It's scary what has been going on around the world this 2020 and I know, right now, it is a difficult time for everyone.
We're supposed to be in lockdown here where I live, and I say "supposed to" because there's still a lot of people who have to go out for work and well... others who don't seem to take this virus situation seriously and decide to go on vacation and out & about despite what's going on.
I consider myself lucky to be able to work from home. Right now I'm on a break but I've been staying home for a little over 3 weeks now, only going out to buy groceries.
I know staying home 24/7 can be maddening! I'm used to meet my friends at least once a week, visit my family, go out for lunch, coffee and shopping but as much as I miss those things, I have to be smart and do the whole social distancing thing. I'm haven't cut my bangs yet so, it's all good.
Since I didn't stop working, I feel like I haven't found this as bad as I thought. I kinda had an schedule and daily lesson planning to do. And even now that we're on a break, I still have online classes 3 times a week.
Other than that, I have plenty of time to myself... I could spend the rest of my day sitting on the couch watching Netflix and eating snacks, which I have at times but, I'm trying to do productive things too.
I'm gonna share with you some of the thing I've been doing to keep myself entertained this quarantine aside from work.
Cleaning, organizing and decluttering. Decluttering is something I usually do when I'm on my break. I always go throught my clothes, shoes, bags, accessories and get rid of a bunch of things I no longer use. I organize my closet and all that fun stuff.
I'm not a big cleaning fan, but now that I've had plenty of time, we've been doing some serious cleaning. It's exhausting but, satisfying~ hehe.
I usually like to listen to one of my favorite podcasts (My favorite murder and Ghost Magnet) while I do these things.
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Fav podcasts |
Blogging and Vlogging. This is not really out of my regular routine but now I have more time to work on blog posts. Sometimes life gets super busy and I just don't have enough time to prepare posts. I had a list of things that I wanted to blog about and I'm slowly putting everything together. Plus, to me, it is a relaxing hobby! As for my vlogging, I decided to do this kind of "Lockdown diaries" sharing what I'm up to during this quarantine. It's not super entertaining but, yeah.
Scrapbooking. Kinda. About 2 years ago, I bought this Sailor Moon notebook and I wanted to give it a good use but I didn't know what I wanted. I started this kind of photo album/scrapbook to keep my favorite memories. I started working on it at the end of 2019 so I'm still very behind on it, but I've been really enjoying it. Hopefully I'll be done with 2019 soon. I had so many stickers waiting to be used so, this was the perfect chance to use them. I'm still experimenting with the style I want tho but, I'm having a lot of fun with it.
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Cooking! Yup, I've been working on my cooking and trying to improve. Those who know me, know I'm not really a cooking person, my mom does most of the cooking at home but lately, I've been trying to do it at least once a week and I actually enjoy it. I'm not going to say I try super complicated recipes and I mostly choose food I like to eat. If I compare my previous attempts with these ones, I'd say I've improved! I'm so proud, hehe.
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Chicken nuggets with Mac n cheese |
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French toasts for breakfast |
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Dry noodles with Tao sauce, fish, cheese and pepper patties and fried edamame. I'm so proud of this one! |
Like I mentioned earlier, I'm used to see my friends every week so, I can't help to miss them a LOT so, we try to do video calls every week to catch up and see our faces, haha. We do message everyday but, it's not the same. I wasn't a fan of video calls but, they have been very useful these days. And well, I've been trying to keep in touch with the ones I love in general. Not only through video calls, but also through messages and phone calls.
And well yeah, I've been watchig shows, movies and youtube, eating lots of snacks and drinking sake because, why not? Haha. I barely have time to do that when I'm working. Not gonna lie, I love being lazy, it's just part of who I am. But I try to do that in the evenings or after having a productive morning/day.
Here are some of the shows and movies I've watched lately:
Rurouni Kenshin Kyoto Taika-hen & Rurouni Kenshin the Legend Ends. Both are live action movies that are very well made. There are actually 3 live action movies and I love them all plus, I love Kenshin and Takeru Sato. Hehehe.
All about my mom. It's a Korean drama that I'm sure I've mentioned before. Mom and I started watching a while ago but didn't had the chance to finish it until now. It's 54 episodes long and I admit the last 5 episodes made me want to cry badly!
Detective Conan. I've been trying to catch up with this anime and even tho I'm not completely caught up, I'm getting there.
The Cat Returns. I randomly decided to watch this movie and it's such a... cute movie? I'm a cat lover so of course I enjoyed a movie about a cat world with talking cats. Netflix now has lots of Ghibli movies so I highly recommend them, including this one.
Japanese Style Originator. This show will teach you about Japan, its traditions, food and fun facts. It'll make you hungry too tho!
There are still a few things I thought I'd do during this lockdown that I haven't done: Working out and reading. My only exercise is to walk Tinkerbell outside the house and there's a book waiting for me to read it. I'll give you an update on that once I get to it.
And OMG longest post ever, I'm gonna end it here, hope you find this somewhat helpful, stay safe and feel free to share with me how you're spending your time during this quarantine.
Talk to you soon~!!
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