Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Sep 8, 2021

Pressies! (First Halloween pressie of the year!)

 Yeah, we have another pressies haul because my dad and Sari recently came back from a trip and they brought goodies!

There's not much more to say, let's start checking the pressies.

First, let's take a moment to appreciate how cool this Ouija Board bag is. I am in love with it. Here's where all my pressies came in. I'm definitely going to use as a part of my Halloween decoration from now on.

I don't think most of you know but I used to collect Betty Boop stuff. I loved watching the cartoons (or at least the ones I could find) and I still have some dolls and lunch boxes. And now I recieved a Betty Boop Steering Wheel Cover which came in perfect timing because the one I have it's not looking as great anymore. Plus, the colors match perfectly with the theme of my car. (black & red)

A cute pen from the Nasa Space Center in Huston. I really liked the gold & white theme.

A weekly / monthly planner from July 2021 to June 2022. It's not only girly and pretty but also very useful now that I'm fully back to work. That way I can organize classes, blog posts, videos and other stuff better. 

It is also pretty on the inside!

The next thing we have is a Hollywood magnet that is also a metallic clip. Perfect to put some notes or pics on the fridge!

We also have an UrbanStudio Blending Sponge which is from CALA. I bought a sponge from this brand along with the sponge holder a while ago and I remember really liking it so, I'm looking forward to using this one.

My dad knows I love Spider-man so they bought a Spider-Ham plushie from the Spider Verse movie. It's cool because it makes sounds when you press his belly. I only have a Spider Gwen from this movie so, it's a nice addition to the Spidey family. 

Dallas Cowboys Card Strap thingy. I might end up using it for my car keys so I don't lose them or leave them in the car. Hehe

Steve Madden Socks. Cuz you can never have enough socks, hehe.

Let's move on to some kitchen stuff now...

Starbucks Pike Place Roast Coffee. I liked it so much last time that they gave me a new bag. ^^

My first pair of Kitchen Tongs. I believe they are from MainStays, they have a silicone tip and a beautiful, light aqua color. 

Then we have a pair of plastic chopping boards. I find their design simple but cute. They are really thin and flexible. They have a plain side and a textured one, in case you want to chop something slippery. (I least I see it that way)

Next are this cute Silicone Spatulas. They are heat resistant to 450F and, the colors are just really pretty.

Lastly we have my first Halloween pressie of the year guys! It is a kitchen towels with skulls on it. How cool is it? I can't wait to decorate for Halloween this year!!

And with that, we finish this Haul. There are other hauls coming soon so, I really hope you enjoy these posts as much as I do, hehe.

See you next time~ ♡


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