Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

May 31, 2019

๐Ÿ’• | May Favorites 2019 | Beauty, Apps & TV + 30 Day Blogging Challenge

Hi guys!!!!!!
Wow, this was a busy month for the blog. As some of you already know, I did this 30 Day Blogging Challenge that just ended yesterday. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad I got to follow through the whole thing. Once again, I want to thank those who followed it and if you didn't, feel free to go ahead and check it out.

Now, let's get to my favorites of the month.


I was meaning to get a setting spray for a while now but I didn't want to spend too much on a product that I was just gonna start testing. So, I found the Essence Glow To Go Illuminating Setting Spray and after seeing a few reviews about it, I got it. I'm gonna be honest here, I didn't like it at first. Because the spray thingy is not much of a super soft mist and it leaves a few chunks of glitter on the skin. (If that makes any sense).
Then I just thought, Why don't you soften those with a beauty blender? And so, I did and now I love it!

The glitter it has is super tiny and soft, giving your skin a beautiful, healthy glow. And it also helps you makeup to stay put through the day.
Essence also has a matte setting spray but I'm more into glowy skin. Maybe I'll try it some other time.
So yeah, if you wanna try an affordable but good setting spray, defo try this one.

Then we have a highlighter. I've been really into highlighters lately and I've been loving this one my friends gave me a little over a month ago. It's a Flower Highlight from S.F.R Color in #01.
It is not only super pretty to look at but also very pigmented. It gives my skin a beautiful, natural glow. I've been using it as my everyday highlighter.

๐Ÿ’• TV

I've been watching so many shows lately: Anime, true crime docs, CAOS and Kdramas but, I won't go through all of them just yet.
I do wanna mention Netflix's Rilakkuma and Kaoru. It is such a relatable and beautifully made show. Like, I liked Rilakkuma before the show so I knew I had to watch it. Then my friend told me it was totally worth it and, she was right. You'll see everyday situations and struggles we all have as adults but presented in the most kawaii way ever.
Everything about it is cute: food, landscapes, characters; even clothes!

๐Ÿ’• Others

This month we celebrated teachers day (among other things) and even tho I loved every gift, hug and note I recieved, I have to share this mug. I just freaking love it! Not only because it was a very unexpected and personalized gift but also because what is written in there came straight from my 4th grade student's mind.

๐Ÿ’• Apps

Unnie Doll is an app where you can create costumized chibi versions of people or just cute characters. My friend Lu made a chibi version of me and I've been obsessing creating dools for people I know. Even my students.
Random note is, even tho you can create male characters, this app is mainly for females (unnie, duh!). So, I'm having a hard time trying to find hairstyles for guys... anyway! It is a fun app to play with.

Get the app

๐Ÿ’• Eventful Month

Like I just mentioned, May was a very eventful month with many celebrations: Birthdays, Mother's Day, Teacher's Day and, I just yesterday, my little nephew Patricio was born. I couldn't be happier for my cousin and his gf. Can't wait to meet the little one!

We had a very celebrated teacher's day at work, first with our students and their parents and a nice dinner/party a few days later. I'm very thankful for every single thing people did to celebrate us.

And well, that is it for this busy month. Can time stop for a moment please? This year is flying by!!


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