Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Jun 30, 2020

๐Ÿ’– June Favorites 2020 | Quarantine edition |

Hi there!

Long time no favorites! With this whole lock down thing I didn't have much to share as favorites for a couple of months because I barely wear makeup these days and my skincare hasn't really changed, I don't go out or try many new things.
But, this month there are a couple of things I do want to share with you guys.

Ready? Here we go!

๐Ÿ’— Yummies

Eating and drinking are things that I can't stop doing since the quarantine started. And as you know, my coffee is one of the things I enjoy the most, that's why we have these 2 Coffee Mate coffee creams here.

The first one is the Pumpkin Spice Coffee Mate. I am pumpkin spice obsessed and I've been dying to try this particular one for a while now but sadly, I can't find it where I live. I was so happy when I finally got the chance to try it. It was defo worth it!

The second one is supposed to be a limited edition choco-latte cream. I first tried it last year. I believe it was around November/December. Not sure. Then I stopped seeing it and it was recently back on stores. I love everything chocolte and this one is worth trying!

๐Ÿ’— TV

Crashlanding on you
. I mentioned this kdrama before but now that I'm done with it, I can say I loved it. It really reminds me of a Korean version of FMP. It gave me the feels. Especially because I do believe that people who are meant to be together will find the way to do it, no matter what. It's a short drama with only 16 episodes and the story moves on pretty fast. I highly recommend it. The OST is also really good.

This man is everything! #NewCrush

๐Ÿ’— Beauty

I have a post dedicated to the Essential Burt's Bees Kit and I think the products are defo worth trying but today I want to focus on the one I liked the most. That is the Beewax Lipbalm with Vitamin C and Peppermint. Afer trying it, it became a must have for me and my forever chapped lips. I'm curious to try the tinted ones now. Hehe.

๐Ÿ’— Accessories

At first I didn't think about sharing them but, they are my most worn "accessory" atm. Me being me, I wanted to find some cute masks with nice colors and designs. I've been biuying my maks at JOI, which is a Canadian dollar store. Each package comes with 2 for a very good price. These masks are made of cotton and have 2 layers(?) of fabric. They are more comfortable than others I've tried and it's easy to wash them as soon as I get home, they dry super fast too.
They have a large variety of colors and designs. Some friends and family are using them now too.

๐Ÿ’— Music

I don't listen to many groups in Spanish but I've been following these guys since they started their career when we were all teenagers. Kudai's new album Laberinto has been on replay since it was released back in March. This album has 11 tracks and all of them are really good.

And there you have it, my quarantine favorites, haha. I don't know when I'll do another favorites post but, I do have some things to share next month. Also, let me know if there's something you'd like me to try, share or blog about.

Until next time~ ♡


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