer dogs or cats?

Difficult choice cuz I love both. I could say cats cuz right now I only have cats but, I do miss having a dog soemtimes.

31. Do you prefer Mac or PC?

PC just because I haven't used a Mac.

32. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?

The beach.

33. Do you prefer to bath or shower?

Baths but I rarely take one.

34. Do you sing in the shower?

Mmm... sometimes, I do.

35. Do you smoke?


36. Do you speak any different languages?

English, Spanish and a little Japanese. (I'd include French but I forgot most of what I knew.)

37. Do you still have your wisdom teeth?

Yeah! is it weird?

38. Do you still watch cartoons?

Oh yeah, cartoons like The Simpsons or Family guy and of course, anime.

39. Do you/have you played any sports?

Not really. I'm not a sports person.

40. Does your name have a special meaning?

It does have a meaning but I don't think it's a special one.

41. Have you ever been hospitalized?

Luckily, not yet.

42. Have you ever been on a diet?

Never. I think I wanted to when I was younger but now I just don't care about it much. Unless I needed it for health reasons tho.

43. Have you ever been to a concert?

Not to many but yes, and I've loved them.

44. Have you ever gone camping?

Just when I was a girl and it was a school camp. I'm not sure if that's something I'd enjoy. I need my comfort!!

45. Have you ever met any celebrities?

Just random child actors from soap operas when I was younger. Back then it felt super special tho.

46. Have you ever skipped class?

Nah, I was very boring when I was in school.

47. Have you ever won something?

A lottery ticket a couple of year ago during my trip to Spain.

48. Have you had braces?

No but I wanted to. (when I was a girl tho, I don't want them anymore)

49. How are you feeling right now?

Really tired!

50. How tall are you?

158cms, I'm short, I know.

51. If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday?

A trip to Japan! hehe

52. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

Japan for sure. I wouldn't say no to other countries but JP is my #1 

53. Were you ever a scout or a brownie?


54. What city were you born in?

Morelia, MichoacĂĄn.

55. What did you last eat?

A lemon popsicle.

56. What did you want to be when you were younger?

A vet! I love animals. 

57. What do you do on a typical Friday night?

On a typical Friday night, just drink at home and relax after work. I might go out with my friends sometimes but, I guess it depends.

58. What is one food that you refuse to eat?

Papaya, exotic foods that include insects and weird parts of animal bodies. (intestines, brain and stuff)

59. What is one item on your bucket list?

Take a nice trip with my besties.

60. What is one item you can’t live without?

My laptop.

61. What is your shoe size?

6.5 to 7 in US size

62. What movie have you watched repeatedly?

SO MANY! Including Grease, Clueless ans Star Wars episode III.

63. What phone do you have (Apple or Android)?

Right now, apple

64. What should you be doing right now?

I should be relaxing but, I have a lot of work to finish. :')

65. What’s one goal you would like to accomplish this year?

Finish decorating my house, haha

66. What’s one of your pet peeves?

Love bombing, whistly nose noises and people who try to be extra funny.

67. What’s the last song you’ve listened to?

Maneskin - HONEY! (Are you coming?)

68. What’s the most expensive item of clothing that you own?

I don't know. I don't really pay attention to that anymore.

69. What’s the thing you can’t leave the house without?

My bag. I feel naked without it.

70. What’s your best physical feature?

I think it's my lips, hehe.

71. What’s your Chinese sign?


72. What’s your current obsession?

Bleach! I'm 1000% obssesed with the latest season!

73. What’s your dream car?

A Mini Cooper.

74. What’s your favourite animal?

Bunnies, cats and dogs.

75. What’s your favourite book?

I don't have one. I'm not much of a reader.

76. What’s your favourite colour?


77. What’s your favourite dessert?

Ice cream!

78. What’s your favourite drink?

Japanese Sake, beer, coca-cola and coffee.

79. What’s your favourite food?

Pizza, takoyaki, lasagna, sushi... and so on!

80. What’s your favourite foreign food?

Japanese and italian

81. What’s your favourite gadget?

My phone I guess. honestly I'm not really into gadgets.

82. What’s your favourite hobby?

Drinking, shopping, watching movies/anime, editing and hanging out with my friends.

83. What’s your favourite movie?

I have many! Including Clueless, The Amazing Spider-man 2, Star Wars and Ghibli movies.

84. What’s your favourite restaurant?


85. What’s your favourite sandwich?

Grilled cheese sandwich.

86. What’s your favourite season?

Fall forever.

87. What’s your favourite series?

Then again, I have many! and they change from time to time but some I can think of rn are: Gilmore Girls, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Playful Kiss, etc. (I'd have to include many Kdramas and anime)

88. What’s your favourite snack?

Chips and nuts.

89. What’s your favourite sport to watch?

Football. (Go Cowboys!)

90. What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast?

Eggies, waffles or chilaquiles.

91. What’s your full name?

Montserrat (that's all you need to know 😉)

92. Do you have a crush/like someone right now?

Not really~ I mean, I have many crushes but not on people I know. Is it weird? (introduce me to someone! LOLOL)

93. What’s your lucky number?

I wan to say 3 or 10.

94. What’s your star sign?

I'm a proud Gemini.

95. When is your birthday?

June 03rd.

96. Which city did you grow up in?

Toluca, Mex.

97. Which city do you live in now?

Same as above.

98. Who do you miss right now?

My dad.

99. Who is your celebrity crush?

Kim Hyun Joong, Paul Rudd and Hayden Christensen

100. Who’s your favourite fictional character?

I have a looooong list but I'll go with 2 of my favs atm. First one will be Matsumoto Rangiku from Bleach. She hasn't been on the show much lately but I still love her so, so much. The older I get, the more I am like her. Haha. The other one is Sagara Sousuke  from Full Metal Panic, Ive been rewatching the show and even tho he's the weirdest, I adore him.

And, there you have them guys, 100 questions, answered. Congrats (and thank you) if you read til the end. Feel free to answer some of the questions too! I'd love to learn more about others too. 😘
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Feb 21, 2023

The Pet Tag: Sassy đŸŸ

Yesterday was National Cat Day so, I think this post is perfect! (It would've been better yeasterday but, still).

Years ago, I shared a Pet tag / furry friend tag (can't remember the exact name) about Tinks, Michee and Masha. As you know, last year another furry baby joined my family and I thought it was time for her to have her own tag. Even tho I haven't had her for that long, I lover her so much so, yeah. Here is Sassy's pet tag!

Let's start!

1. What is your pets name?


2. How did you come up with the name?

I didn't. Her previous owner named her Sassy and since she's not a baby anymore, I didn't want to change it. She's already very used to it.

3. What breed is your pet?

I believe she's a Ragdoll. Not sure tho. (I'm not too familiar with cat breeds)

4. How long have you had your pet friend?

For almost a year now.

5. How did you get your pet?

Last year I started cat sitting her. It was going to be for a couple of months but, in the end, she ended up staying for good. There are a couple of blog posts dedicated to the whole cat sitting process and why I adopted her. I don't regret it tho, she is the sweetest.

6. What is your pets favorite thing to eat?

Dry cat food and treats. I can't get her to eat other things!! She tried tuna once tho.

7. What games does your pet love to play?

She's very playful in general. She loves to play fetch, she could do it for hours!

8. Is your pet a cuddle and chill kind of pet or a let go explore sort of pet?

I'd say a bit of both. She's a hunter for sure and she's very curious but, she also has a chill and cuddly side. Especially now with the cold weather, she likes to cuddle under the blankets with me.

9. What is your favorite memory with your pet?

I guess seeing how she started trusting me and becoming a confident cat around the house is a good memory. 

10. What are some quirky things about your pets personality?

Idk if this could be considered quirky but, she likes to drink water using her paw. It makes her look very lady like.

11. What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?

Well, they (Masha and Sassy) are my babies! So, they're very special and mean the world to me. We're connected! Hehe.

12. What are some of your favorite things to do with your pet?

I love to play with her but we also enjoy lazy and cozy afternoons where we can enjoy a movie or a show together. 

13. What nicknames do you call your pet?

Sass or Tatty

14. What tricks can your pet do?

I don't think there's an actual trick she does and I don't really teach my pets to do tricks but, she does many cute things and poses.

15. What is the funniest thing your pet has done?

I'd say some of her sleeping poses are the funniest. 

16. What is the boldest thing your pet has done?

It has to be how well she adapted to her new life. I know it was a big change for her, epseically having Masha around. I think she did very well! She's a brave girl.

17. What impresses you the most about your pet?

How she started defending herself from Masha. Masha is a spoiled bully (I'm not proud) but Sassy is not letting her bully her anymore. I'm so proud!

18. Is your pet house trained or an outside pet?

She's an indoor cat.

19. Where is your favorite place to bring your pet?

I don't really bring them anywhere. I wish I could tho. Car rides are just no fun for them.

20. What is the most rewarding thing about being a pet owner?

The unconditional love pets give you. Plus, there's never a lack of laughter.

And there you have it guys, a short questionnaire to get to know my classy baby a little more. Feel free to share facts about your furry babies too! I'd love to read!

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Jan 16, 2022

Get To Know Me Questions Tag ♡

It's been a long time since I've done one of these tag thingies and even tho they might not be super interesting for some people, I really enjoy answering them! They are a fun way to learn more about others.

So here's an updated 25 questions tag:

1. What is your middle name?

Actually, Montserrat (Montse) is my middle name.

2. What was favorite subject at school?

English! And only english. I was never a school person. Hehe.

3. What is your favorite drink?

Non-alcoholic: coffee and coca-cola. Alcoholic drinks would be japanese sake, beer and recently, rose wine.

4. What is your favorite song at the moment?

Honestly, I haven't been listening to a lot of new music lately~~~ The Cowboy Bebop sountracks count?

5. What is your favorite food?

Japanese food, pizza and fast food. Idk if desserts count as food too tho~

6. What is the last thing you bought?

Groceries! LOL 

7. Favorite book of all time?

This is always a difficult question because I don't really read much. I really liked Hoshi Mamoru Inu tho.

8. Favorite Color?

Pink! Always pink.

9. Do you have any pets?

Yeah! 2 cats: Masha and Michee. Masha is the only one living with me tho.

10. Favorite Perfume?

One of my favorites is Halloween by JesĂșs del Pozo.

11. Favorite Holiday?

Spooky season, Halloween!!

12. Are you married?

Nope, but I'd like to be one day.

13. Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?

Yeah, to the U.S, Canada and Spain.

14. Do you speak any other language?

I do, I speak Spanish, English and a tiny bitsy bit of Japanese. (I should speak French too but... it's only a couple of words)

15. How many siblings do you have?

One sister.

16. What is your favorite shop?

Miniso, Forever21, Bellisima (makeup store) and others I can't think of right now.

17. Favorite restaurant?

Don't expect anything fancy, I looooovee Sukiya!

18. When was the last time you cried?

Last Christmas Eve.

19. Favorite Blog?

SmoonStyle by Simone Simons

20. Favorite Movie?

OMG I have maaany! Some of them would be Star Wars Episode II, BeetleJuice, Clueless, The Amazing Spider-Man 1 & 2 and all the Rurouni Kenshin Live Action Movies

21. Favorite TV shows?

One of my all time favs is Gilmore Girls, MindHunters and many, many anime shows.

22. PC or Mac?

PC, just because I haven't used a Mac before

23. What phone do you have?

Right now a Samsung something but is no longer working well. (I don't know the type of Samsung, oops!)

24. How tall are you?

I'm 158cms tall. 😅

25. Can you cook?

I guess I can survive, hehe. Cooking is not one of my strenghts but I'm getting better at it. I've been doing it a lot recently and I kinda enjoy it now.

There you go, 25 random questions about me. Feel free to answer them yourself, I'd love to read!!
xx ♡

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Aug 20, 2021

Style Tag with HitomiTomTom

A few weeks ago, my friend Tomi and I decided to do a Style Tag. It is very random and casual but we had a lot of fun answering the questions and getting to know a little bit more about our styles. I tried to make this video as short and straight forward as possible because the original one was 45 minutes long... 😅

I don't know why, some of the transitions look jumpy, I edited the video like 3 times and couldn't fix it so, even if it annoys me a little, I don't want to edit it one more time. Still hope you enjoy tho. (excuse my looks, we were doing this at my night, her morning because of our BIG time difference)

I'm also sharing the questions in case you want to answer them yourself!!

1. How would you describe your fashion in 3 words?

2. Favorite color to wear

3. Do you like putting chains on your outfits?

4. Do you wear dresses more or jeans?

5. What is your favorite fashion trend?

6. Where do you get your outfit inspiration from?

7. Where do you buy your clothes the most?

8. Wich color looks the best on you?

9. How long does it take you to make an outfit?

10. Do you like to wear dark or pastel colors more?

Click here if you wanna see more Tomi:

♡ Instagram

TomTom Wear

TomTom Kitchen

♡ YouTube

♡ Blog (even if it's no longer active, there are good things to read there)

Life as a Hafu

Bye bye~ ♡

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Apr 30, 2021

40 Questions Anime Tag!

I've been meaning to do this tag for a couple of years now but for whatever reason I never get to do it so, today is the day!

At first I started answering the questions with the most popular shows but then I realized it'd be more interesting if I focus on shows that aren't exactly super popular and not everyone knows.

Most of you know I love Sailor Moon, Nana, Bleach, Shingeki No Kyojin, FMA, Evangelion,etc. But, I'll try not to mention those (at least not that much) so I can focus on the others.

NOTE: Some of this shows are actually kinda old~ Haven't seen many new ones to be honest.

1. What is your favorite anime?

It's hard to choose only one but, aside from some of the ones mentioned before, I'd say Full Metal Panic! always and forever. 

2. Has an anime ever made you cry?

OMG YES! Many of them. I think I cry at least once in every anime I watch. I'm a cry baby, sorry not sorry.

3. Which anime made you laugh the hardest?

Crayon Shin-chan.

Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu 

4. If you could make a spin-off of any anime, what would it be?

Cowboy Bebop! I always wanted to see more of Spike's past with Julia and Vicious.

5. List of your top 5 animes

Ah My Goddess!

Full Metal Panic!


Golden Time

Highschool of the dead 

6. List your top 5 animes OSTs

Full Metal Panic

Cowboy Bebop


Rurouni Kenshin

7. Have you ever watched an entire anime in one sitting?

I don't think so. I always have this feeling of not wanting them to be over so soon.

8. Who is your favorite anime character?

Sagara Sousuke (Full Metal Panic!)

Narusegawa Naru (Love Hina)

Plue (Rave Master) LOL

I have many, maaaaaany more, I could choose a favorite our of every show. It's hard to pick just one.

9. Name an anime character you absolutely hate.

 Haibara Ai (Detective Conan)

10. What is your favorite "moe" anime?

I had to google this one because i wasn't familiar with the word "moe", still not sure exactly what it means but, I think Galaxy Angel kinda suits that genre? Maybe? I wouldn't say it's a fav tho.

11. What is your favorite drama anime?



12. What is your favorite romance anime?

I don't even know if this one is considered a romance anime but I LOVE THE LOVE STORY!

Golden time

13. What is your favorite comedy anime?

FMP? Fumoffu was the first season I saw and I love it so, so much.

Asobi Asobase (even tho I have to finish it)

14. What is your favorite action anime?

Candidate for Goddess

Full Metal Panic


15. What is your favorite harem anime?

Love Hina


16. What is your favorite adventure anime?

Rave Master

Burst Angel

17. What the first anime you ever saw?

I'm sure it was "Trapp Family History

18. What is the most times you've re-watched an anime?

I've lost count of how many times I've watched some of them...

19. Name one anime you wish everyone would watch

Full Metal Panic! I need people to fangirl with!

20. What is an anime you regret watching?

Diabolik Lovers. I had a goth boyfriend when I watched it, he was the one who recommended it to me~ I couldn't even finish watching it. I found it boring and just... bleh. The girl made me wanna slap her.

21. Which anime character are you most like?

I'd say I'm a mix of Tsukino Usagi, Komatsu Nana and Chidori Kaname. 

But also a Katsuragi Misato when I have to be adult-like. Hehe.

22. Do you watch a new anime because you think it will be good, or because it's popular?

Because I think it'll be good. I mean, I like the the popular ones too but not all the popular ones catch my attention.

23. Has an anime's fanbase ever made you hesitant to watch an anime?

I think so. it kinda happened with Death Note. I got sick of it before even trying to watch it. One of my friends likes it so, I might give it a chance one day, you never know.  

24. How many anime episodes is ideal for you?

I guess it depends on how obsessed I am with the show. I like 20 something episodes but, many, many seasons.

25. Have you ever watched an anime with over 23 eps?


26. Would you ever watch an anime with over 100 episodes?

Yeah! I actually have. But I take breaks.

27. Have you ever dropped an anime, if so why?

Yup. Besides Diabolik Lovers I'd say the most recent was My Hero Academia. I watched a couple of episodes but I couldn't really get into it. I'm sure there are others I can't think of right now.

28. In your opinion, what makes a good anime?

I like an anime that has a bit of everything but especially relatable characters, funny situations and romance, hehe. A good OST helps too. 

29. Name a popular anime you love


Sailor Moon


30. Name a popular anime you don't like

My Hero Acadamia

31. Is there an anime you wish was more popular?

Full Metal Panic for sure. It is one of my favs and it doesn't recieve as much attention and love as it should~

32. Thoughts on live-action adaptation?

I've only seen a few because most of them had very bad reviews. The ones I really love and enjoy watching are the Rurouni Kenshin live action movies. Characters, places and story are the same as the anime and manga. Can't wait to watch the new ones!

33. Your favorite straight couple

Belldandy and Keiichi (Oh My Goddess)

Then again, I have many more...

34. Your favorite non-hetero couple

Haruka & Michiru (Sailor Moon) I just love, love, love them!

35. Your favourite friendship

Nana & Hachi (Nana)
I wish I had a Nana in my life. All girls need a Nana O.

36. Your favourite squad

10th Squad (Bleach)

Sailor Scouts!

37. The last anime you've watched

Eden of the East. I found it by accident while I was looking for animated movie suggestions. I don't think it's my typical anime but, I really, really liked it.

38. Anime that you are currently watching

I'm still watching Detective Conan cuz I can't catch up with it and rewatching Nana for the 1000th time.

And I still need to watch the 2 Eden of the East movies

39. Anime you have to finish

Shingeki No Kyojin!

40. Anime quotes

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