Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Jul 25, 2015

My Experience with... Cosplay.

It's no secret I love to dress up, it can be for Halloween, an special event or sometimes...conventions. 
I wouldn't say I'm a Cosplayer, and I never claimed to be, somehow some people think that doing it for fun every once in a while makes you one. I don't live from it, I don't do it professionally and I don't even think I'm that good, hehe. There's a lot I wish I could improve every time I cosplay.
But honestly, I just do it for fun!

Now that I think about it, I don't even do it that often but I do have to say I enjoy it a lot. It's like, becoming someone else for a few hours, you can just be whoever you like without losing who you are.

Whenever I cosplay, I usually try to have my hair as close as the character I'm about to play, I haven't used wigs yet but I guess I will someday. Dying my hair or choosing a character that has her hair as close to mine as possible at the moment are usually my first options~ When we decide to go for it, we usually don't have enough time to work on the whole costume, that's why sometimes I end up fixing my hair, doing my best to make it look like the character's. So yeah, I should improve that to look better~~~~~ hehehe.

For my makeup, I never try to look cartoonish! I always think, "How would a certain character do her makeup if she was real?" Like, if she's young and sweet, I do my makeup all natural and bubbly, but if I'm dressing up as someone sexy, I do a sexy looking makeup. I never go for cartoon face features. But of course, I try to respect the important features of certain characters such as moles, big/small eyes, etc. 
Sadly, I can't wear contacts, I tried twice and my eyes suffered a LOT! And trust me when I say a lot, it has been a painful experience!

As for the clothing, sometimes (and I mean it, sometimes!) I use my not-so-impressive fashion designer skills and work on a few parts of the outfit, but some others I buy a few things and fix them a little with some help as well.

And for me, that's it! I don't like getting into cosplay contests, I just do it to have fun and feel a little like a different character. I won't say I don't enjoy the attention and the photos, cuz I really do. and it's funny how much love you feel from people who actually love the character you're playing! It's so cute!

Finally, here are some photos from some anime characters I've done. Not too many tho! And I still think that if I ever decide to dress up as them again, there's a lot I need to change to make them better.

Yoko Litner (And my sis as Nia Teppelin). And even tho I never actually dressed up as Yoko to go to a convention, I still want to! It was just for photos back then...I think I need to work on my body to be able to wear her outfit. (YES! My hair was that red back then!)

Orihime Inoue. I think she was my first official cosplay. The first time I dressed as her my hair was a lot shorter so yeah...not sharing pics of that! Hehe. It's funny how chubby my cheeks were!

Matsumoto Rangiku. As some of you know, Ran is one of my favorite characters ever! My hair was so dark back then cuz I was trying to get rid of the red hair and go back to a lighter color  (plus, that lighting makes it look darker) but, I was so desperate to cosplay her that...I didn't care much about the hair and went for it. I'm not too happy with it but, people liked it.

Kamiya Kaoru. Trying to avoid dying my hair black for this one, I used some black spray paint to make my hair look darker. It was all messy and it did stained my clothes a little but I think it looks ok in pictures~ hehe.
Petra Ral. This is my latest cosplay so far. I was way too excited to try the Scouting Legion uniform! And even Petra doesn't even make it to the end of the anime, she's one of my fav characters! Along with Levi Heichou. I wasn't ready to cut my hair as short as hers so I kept it a little longer but...the hair color didn't end up being as light as I wanted it due to the fact that I dyed it's so hard to take off without bleaching and I tried to change it in one day~~~ oh well, deffo trying this one again! 
As you see, I don't even have a long cosplay list! But I'm planning to add a few more with time!

NOTE: This post was my friend Shin's suggestion, so big thankies for the idea! X


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