I love answering these questionnaires tags kinds of thingies so, here are are, answering the first one this year. I feel like it's a good way to learn more about others. Not that I feel people want to learn more about me but, still. You get my point.
Anyway, let's start answering the questions.
1. What are your nicknames? What do you prefer to be called?
Mon and Montse are the most common ones. I like both so, I guess I have no preference there.
2. How often do you doodle? What do your doodles look like?
I rarely do it to be honest. It only happens when I'm with my friends, they are the artsy ones and sometimes we do activities that involve drawing and doodling. I enjoy it, just don't it when I'm alone.
Bonta-kun! |
3. What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep? Toss and turn? Try to get up and do something productive?
Toss and turn and end up watching TV.
4. Do people consider you to be talkative or quiet?
I guess it depends. I'm usually very talkative unless I don't like the person or feel uncomfortable.
5. What makes you cry?
Some movies, songs (especially after my dad's passing), pretty words, stress and sometimes being veeeeery angry makes me cry too.
6. What is your biggest pet peeve?
This might be a silly one but I really hate it when people's noses make this whistling sound when they breathe, I even find it annoying when it happens to me. Also when people (especially guys) have nothing to say but to comment on someone's appearance.
7. How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?
I don't know. When I'm getting ready in the morning, need to retouch my makeup and at night while getting unready. Other than those, could be if something gets in my eye or if I want to see something in particular.
I wonder if someone actually counts how many times they do it~
8. What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?
I used to believe that everytime my bedroom window made popping noises at night, something or someone was out there. I would try not to move until it popped again, in my head, that meant whatever was outside was gone.
9. What is the guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to give up?
Junk food at midnight. I know it's not the healthiest option but this girl loves her midnight snacks. Also, the Xuxa Dance cassette (yes, I'm that old). Songs are good, lol. I still enjoy it.
10. Who performs the most random acts of kindness out of everyone you know?
I'd say my friend Dee Dee. She's one of the most selfless people I know. She'd always find a way to help you and cheer you up, no matter if the situation is small or a very srious one.
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♡ |
11. How often do you read the newspaper? Which sections?
I've never read it really.
12. Which animal scares you the most?
I don't think there's one that scares me really, there are some I don't like (especially insects) but I wouldn't say I find them super scary.
13. Are you more likely to avoid conflict or engage with it?
I think engage but I've been learning to control that better. Not like avoiding avoiding, but more like engaging only if I really have to.
14. What is the most recent compliment you’ve received?
Don't remember the exact words but, it was something about my hair looking really nice.
15. What question are you tired of hearing?
Mmm... questions related to my relationship status maybe?
16. What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
Grasshoppers. I don't think they are that weird anymore. I do like to mix certain things that might be strange for some people but, nothing too intense, haha.
17. Do you have a whole lot of acquaintances or just a few very close friends?
I think I do have a lot of acquaintances and only a few people I really consider close friends. I've always been a little selective but time has taught me not to let just anyone walk into my life.
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My fav people ♡ |
18. Do you have a catchphrase?
"Que no se pierda el motivo" 🍻 has been my fav for a while now.
19. What’s your all-time favourite town or city? Why?
That I have been to... defo towns and cities I visited in Spain. I fell in love with Valencia but, if I have to choose maybe Teruel and Alcalá del Jucar, they have this "straigh out from a movie" vibe.
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Teruel |
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Alcalá del Jucar |
20. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?
I've wanted to change my first name since I can remember. I'd change it for Layla, I've always liked that name.
21. When was the last time you lied?
I don't remember. It's not like I never lie, but I really can't recall the last time I did.
22. What’s something that amazes you?
Creative, artistic people. I feel like I'm surrounded by them and I love the different ways they express themselves.
23. Would you rather be the first person to explore a planet or be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?
The inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease, I think it'd make a bigger impact and would be a lot more helpful in life.
24. What is your favourite amateur activity?
I'd say blogging, vlogging and taking photos.
25. What was your first thought when you got up this morning?
When I got up? Let's make some coffee.
26. What is your favourite song (at least at the moment)?
At the moment is Burning letters by Natasha Hamilton
27. List someone you know and describe them in five words.
Lu, the bestie:
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Creative, talented, loving, beautiful, bestest. |
28. You can select one person from history and have them truthfully answer one question. Who would you select and what would the question be?
I don't have like a very historical choice here. The first person I can think of is Elizabeth Short (aka the Black Dahlia), I'd ask her about who killed her. Hehe.
29. Which celebrity or artist do you resemble the most?
I've been told I resemble Amy Adams a couple of times. She's the only one who comes to mind, I haven't really thought about it.
30. What do you want me to know?
That despite my resting bitch face, I'm a very silly and easy to approach person.
And, there you go guys, 30 questions about... me! Haha. Feel free to answer them yourselves, I'd love to read!
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Me and resting bitch face will see you next time~! 💋 |
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