Today we have a bit of a different post because, I finished a book! Yeah~ the first book this year! And I have to say I really enjoyed it. Keep in mind this is defo not a review, it's just my thoughts on it.
For the longest time now, I heard people talking wonders about this book, some have recommended it to me and others were even obsessed with it and the movie. Personally I haven't watched the movie and we all know I'm not the best reader but, I recieved this book back in June as a birthday present from my dad and Sari, they both love the book and wanted to share it with me so, I promised I'd read it.
Surprisingly, I didn't take me that long to finish it. The fact that it has around 200 pages helped a lot. I finished back in early August. And I liked it because it is easy to read and understand, there's no complicated language that, at least to me, can get really boring.
The Secret by Rondha Byrne is kind of a self-help book that talks about the law of attraction and how to use it to live your best life and attract everything you want.
It explains how important it is to really switch our thoughts to positive ones to make everything around us change for good. It also includes experiences from people who have studied or changed their lives using this "Law of attraction"
I feel like some people sound as if they were religious fanatics when they talk about the secret, that's why I never felt like reading the book or watching the movie, but it really is nothing like that. It just gives you a different perspective of the way you think, say and do things and how it is true we always attract what we recieve; good or bad.
It pretty much gives you a guide on how-to attract something you want into your life.
I wouldn't say after reading the book my life has completely changed like some people do but, I am trying to change my thoughts and even the way I say some things. I want to start attracting only good and happy things to my life so I can really start living my best life without feeling tied to things that are no longer giving me anything positive.
So yeah, I'd say this book is kind of eye-opening and I would recommend it if you're looking for a change in your life but you don't know where to start.
I feel so serious writing about a book~ hehe. |
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