I love quartzs and gemstones, I do believe they have different types of energy in them and it's pretty cool that you can also use them to improve your skin. I know this is not a new thing, actually my friend Ceci recommended me to get one a while ago and, after the longest time, I finally decided to get a face roller.
Jade rollers and rose quartz rollers are made to massage your face, relaxing the muscles to release tension and help with elasticity. They also improve blood circulation and reduce puffiness and wrinkles.
I chose a White Jade which is believed to strengthen the mind and promote peace, harmony and luck. Skincare wise it helps to cool and refresh tired skin, lessen the appereance of dark circles and brighten your skin.
The roller comes with 2 parts to massage different areas of your face: A wide part for the forehead, cheeks and neck; and the small one for the eye and lips areas.
We gotta keep in mind that our skin is sensitive so, you have to be gentle when you massage it. Even tho I'm still learning how to properly massage it, I do know that all the movements you do have to go upwards.