Fashion designer turned Teacher | blogger | Coffee and desserts lover | Vlogging enthusiast

Sep 8, 2024

Limited Edition Oreo Coca-Cola

 Two of my favorite things decided to make a collaboration and came out with this super excited combination: Oreo cookies + Coca-Cola! What's not to love about that? I was super excited when I saw them and had to try them right away.

The presentation is kinda cool, the box has the classic Coca-Cola colors, red & black along with the Oreo logo. They have this fun bottle design made with cookies printed on it, it look very creative.

The cookies have the Oreo logo printed on one side and Coca-Cola themes on the other and they have their classic chocolate flavor. The creamy filling is bright red and tastes like Coca-Cola lollies. The best part is, the filling is fizzy! You know, like those popping candies. It's so much fun!

I bought a box with 4 packages but, there are smaller packages too if you wanna see if you like them first.

As I'm typing this, I found out there is an Oreo Coke too! I haven't seen it yet but I'm sure I'll try it as soon as I find it and probably share it around here too. i'm always looking for fun, different, new flavors to try!

See you next time~!♡

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Sep 2, 2024

🛒 Walmart Finds | June / July / August 2024 |

It's time for another (short) Walmart finds post. This one should be called "Snacks and desserts" edition, hehe. 

Let's start!

Popcornopolis Pop Chilix Sandia are these fun spicy watermelon popcorn. They are super red and delish! You guys know I love trying new things and interesting flavors that might not be everyone's cup of tea but, I've been really loving them. They taste like slightly spicy watermelon gummies but, with the popcorn texture. Idk, eating them is a fun experience. So far, they only have a 90g presentation but it'd be cool to see them in a bigger version.

Oreo Celebra Chocolate con Cajeta Quemada. These were part of a 2 or 3 flavor special edition cookies that "celebrates" mexican flavors (I think). I got the burnt caramel because I didn't love the others that much, plus I love the whole pink box and presentation, hehe. I love Oreo in general so I just knew I had to try them. The box came with 4 packages with 6 cookies each. They were good, nothing too out of the ordinary but, good. I was expecting the cajeta flavor to be stronger tho.

Nissin Ramen Asia. Instant noodles are an essential in my house, hehe and lately, I've been loving these from Nissin. The Ramen Asia instant noodles come in 2 different flavors: Spicy seafood and spicy sesame. I've tried both and they are SO GOOD! Defo have an extra something you don't get with the other normal instant noodles.They taste more... natural to me? Idk how to explain. I couldn't take a pic of the seafood one cuz it's been out of stock in my closest Walmart.

I'm kinda late sharing these cuz I don't think they are in stores anymore since they were special edition but, I randomly found these two jelly flavors I found interesting: Banana Split and Lemon float. They were inspired by Grease which is one of my fav all time movies and I think there was a play in my country a while ago. Maybe that's why they came out with them. The banana split one was milk based while the lemon float was water based. Both were really good and I wish they kept them as regular flavors.

Sabritas Kacang Cheetos. These are peanuts but cheetos flavor. I got the 60g bag to try them but, there's a bigger version. They are good, and I think the idea is cool but, I wish the cheetos flavor was stronger. They were kinda sweet in a way~ Still, I think I'd buy them again.

And, that is that you guys. I feel like I haven't bought anything out of the ordinary, that's why this post is kinda short. Anyway, let me know if you have tried some of these or if you'd like to. Also, feel free to let me know if there's something fun or different I could try to find next time. 

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Aug 27, 2024

Café San Juan Xitoltepeque ☕

Earlier this year one of my besties went to Chiapas for work and she brought back some coffee. Chiapas is known for having great coffee so, I was looking forward to trying it.

As I always say when I write about coffee, I am a coffee lover but no expert at all, the info here is from the package and the internet plus, my personal opinion. I have to say tho, I couldn't find those many details online.

This Café San Juan Xitoltepeque is made by a company dedicated to the processing and marketing roasted and ground coffee and I believe they also have a coffee place in Chiapas. The description on the 17.oz bag says:"Made with the finest selection of high-altitude beans from the state of Chiapas that guarantee the flavor, body and aroma that will conquer your palate." And, I don't know about the body thing but, the smell of it is just amazing! It's is also a strong coffee, just the way I like it.

From what I saw online, this coffee has great comments and reviews, people seem to like it! I also saw the same company has coffee jam, something I'd like to try one day along with other types of coffee and coffee related products.

And well, I've been enjoying this coffee in the mornings, I just love the way my house smells when I make it. It's perfect to start your day or drink on a rainy day (which we've had a lot lately).

I think that'll be it for this post, I don't think it was too informative but, yeah. 😅

See you next time~! ♡
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Aug 23, 2024

☾ Sailor Moon Cosmos The Movie

Sailor Moon Cosmos was finally released outside Japan! I waited for over a year to watch it since it came out back in June 2023 and all we could see were movie trailers. I was especially excited because it was supposed to cover the Sailor Moon Sailor Stars season, which is one of my all time favorites.
You all know I've been a Sailor Moon fan for pretty much all my life so, it was defo a must watch for me. 
So yeah, I watched the 2 part movies on the release date (Aug. 22nd) and I thought I should come here to share my thoughts on the movies as someone who loves this story and its characters, just as I did with the Sailor Moon Eternal Movie. Not much has changed since the SM Eternal movie tho, I still haven't finished watching Sailor Moon Crystal and, haven't read the manga. From what I know, these movies are also the last chapter of SM Crystal and, are more loyal to the manga. Still, it's easy to understand if you watched the 90's anime but, you do have to watch SM Eternal first cuz it is a continuation in a way.

This won't be a movie review and it might be a little over the place, hehe. Hope not to spoil anything.
I really suck at writing synopsis so I'll just include the one from the Netflix website to give you a general idea:

"Sailor Moon must stand up and fight once again when a new enemy called Shadow Galactica, an organization bent on destroying everything and ruling the universe, begins eliminating her friends one by one. Her task requires her to persevere when solitude threatens to overwhelm her. Will she be able to protect those she loves? What awaits her beyond the battle? Sailor Moon fights on despite the pressure of her self-imposed mission as the final chapter of the beautiful and strong Sailor Guardians begins."—Netflix

I watched the spanish dub because they had some of the original voice actors back in this movie and, you know, the nostalgia. It was weird to get used to some of the new voices they had tho, they changed some of my favorites!! But I want to watch the original Japanese version too. It was funny to hear them using the "chan" and "san" along with the spanish dialogs again. Plus, they used too much spanglish in my opinion in all the attacks and transformations. (Says someone who uses spanglish in her daily life, hehe). The character design and animation is pretty good and beautiful, I'd say I liked it more than the one of the previous movies. 

These movies are a lot darker and dramatic, we don't get to see many funny moments in the slice of life scenes. But as always it has a strong "power of love and frienship" message that I always like about the show. 

There were so many changes that caught my attention cuz I wasn't expecting them. But hey, this is me only comparing it to the 90's anime.
First was, Usagi's engagement ring, it was pretty but kinda different from the original design I always loved.

New engagement ring~ ♡

For some reason, Haruka & Michiru went to the same school as the other Senshi this time, nothing wrong with that but I liked their old uniform so much!
One thing I didn't really like was how much the relationship between the Sailor Senshi and the Star Lights changed in these movies. Even how it developed and stuff. I get it's a movie and things are supposed to go faster but, still. They even changed the Three Lights personalities a lot, I felt something was missing! Seiya's relationship with Usagi wasn't the same, it wasn't fun and super cute as it was in the anime. 

Sadly, I didn't see these two as much. I love them SO MUCH!

Three Lights!

Oh well~ I did have a fangirl moment when I heard the new version of "Nagareboshi He".
But in general, I don't think they were super relevant in the story and they didn't give them an ending(?), they just disappeared! Princess Kakyuu seemed a little more relevant at the beginning but she only had a senshi transformation and got killed almost right away, she wasn't of much help really.

Three Lights performing "Nagareboshi He"

Sailor Star Lights

When I was younger, I always thought Princess Kakyuu would be way more powerful than she actually is~

I feel like Chibi Chibi had a more important role now, and she even speaks this time and we can see her transformations to Sailor Cosmos.
Chibiusa had her moment and it was kinda cool to see her with her Senshi (if you saw SM Eternal you'll know what I'm talking about) but, they were not that skilled either.

Sailor Cosmos

I wonder if there could be a continuation featuring the new generation of Senshi...

We see a lot of different enemies, including the Sailor Senshi and Mamo-chan at some point. You know, they all "die" and become evil, and only Sailor Moon can end this fight. I don't usually like the villians in this anime but I do have to admit, Sailor Galaxia is super beautiful when she's not wearing her typical outfit.

As usual, dear Mamo-chan is kinda useless, not even his evil form fights! He only stands there giving orders and dies easily. Sad, but true.

After the big fight on the second movie we see everyone going back to life and to their normal lives, then we have the big moment, Usagi and Mamo-chan's wedding, that was one of my favorite things when I was a young girl. I'm not sure about this but, it looks like Usagi is pregnant in the end? I'm not sure, that's how I saw it.

All in all, and to finish this random and unplanned post; I did enjoy these movies, they were just not my favorites. I didn't have expectations but they changed so many things I loved from the Sailor Stars season and didn't give closure to some things and characters. Still, I think it's worth watching if you're a Sailor Moon fan. My inner girl is always happy whenever she sees something new that is Sailor Moon related.

See you next time~! ♡

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Aug 20, 2024

What I've been watching lately 2024 #2

I finally watched enough non-Asian TV shows and movies to make a post sharing them. I think the genres are little random but, yeah. We are doing this, haha.

✩ The L Word Season 1

A while ago I was watching this YouTube video that talked about different shows and they mentioned something about The L Word. This is a show I watched years ago but I didn't remember much of it so, I decided to rewatch it.

It came out back in 2004! (where did time go!?). It's about the live of a group of lesbians and bisexuals in L.A, most of them are friends so, their stories are connected in a way. I mainly decided to watch it because of Kate Moennig, who is my woman crush. But the show in general is pretty good. There's a lot of drama but, there are some funny moments too.

Season 1 has 13 episodes and I believe the whole show has 6 seasons and even a sequel series called The L word generation Q. I haven't started watching season 2 yet and I don't think I'll watch the sequel after finishing the original show.

✩ Plus one at an Amish wedding

Ok, I am not a big fan of romantic comedies or Amish movies but, I do like Galadriel Stineman ever since I watched her in the Ben 10 Alien Swarm movie many years ago. Thing is, she mostly makes Amish romantic movies and I always end up watching them. So, here it is! This movie is about a successful doctor who lives in NY and is super in love with her voybriend, a vet who also works in NY. Thing is, she doesn't know anything about his family. One day he receives an invitation to his brother's wedding and asks her to come with him. That's when she finds out about his Amish past. 

I wouldn't say this is the best movie ever but, it's entertaining if you wanna watch something to pass the time.

✩ Chicago Party Aunt

This adult animation follows the life of Diane (the party Aunt) a divorced woman who likes to drink and party and her nephew, who ends up being his roommate. 
I randomly started watching this show since it was a Netflix suggestion but, I ended up enjoying it, it's really funny. 

It has 2 short seasons so far, it'd be cool to get a 3rd one but, nothing is confirmed yet.

My last 2 shows are true crime docuseries cuz, we all know I love that stuff.

✩ Worst Roommate Ever

This docuseries show different creepy roommate stories that turned people's lives into real nightmares. Each episode shows a different story with real testimonies along with some animation. 

The show has 2 short seasons that are defo worth watching. Season 1 has 5 episodes and season 2 has only 4.

✩ Caso Asunta

This drama is based on a real life murder case that happened in Spain back in 2013. It shows the timeline of the murder, evidence and part of the trials. The show is pretty good but I feel like it doesn't answer many questions. Guess it makes sense tho, because this case is still unsolved in a way.

It's is also a short show with only 6 episodes. 

And, there you go guys! Some of the things I've watched. As always, feel free to send me some recommendations or, let me know if you've watched some of them or plan to do it.

See you next time~! ♡
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Aug 14, 2024

Bioaqua Rice Raw Pulp Eye Cream


I think I mentioned this before but, lately, I've been really into trying skincare products from different Chinese stores that keep opening here where I live. I was already familiar with BIOAQUA since I've tried some serums before and I especially like their rice based products.

So, today we have the BIOAQUA Rice Raw Pulp Eye Cream, which is the eye cream I'm currently wearing every night, and sometimes in the morning too. 

This 20g. cream contains rice water and bifida lysate ferment (whatever that is, hehe). It is soft, light and thin but still very creamy. It absorbs nicely and pretty fast, leaving your skin around the eye area soft and hydrated. It has a very suble clean scent I can't really describe but, it's nice!

It claims to protect the tender eye skin, provide extra moisture properties to keep hydration and apparently, it has a whitening effect on the dark circles.

I've been using this cream for a couple of months now and I have to say it is one of my favs so far! It really makes my eyes look and feel hydrated, even makeup looks nicer around the area. It's been great with dark circles and fine lines too. Plus, it's super affordable. I think I'm defo buying it again.

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Jul 29, 2024

M&M's Milk Chocolate Ground Coffee ☕

I love coffee and, even tho I know it's not everyone's fav, I'm open to trying different flavors. Not long ago I received this M&M's Milk Chocolate Ground Coffee as a gift and, I've been loving it!

There's no better way to drink this coffee than doing it in my M&M's mug.

Friendly reminder: I am a coffee lover but no expert at all, just enjoy having a strong cup of it so, most of the info I'm going to share here comes from the internet plus, of course, my opinion. So, don't expect a very serious and professional review~!

We are all familiar with M&M's, personally, I love their chocolate and my dad did too. This coffee is described as "the perfect fusion of premium Arabica beans and M&M's iconic chocolate candies. This exceptional blend combines the boldness of coffee with the sweet, creamy flavor of M&M's milk chocolate, creating a delicious and indulgent treat."

It is a medium roast coffee with a delish smell of stong coffee and chocolate. The bag comes with 283g and, I don't know, somehow I find it fun to drink! It is strong but you can defo taste the chocolate. It tastes good with and without sugar and, I'm sure it'd also taste good with some milk. 

I don't drink it as an everyday coffee, it's more like a coffee I enjoy on weekend slow mornings.

As I was looking for information about this coffee, I found there's a Twix, Bailey's and Milky Way coffee too. I really need to try them too!!!

See you next time~! ♡
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