Hi hi loves!
Can't believe how fast this month went by! Pretty much half year is gone now! Life has been a little busy lately, especially with the end of the school year coming real soon, Summer break is around the corner! Yay!
Here are some of my favorite things this month~!!
Let's start with skin care products. To keep my skin hydrated I was using the "Garnier Essential Care" face cream on its pink version. Last time I went to buy it I couldn't find it and ended up getting the green version. I'm so happy I did! I feels a lot better on my skin. I would say it's a bit more gel-ish(?) instead of creamy and leaves your skin feeling fresh! I'm currently using it as a night cream.
Next is my TonyMoly's "Appletox Peeling Cream" I got it a while ago but I wanted to use it for a while before deciding if I loved it or not. I've using it twice a week for a little over a month now (I think) and I like how my skin feels. I can see a cleaner and smoother face now. I'll talk about this product in a separate post soon.
I don't know why I always have to add something food / drinks related but, the weather has been a little colder now, rainy season is here and I always enjoy a hot cup of tea when I get home from work. "Davenport" tea is my current favorite. They have like 5 different flavors of mixed fruits. So yummy.
Moving on to clothes and accessories, I always liked my dad's Ray Ban glasses but, I never liked how I looked wearing them. I found those silver glasses with that exact shape (not Ray Ban though) and I loved them! They where kinda cheap so I thought, why not? Give them a chance. I really don't know if I look good wearing them or not but they are my favorite sunglasses at the moment. I'm also a walking mirror when I use them. People can check themselves there while talking to me. LOL.
Coming all the way from Japan is my Scouting Legion jacket and even though it is something anime related, I wear it as a normal jacket. Not as a cosplay piece or whatever. It is really comfortable to wear and I really like it! I had to wait like a month for it to arrive home, then I had it fixed cuz it was too big for me. I'm happy with the end result. I've been wearing this one a lot now, definitely happy with my buy!
And finally, my Cheetara figurine~! Haha, this was a random item! I saw her and I just /had/ to buy her! Cheetara was my favorite character from the ThunderCats since I was a little girl. Then I saw her new look after the ThunderCats 2011 version was released and liked her even more. She is a beautiful, strong character. It is kinda rare to find new ThunderCats stuff here where I live so, maybe I'll just have her standing in my room somewhere but it is one of those things that make me happy. (^3^)
Not in the picture but part of my monthly favs is a new drama I'm watching called "Big Man" Jung So Min is one of my favorite actresses so yeah, I'm watching this one. Her character is kinda...unique with a very interesting style. Kinda makes me wanna try an outfit inspired on Jin Ah~
And that'll be it for now!

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