Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Feb 28, 2018

☕ Life Update January - February 2018: Spain & starting my life back home

Don't stress. Do your best. Forget the rest.

Hello everyone! It's crazy to think two months of the year already went by. I can actually say I already feel this year is gonna be a good one. As most of you know, I started it in Spain with my mom and my adoptive family. I think I've been talking about that trip non-stop so I won't go into too much detail about it anymore, there's a whole post dedicated to it: My Spain Adventure.
What I will talk about is all the good things that trip did to me, or at least, I feel like it. One of my friends recently told me that trips change us in a good way, and I feel that happened to me. There's definitely a before and after the trip me.
Before the trip I wasn't too happy with how my life was at that certain moment, I was very apprehensive and felt a little lost as in which path to take after leaving my job. Now that I came back, I feel like I can do a lot more than what I thought I could, I'm a little more confident and being away from everything gave me the time I needed to relax, think things over and let go of the things (and people) that shouldn't stay in my life in order to help me move on. It was a trip full of new experiences and adventures. And I'm very, very thankful for the chance I had to spend over two months over there.
I miss it, yeah. A lot! Its places and its people but, I promised I would go back someday and... I'm going to do it.

After I came back home I took a whole week to myself, to unpack and rest a little. After that it was pretty much about being reunited with some of my closest friends (still need to meet a few) and family. But you know, I couldn't help to think What am I gonna do now? I kinda had to organize my life again because I had no job and finding a job in the middle of the school year is hard. So I set myself a date to find a teaching job and if I couldn't find anything by then, I'd take any job I could find. I am super happy to say, I recently started working again, as a teacher! Life's been so good to me and I realize how lucky I am. ♡

That's why I haven't been vlogging a lot lately, I've been focusing on work and other things but, it doesn't mean I will quit vlogging. I actually think I got a little better at it while I was in Spain, I feel less awkward doing it in public and, vlogging is something I really enjoy, as well as working on this blog. This year will be all about that, doing what makes me happy, even if it's something silly for others. I'm lucky to have amazing friends I can share all my silliness with and who are actually willing to be a part of that. I want to dress up again, go to cons, do random challenges and share them with you guys, learn how to cook properly. Try new food, try new things, go to different places and meet new people! Become a better person and a better teacher, fall in love if I can~ I feel like I'm finally feeling inspired again and I'm enjoying the little things as I did years ago.
And most of that happened thanks to the people around me. People who are always encouraging me to believe in myself and believe I can do it. People who are super creative and hardworking. People I can make plans with but also celebrate what we do on our own and of course, people who are there for me no matter how ugly things can get or how annoying I can be. You guys know who you are and I wanna thank you for everything you do for me and with me. ♡♡ (And that includes those who I don't get to see everyday but we're there for each other in way too!)

So, when I look back to these past two months, I can honestly say they've been great! Hopefully the rest of the year will be like that as well. I'll work hard to make it a good year.
I hope it has been and it will be a great one for you too!

That will be it for my little life update, make sure to go to my YouTube channel MonStar's Little Vlog if you want to see part of what I was up to while being in Spain and, I'll see you soon!!


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