Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Showing posts with label Questionnaires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Questionnaires. Show all posts

Dec 21, 2023

The Otaku Question Tag

I randomly found this tag online and I thought I'd give it a try. It is super short, which might be a good thing because, even tho I love answering these thingies, Idk if everyone loves to read over 50 questions about someone. Hehe.

Without further do, let's do this!

1. What is your top 3 most favorite Animes?

This one's difficult cuz I love too many! It's hard to choose only 3. 🤔Let's see... maybe Sailor Moon, Full Metal Panic and Evangelion. (I feel like I leaving so many others behind 💔)

2. Who is your favorite Anime Character(s)?

Then again, I have many. This time I'll choose Uchiha Sasuke, I'm obsessed with him despite what people say. I'm Mrs. Uchiha forever. 💖


3. What is the first Anime you've watched?

I remember watching Trapp Ikka Monogatari and Onegai! Samia-don when I was very young. They used to show them on a kids' channel my sister and I used to watch. I think those were my first official one. Even tho I don't remember much of them.

4. How did you get into loving Anime?

I'm not sure how it happened. I think it could've been because of Sailor Moon. My dad used to like Japanese culture and martial arts so, I think that also influenced me a little bit

5. What's the most recent Anime you've watched?

Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 and Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan. I'm still currently watching them.

6. Do you collect Anime stuff?

I wouldn't say "collect" but I do like to buy some anime goodies and yummies.

7. Which Anime character describes your personality?

Ah! I'm a mix of many but, I'd say Matsumoto Rangiku from Bleach. She sums it all up. 

8. What Anime convention have you or would you like to visit?

I usually go to the local ones, they are not as big but it's always fun. I've also been to La Mole years ago. and I think I'd love to go to bigger cons, I just don't have one in mind rn.

These girls are always my anime cons partners, we have so much fun!

9. Do you read Manga? If so, what's your favorite?

I don't do it often but, I'm currently reading Nana (one of my favs). I've seen the anime many, many times but I wanted to collect the manga too so, I started reading it. In the past I also read Love Hina and recently bought the first volume of Wotakoi but haven't read it yet.

10. What makes you a proud Otaku?

I'm not sure. Anime has been a big part of my life since I can remember, I never really felt ashamed of it, even when it wasn't "cool", haha. I've met really fun and nice people through it and it's something i also share with my best friends so, it's special.

And, that is the end of the Otaku Tag, feel free to answer the questions down below (or anywhere you want!), I'd love to read!

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Oct 25, 2023

30 Spooky Halloween Questions 🕷

Many years ago I answered a Halloween questionnaire and honestly, it was a lot of fun so I decided to do it again this year. I don't know if a lot has changed when it comes to Halloween if we compare it with my previous one but, yeah. We're doing this anyway, hehe.

Let's start!

1. Favourite horror or Halloween-themed song?

Mmm, even tho it is not my favorite movie, I really like The Exorcist's theme song Tubular Bells. Also The Candyman's theme song. I find it creepy yet soothing at the same time. And if we talk about happier songs, I love The Monster Mash. It's a classic!!

2. Name something you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark forest or in an abandoned building.

More than something paranormal, I'd say a serial killer. I'm fascinated by them but, I wouldn't like to be chased by one.

3. Have you ever played with a Ouija Board?

No but, I'd love to! Thing is I do believe in those things so I kinda have some respect to it. But I defo think it'd be interesting.

4. Favorite horror monster or villain?

I've always loved witches and vampires so I'd say those are my favs. Especially witches. And as a villain/monster kind of thing, I'd choose Freddy Krueger.

Forever my Vampire love

5. The creepiest thing that’s ever happened while you were alone?

Other than feeling or hearing something, I don't think I've experienced something really creepy.

6. If you were dared to spend the night in a “haunted house”, would you do it?

I think I would but, not alone.

7. Are you superstitious?

I think I am but not super superstitious. Sometimes I even create my own curses, lolol. I do find them super interesting tho.

8. Do you ever see figures in your peripheral vision?

I used to back in my dad's house. It hasn't happened in a while.

9. Which urban legend scares you the most?

I don't think there's one that scares me right now. In the past, the whole "Ghost passenger" legends were kinda scary to me tho.

10. Do you prefer gore or thrillers?

Thrillers. I mean, I do watch gore movies but I don't enjoy them that much. 

11. Do you believe in multiple dimensions or worlds?

I do! I don't know what's out there but, it'd be impossible to be the only dimension or world in the whole universe. 

12. Ever made a potion of any sort?

I guess I did in the past. I used to buy these books for "teenage witches" and they came with spells and potions. I remember trying some spells to help me when I had exams and stuff but I don't remember potions.

13. Do you get scared easily?

It depends. I feel like now, I get more scared of real life things than paranormal stuff.

14. Have you ever played Bloody Mary?

No, but I always wanted to.

15. Do you believe in demons/the devil?

I mean, not in a religious way but I do believe there's good an evil so, yeah.

16. You're home alone but you hear footsteps in your house, what do you do?

Ah! this used to happen in a house we used to live in when I was younger but honestly, I don't think my sister and I did anything. If it happened now tho, It'd depend. I could go and check or just lock myself in my room. Hehe.

17. If you got trapped in one scary movie, which would you choose?

A Japanese one for sure! I love them so much.

18. If you could only wear one Halloween costume for the rest of your life, what would you be?

A very basic one, Witch. I just love them so much.

19. Would you ever go to a graveyard at night?

Defo! I'd love to just walk around and have a small paranormal investigation there!

20. In a zombie apocalypse what is your weapon of choice?

I talked with my students about this earlier this month and we agreed that somethings that gives you some distance from the zombies is the best option. Bow and arrow would be my choice. 

21. Would you rather go to a Halloween party or go trick or treating?

Both are fun but, I guess I'm too old for Trick or treating so, Halloween party it is.

22. You're in a horror movie. Are you the final girl, the first to die, the comic relief, the skeptic, the smart one, or the killer?

I would like to be the killer or the final girl, haha! But I think I'd be more like the first one to die~ :')

23. Do you have to watch something happy after watching a horror movie so you can go to sleep?

Not really. I do have to watch something happy after I have a really bad nightmare tho.

24. Whilst watching scary movies, are you the person who yells at the characters, the person with their eyes covered the whole time, or the person who falls asleep?

I'm the person who gets mad at the characters but doesn't yell at them. I only cover my eyes when the movie is too gorey.

25. Are you the one who gets scared, or the one who does the scaring?

I'd say none? I like to get scared tho. But I don't really scare other people.

26. Favorite scary book?

Haven't read one. I'm not much of a reader.

27. How old were you when you saw your first horror movie?

I think I was around 5 years old when I saw my first horror movie. My grandpa took me to the cinema to watch one of the Child's play movies.

28. What was your first Halloween costume?

I don't really know. I remember having this pumpkin/witch dress but I don't thimk that was my first costume. I also found a devil costume pic from when I was in elementary.

29. What are you going to be for Halloween this year?

I'm gonna be Chucky! Haha.

30. If you could have a spooky halloween pet (black cat, owl, bat, rat, wolf), what would you pick?

Defo a black cat! I love cats and it is my dream to have a black one. 

Aaaaand, that is it for this Halloween questionnaire. Feel free to answer it yourself and share with my! I would looooove to read your answers!

Happy spooky season! 🕷
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Sep 6, 2023

100 Get to know me questions tag

Random Get to know me post. This one is longer than the last one I did a year ago (I think?). I'm sure I already answered some of these questions before but, who knows? Maybe someone new is readong, haha, Then again, these question posts are always fun to answer and I see them as a good way to learn more about someone. 

Let's do this!

1. Are you a morning or night person?

Ah! I'd say a bit of both? I mean, I hate waking up early but I'm lazier to work in the afternoon / night. I guess it depends on what I'm doing~ hehe.

2. Are you afraid of the dark?

Not anymore. 

3. Are you an extrovert or introvert?

Extrovert, I think.

4. Are you double jointed?


5. Are you left or right handed?

Left handed.

6. Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one?

I think I'm more on the messy side but, the mess annoys me at some point and I have to clean everything. (does it make any sense?)

7. Are you on time or always late?

Usually on time. I used to be always on time tho. Dunno what happened to me...

8. Are you ticklish?

A little, yeah.

9. Can you curl your tongue?

No, I can't! And most people I know can do it.

10. Can you ice skate?

Nope, I've tried once and it didn't work. It looks fun tho.

11. Can you wiggle your ears?

No. I wanted to many years ago.

12. Coffee or tea?

Always coffee.

13. Cookies, cake or donuts?

This is a very difficult one cuz I love the 3 of them but if I had to choose just one, it'd be donuts.

14. Did you ever participate in a talent show?

I don't think so. Honestly? I don't kbow if I have any "talent" haha.

15. Did you go to prom?

I don't think my schools had any proms. We had graduation celebrations but I can't remember having or going to prom.

16. Did you like school?

Not at all. Even tho I am a teacher now, I think school was never my thing. Don't get me wrong, I had friends and stuff but, I don't like studying and stuff.

17. Do you believe in ghosts?


18. Do you bite your nails?

I don't anymore but, I did for a long time.

19. Do you consider yourself a good cook?

Haha. Not really. I mean, I've improved and I like my own cooking but, it's not everyone's cup of tea.

20. Do you enjoy dancing?

A lot! I'd say it's the only "exercise" I enjoy doing.

21. Do you enjoy DIY or crafts?

Yeah, but I'm not good at them.

22. Do you forgive easily?

Huh~ I guess it depends. It's not like I don't forgive but I wouldn't say I do it easily.

23. Do you have a nickname?

Mon / Moon

24. Do you have any allergies?

Not that I know.

25. Do you have any phobias?

I don't think so.

26. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?

I only have my ears pierced buuuuuut, I'm considering getting a tattoo~~~

27. Do you have children?


28. Do you have pets?

Yeah, I have 2 cats: Sassy and Masha.

29. Do you have siblings?

Yup, a younger sister.

30. Do you prefer dogs or cats?

Difficult choice cuz I love both. I could say cats cuz right now I only have cats but, I do miss having a dog soemtimes.

31. Do you prefer Mac or PC?

PC just because I haven't used a Mac.

32. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?

The beach.

33. Do you prefer to bath or shower?

Baths but I rarely take one.

34. Do you sing in the shower?

Mmm... sometimes, I do.

35. Do you smoke?


36. Do you speak any different languages?

English, Spanish and a little Japanese. (I'd include French but I forgot most of what I knew.)

37. Do you still have your wisdom teeth?

Yeah! is it weird?

38. Do you still watch cartoons?

Oh yeah, cartoons like The Simpsons or Family guy and of course, anime.

39. Do you/have you played any sports?

Not really. I'm not a sports person.

40. Does your name have a special meaning?

It does have a meaning but I don't think it's a special one.

41. Have you ever been hospitalized?

Luckily, not yet.

42. Have you ever been on a diet?

Never. I think I wanted to when I was younger but now I just don't care about it much. Unless I needed it for health reasons tho.

43. Have you ever been to a concert?

Not to many but yes, and I've loved them.

44. Have you ever gone camping?

Just when I was a girl and it was a school camp. I'm not sure if that's something I'd enjoy. I need my comfort!!

45. Have you ever met any celebrities?

Just random child actors from soap operas when I was younger. Back then it felt super special tho.

46. Have you ever skipped class?

Nah, I was very boring when I was in school.

47. Have you ever won something?

A lottery ticket a couple of year ago during my trip to Spain.

48. Have you had braces?

No but I wanted to. (when I was a girl tho, I don't want them anymore)

49. How are you feeling right now?

Really tired!

50. How tall are you?

158cms, I'm short, I know.

51. If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday?

A trip to Japan! hehe

52. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

Japan for sure. I wouldn't say no to other countries but JP is my #1 

53. Were you ever a scout or a brownie?


54. What city were you born in?

Morelia, Michoacán.

55. What did you last eat?

A lemon popsicle.

56. What did you want to be when you were younger?

A vet! I love animals. 

57. What do you do on a typical Friday night?

On a typical Friday night, just drink at home and relax after work. I might go out with my friends sometimes but, I guess it depends.

58. What is one food that you refuse to eat?

Papaya, exotic foods that include insects and weird parts of animal bodies. (intestines, brain and stuff)

59. What is one item on your bucket list?

Take a nice trip with my besties.

60. What is one item you can’t live without?

My laptop.

61. What is your shoe size?

6.5 to 7 in US size

62. What movie have you watched repeatedly?

SO MANY! Including Grease, Clueless ans Star Wars episode III.

63. What phone do you have (Apple or Android)?

Right now, apple

64. What should you be doing right now?

I should be relaxing but, I have a lot of work to finish. :')

65. What’s one goal you would like to accomplish this year?

Finish decorating my house, haha

66. What’s one of your pet peeves?

Love bombing, whistly nose noises and people who try to be extra funny.

67. What’s the last song you’ve listened to?

Maneskin - HONEY! (Are you coming?)

68. What’s the most expensive item of clothing that you own?

I don't know. I don't really pay attention to that anymore.

69. What’s the thing you can’t leave the house without?

My bag. I feel naked without it.

70. What’s your best physical feature?

I think it's my lips, hehe.

71. What’s your Chinese sign?


72. What’s your current obsession?

Bleach! I'm 1000% obssesed with the latest season!

73. What’s your dream car?

A Mini Cooper.

74. What’s your favourite animal?

Bunnies, cats and dogs.

75. What’s your favourite book?

I don't have one. I'm not much of a reader.

76. What’s your favourite colour?


77. What’s your favourite dessert?

Ice cream!

78. What’s your favourite drink?

Japanese Sake, beer, coca-cola and coffee.

79. What’s your favourite food?

Pizza, takoyaki, lasagna, sushi... and so on!

80. What’s your favourite foreign food?

Japanese and italian

81. What’s your favourite gadget?

My phone I guess. honestly I'm not really into gadgets.

82. What’s your favourite hobby?

Drinking, shopping, watching movies/anime, editing and hanging out with my friends.

83. What’s your favourite movie?

I have many! Including Clueless, The Amazing Spider-man 2, Star Wars and Ghibli movies.

84. What’s your favourite restaurant?


85. What’s your favourite sandwich?

Grilled cheese sandwich.

86. What’s your favourite season?

Fall forever.

87. What’s your favourite series?

Then again, I have many! and they change from time to time but some I can think of rn are: Gilmore Girls, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Playful Kiss, etc. (I'd have to include many Kdramas and anime)

88. What’s your favourite snack?

Chips and nuts.

89. What’s your favourite sport to watch?

Football. (Go Cowboys!)

90. What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast?

Eggies, waffles or chilaquiles.

91. What’s your full name?

Montserrat (that's all you need to know 😉)

92. Do you have a crush/like someone right now?

Not really~ I mean, I have many crushes but not on people I know. Is it weird? (introduce me to someone! LOLOL)

93. What’s your lucky number?

I wan to say 3 or 10.

94. What’s your star sign?

I'm a proud Gemini.

95. When is your birthday?

June 03rd.

96. Which city did you grow up in?

Toluca, Mex.

97. Which city do you live in now?

Same as above.

98. Who do you miss right now?

My dad.

99. Who is your celebrity crush?

Kim Hyun Joong, Paul Rudd and Hayden Christensen

100. Who’s your favourite fictional character?

I have a looooong list but I'll go with 2 of my favs atm. First one will be Matsumoto Rangiku from Bleach. She hasn't been on the show much lately but I still love her so, so much. The older I get, the more I am like her. Haha. The other one is Sagara Sousuke  from Full Metal Panic, Ive been rewatching the show and even tho he's the weirdest, I adore him.

And, there you have them guys, 100 questions, answered. Congrats (and thank you) if you read til the end. Feel free to answer some of the questions too! I'd love to learn more about others too. 😘
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Oct 10, 2022

30 Questions For Bleach Fans

If you're a Bleach fan like me, I'm sure you are as excited because of the Thousand Year Blood War Arc as I am. This show has a very special place in my heart, I found this Bleach questionnaire and I thought it'd be a good idea to answer it as a way to celebrate the very awaited new season.

So, let's do this!

What do you like about Bleach?

The combination of action, drama and comedy. Also the characters, their stories and the strong relationships they build as the show goes on. 

What do you dislike about Bleach?

That some fighting scenes are suuuuuuuper long! But that's just me, super long fights are always an issue for me in almost every anime. It's not like I don't enjoy them tho. And I know many people love them.

Hot Shu ready to fight.

Would you be a Shinigami, Vizard, Espada, Quincy, Fullbringers etc…

Shinigami for sure.

Who is your favourite male character in Bleach and why?

This is a difficult one because, I like many! But if I have to choose just one (and only because there is a fav captain question coming), it has to be Gin. His strong relationship with Rangiku and everything he did just for her, makes me love him so much. Plus, he was a captain, he was strong and... he was a bit weird and mysterious. That made him unique.

Who is your favourite female character in Bleach and why?

Rangiku. Not only because I can relate to her but also because she's not just a pretty face. She is beautiful and sexy but she can also fight. She's a smart and strong lieutenant who's very protective and caring but, also has a very fun and outgoing personality. 

What is your favourite quote or statement from Bleach?

"I wish I could have five different lives! Then I could have been born in five different towns, and eaten five lifetime's worth of food, and had five different careers, and... fallen in love with the same person, five times." (Orihime Inoue.)

Who is your favourite villain in Bleach and why?

I guess it'd be Ulquiorra. And Gin, I guess? I don't really consider him a villain tho, but I've seen some websites include him as one. I kinda liked Yoshino Soma too.

Who is your favourite captain in Bleach and why?

Hitsugaya Toshiro! Cuz he's so grumpy. I just wanna hold him tight. LOL. He's also a great captain who cares about his team, he's strong, smart and somewhat mature for his age. I love to see how his character grows as the show goes on. He's my little crush (don't judge me), I'd love to annoy him.

I also like Kenpachi, he's fun.

Which is your favourite fight from Bleach?

In the past, I didn't really like fights much but as I rewatched some episodes, knowing the characters a lot more, I can say I really liked Ichigo's fight with Kenpachi. Also Hitsugaya VS Aizen. I guess there are other good fights but, I enjoyed those. Hehe.

What was your favourite Bleach episode?

The beach episode! I love to see the shinigami doing things normal people would do.

Which Bleach opening track did you enjoy the most?

Tonight, tonight, tonight (Beat Crusaders) and Rolling Star (YUI)

Which One Piece closing track did you like the most?

This is random... I've never watched One Piece.

Which is your preferred story arc in Bleach?

Zanpakutō Unknown Tales Arc

Which story arc of Bleach did you dislike?

The Arrancar Arc. Not that I disliked it but, it was one of my least favs.

Who are the most annoying Bleach characters?

In my opinion, Aizen, I just don't like him. Also Kon at times. I don't dislike him tho. He's just too much sometimes.

What was the saddest moment in Bleach?

Gin's death. Always and forever.

What Bleach moment shocked you the most?

Gin's death (still not over it) and, Aizen faking his death.

We are getting a continuation, would you have preferred a remake?

I'm happy with the continuation.

What moment in Bleach was the most memorable for you? 

Finding out Yachiru was actually Kenpachi's zanpakuto spirit. It was cute in a way. Also!!! Ichihime being an official couple! 💕💕💕💕 I don't care what others think. PERIOD!

Do you own any merch from Bleach? If yes; pictures, please.

I do but it's not much. I only have a couple of keychains. Rangiku and Hitsugaya Taichou and, Orihime. Cuz she's also one of my favs. Also a Rangiku tea cup. I remember it came in a set with Hitsugaya's but I only got Rangiku's as a gift.

I'm sure you've seen this one before. I used to drink sake from it, hehe

They could be cleaner tho... oops!!

I also have unofficial stuff like my Haineko, a tee and other goodies I used for an old cosplay.

I want to buy more tho. 

Do you prefer to watch Bleach in dub or sub?

Sub, it's the same with most anime.

Which character in Bleach is most like you – why?

At the beginning I thought it was Orihime, because she's a loyal friend, she's sensitive and a bit clueless and loves to eat weird things but, as I grew older I became more like Rangiku. We're both very loyal and protective with the people we love, we're outgoing and love to drink. We're lazy and hate paperwork. We also enjoy shopping. There's also this nostalgic side of her and, even tho I don't show it often, I have it too.

If you were to cosplay a Bleach character, who would it be? Why them?

Rangiku! Because I cosplayed as her maaaaany years ago and I feel like there was so much to improve. I was younger and didn't have enough money to make a perfect cosplay. I just don't have enough time now...

Do you ship any of the characters from Bleach?

Yasssss! Gin X Rangiku, Hitsugaya X Rangiku (LOL), Shuhei X Rangiku, Ichigo X Orihime, Rukia X Chad, Kira X Hinamori, Rukia X Renji, Aizen X Hinamori, Yoruichi X Urahara, Renji X Shuhei, Soi Fon X Yoruichi, Orihime X Ulquiorra, Tatsuki & Orihime (a little), Ishida X Yoshino and maybe others I can't think of rn.

Which is your favourite episode or chapter of Bleach?

I can't think of another specific episode but I really enjoy filler episodes. I know they're not everyone's favs and not all of them are great but, I really like to see the characters living a normal life and doing random stuff. 

Which is your favourite form or outfit that Ichigo has?

Long hair Ichigo and black hair Ichigo! I love his orange hair but I think he looked super hot with dark hair. What can I say? I like guys with long hair.

Who is your favourite and who has the best release form of the Arrancar and Espada?

Ulquirorra is my fav Espada and I also think he had the best release form.

Which is your favourite Zanpakto and who has the best release form?

Haineko is my favorite. But I really like Hyorinmaru's and Senbonzakura's release forms. Senbonzakura is similar to haineko in a way, at least the attack is, but it is fancier and prettier.

Which is your favourite weapon from Bleach?

Zanpakuto. They are beautiful and they a strong connection with their owners.

Which is your favourite Bleach video game?

I only played Brave Souls many years ago so, I guess I gotta choose that one.

And, that is it guys. Feel free to answer the questions down below or anywhere you want. I'd love to read your answers.

Other bleach related posts:

Once upon a time, I was a Shinigami...

See you next time~! 

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